Everything you need to know about Open Studios will also be available on our web site at [http://vallejoopenstudios.com]
Second weekend of November: Saturday & Sunday, November 8 & 9, 2014, 11am to 5pm.
The fee is still only $50 for applications received by the Early Bird Deadline of Wednesday, April 30. The fee will increase incrementally after that date:
Applications received in April $50
Applications received in May $60
Applications received in June $70
Applications received in July $80
July 31 is the absolute deadline. NO EXCEPTIONS! (We were tempted to make it June 30)
Each participant who pays the fee will:
* be listed in the artist directory and website,
* have one image in the artist directory and on the website,
* show one piece of their art in a month long exhibit at the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum (this is a benefit and a requirement).
Can’t afford the fee? Hook up with an artist friend(s) and share a space. You have the option of paying only one fee, in which case, you need to select one image among you for the artist directory. Then select one piece of art among you for the month long museum exhibit.
Here’s another option: let’s say there are five of you in one space and two of you want to pay the fee to be included in the artist directory, website and museum exhibit. Those two people would each apply separately and pay separate fees. Those two artists would each get a listing and one image in the artist directory. Those two people would each have one piece in the museum exhibit. But you would all agree to share space and show everyone’s work.
If you need to discuss finances, please contact us before April 30 to discuss alternatives.
This year, there will not be a VOS-sponsored shared space (that was the old Harley Building last year). Instead, we urge you to join with fellow artists to share space and build your own artist “village.”
Talk to friends; find out who has space to share. You can also contact artists from last year and find out if they know of any sharing alternatives. Maybe you know a shop owner who would love to have you exhibit in their shop. A number of new galleries and studios have opened since last year. Take a stroll through the next Art Walk (second Friday of the month; next one is Friday, April 11) and talk to artists and shop owners. (Go to http://www.vallejoartwalk.com for details on the Art Walk.) Attend the Art Walk on April 11 and start planning.
Apply on-line at at http://vallejoopenstudios.com/apply2014/
You will have the option of uploading the image with the on-line application.
You will be able to pay the application fee online via PayPal or mail a check to Vallejo Waterfront Artists, P.O. Box 683, Vallejo CA 94590.
Or you can print the application form here:
and snail mail it, along with a CD of your images to
Vallejo Waterfront Artists, P.O. Box 683, Vallejo CA 94590.
The image for the Artist Directory does not have to be the same as the piece you will show at the Museum Exhibit.
You can apply first and submit an image later if necessary; you can even pay later, but apply soon!
Submit one piece of sample art (or submit one vertical AND one horizontal image).
If you don't have an image ready when you apply you can email it later to info@vallejoopenstudios.com or snail mail it on CD to Vallejo Waterfront Artists, P.O. Box 683, Vallejo CA 94590.
Files must be jpg. All files need to be of high enough resolution to print at approximately 5” on the long or a minimum of 1500 pixels wide. Name your jpg file in this manner: Lastname-Firstname (example: Smith-John.jpg)
Join the Party! The reception is a great opportunity to fellow artists and their friends and family. Enjoy snacks and beverages, view each other’s work and then pick up available marketing materials on your way out. The Museum has become an integral part of VOS as they make the perfect starting point where visitors can see sample works from the artists and pick up the Artist Directory.
You will show one piece of your work during a month long exhibit. Below are the key dates:
Artist drop off art to museum: Tues-Sat, Oct 14-18, noon to 4pm
Museum Reception: Friday, October 24, 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Marketing materials will be distributed to Artists during the reception. Another important reason to attend.
Exhibit dates: October 24 – November 22
Tuesday through Saturday, noon to 4pm
Note: The Museum stays open during the entire Open Studios tour on November 8 and 9.
Artist pickup their art: Tues-Sat, Nov 25-29, noon to 4pm
We are starting earlier this year so we will be able to prepare our marketing materials earlier and make them available to you earlier. Our “brand” depends upon your application and submission of art. The VOS Steering Committee will select an image from one participant for use on all of our marketing materials: Quick Guide, Artist Directory, postcards, poster, website and even Facebook. We must have artwork in from all participants in a timely manner so that the design process can begin.
The intent is to have marketing materials available to artists during the Museum Reception on October 24. The Reception also is happening earlier this year. Every participant needs to help in distributing Quick Guides and postcards. It is really important that you be part of the promotion of this event. Keep them in your car at all times. If you need ideas on where to distribute, email us at info@vallejoopenstudios.com
Following are details about the various marketing materials we provide.
Quick Guide
The Quick Guide includes a map showing artist locations with numbers that correspond to the artist’s name. Artists are listed with their address and phone number. It also includes information about the exhibit at the Museum. We use this piece to encourage visitors to start their tour at the Museum where they can pick up the expansive Artist Directory (see below). We will print several thousand Quick Guides for distribution. Artists are encouraged to help in the distribution of these throughout the Bay Area.
Artist Directory
The Artist Directory includes all of the information that is in the Quick Guide, but it is more complete In that it includes a color sample of each participant’s work and complete contact information: studio or gallery name, artist name, address, medium, phone, email, website. These beautiful directories are printed in a smaller number and will be available for the public to pick up at the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum.
Artist Calendar (New!)
For-Sale, Artist Calendar. Twelve artists will each have one full page to showcase a sample of their creative genius. Twelve artists will contribute $150 each, and in exchange, one piece of your work will be featured in one month of the calendar. As a featured artist you will receive 15 copies to sell, give to friends, or to keep. The remainder will be sold at the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum and by other VOS Partners. This is a great opportunity for the artists while being part of a wonderful fundraiser for VOS. This will be designed as a classic style calendar.
We introduced this concept last year, but didn’t have quite enough time to get the number of participants needed. The artists who did reply that they wanted to participate in this opportunity last year have first dibs on one of the 12 openings. You know who you are! Anyone interested, please email us ASAP at info@vallejoopenstudios.com
As in the past, postcards will be created for your distribution and will complement the look of the Artist Directory. You also have the option of creating your own. Email us for a copy of the logo to use in your artwork. info@vallejoopenstudios.com
Our website continues to be an important tool for artists, art lovers, and potential visitors to Vallejo Open Studios. Many of our publicity materials will be available for download. We encourage you to visit often, and publicize it as much as possible. Add it to your signature in emails to friends and on facebook!
Did you know we have a Facebook page? We encourage you to visit and “Like Us”. Encourage your friends to like us also. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vallejo-Open-Studios/135076913208429
Check our web site at http://www.vallejoopenstudios.com . for updates and information. You may also email us at info@vallejoopenstudios.com, or leave a message at (707) 634-4947.
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