Featuring InDIYpendent culture, Psychonaut grooves, and interviews! Broadcast Thursdays, 5 to 6pm, at 89.5FM in the eastern San Pablo bay area. Tune-in online at [link]. Produced by the GOTT Affinity Network [gatheringofthetribes.blogspot.com], on Facebook at [link], affiliated with Northbay Evolver Network [link]! (Radio show instrumentals by the Alley Cat of Vacaville!)
Check out our Transmitter Range [link]
Tribal Music
"Angels Sleep In Peace" spoken word by Michael Rothenberg
"Stranger" by ManifestiV
"Scroll" by Lee Howard's Musical Universe
"Rain" (dub) by Lazy Sunday
"Last Time" by Overland
Tribal News:
info sent to us from "Temple of Psychic Youth (Northbay)" [link]:
* Three Hundred videos about liberated thinking, science, and culture, free on youtube! [link]
from "Reality Sandwich" online newsjournal [link]:
* Standing up for the right to express your own culture [link]
* After the "failure" of Revolution 2.0, comes the next phase in revolution... prepare to get activated! [link]
* Wikipedia, having become more "professional" and "mainstream" in recent years, is allowing death-threats and harassment against "non-mainstream" researchers of non-local consciousness [link]. WTF is that about?
Liberated Zones, composed of Thoughtful & Psychedelic events from around the San Pablo bay area and beyond. Click here [link] for more info about Liberated Zones!
Poetry by the Bay
Thurs., March 13th, 7pm to 9:30pm, FREE (www.PoetryByTheBay.com)
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, at The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
[Film] Neurons to Nirvana this Thursday
Thursday March 13 @ 7pm (Clay Theatre)
"Neurons to Nirvana: Understanding Psychedelic Medicines" makes its San Francisco premiere this Thursday with an in-depth panel discussion will feature Amy Emerson - Director of Clinical Research at Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, MDMA researcher Phil Wolfson, Bia Labate, Editor of "The Therapeutic Use Of Ayahuasca," and Daniel Jabbour - Founder of Psychedelic Society. Check out the trailer for more info. This promises to be an evening of enlightenment. Tickets are available online and at the door, but it is possible it will sell out, so get yours before they do if you're interested in coming! We hope you can join us.
See details on Meetup [meetup.com/psychedelics/events/170519092] or Facebook [facebook.com/events/676934839030614] and be sure to buy tickets (may sell out) [mangu.tv/tickets-to-neurons-to-nirvana-san-francisco-screening].

2nd Friday Vallejo Art Walk
Friday, March 14th, 5pm to 10pm, DJs spinning, FREE
At The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [www.thehubVallejo.com] [www.Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm

Ozcat Radio’s Mothership Connection brings you an exhibition of the…
Lady Katy Kat PiecesFriday, March 14, 2014, 5 to 11pm
at the Integrtea 717 Marin st.
Join Mis Demeanor, Dr.G., King David Martin and many other Ozcat Radio personalities for the Vallejo Art Walk! Ozcat Radio will provide live reggae music and entertainment.
Contact the artist: LadyKaty707@yahoo.com
Lady Katy Kat Pieces, as an art show, comes together to celebrate the power of friendship, loyalty, and the universal cool-cat in us all, with seasonal and locally inspired paintings and art statements.
Other artists in the community space includes: Teddy Fischer, Jeni Swerdlow, Ben Brookshire, August Meres, Toe Knee, and live public art!
Tune in to The Mothership Connection OZCAT Radio, with Mis Demeanor, every Saturday, 5 to 6pm, at 89.5 FM, for a women’s guided topic discussion with guests, local music, and information about the local arts community!
Thanks to: Ozcat Radio, Vallejo Antiques, IntegreTea, and Northbay Evolver!

Evocare Photography Show: A vivid impression of reality
March 15th
Artiszen Cutural Arts Center [337 Georgia Street, Vallejo, California 94590]
Find us on Facebook: Artiszen Cultural Art Center
Entrance Fee/Suggested Donation $5 per person ($11 w/ poster) 12 and under free.
The show extends through March 28th.
Come join Artiszen for the launch of our very first photography show on Saturday, March 15 (6pm-10pm). View breathtaking works by both professional and up-and-coming photographers from Vallejo and the Bay Area.
There will be 16 different photographers showing at the gallery, representing different styles and techniques - from pinhole photography to underwater photography.
Take part in a raffle for a chance to win some photography-themed prizes!
Hope to see you there!

Evolver Bay Area presents...
Saturday, March 15
@ Cloud 9, 1320 9th St, Berkely
12pm-6pm, doors open at 11:30am
$10-30 sliding scale
HiveMind provides a forum for networking and coalition-building in the Bay, expanding the impact of holistic solutions. Several organizations will be present to share their work and build community. Our intention is to bring people together around the convergence of technology, healing, arts, local economy, and sustainable farming. Through gathering together and sharing with each other, we build a strong collective action network in the Bay Area.
::::For full presentation descriptions, and bios, visit http://www.evolverbayarea.com/next-hivemind.html::::
* Edward West: Turning Communities-of-Purpose into Collaborative Resource-Sharing Webs, presented by Hylo [hylo.com] & Impact HUB Oakland [huboakland.net]
* Betsy Morris, PhD: Planning & Leading Effective Gatherings, presented by East Bay Cohousing [meetup.com/ebcoho] / Cohousing California [calcoho.org]
* Distance EverHeart: Wildharvesting Cooperatives Using Ecologically Restorative Techniques, presented by Wild Willpower [wildwillpower.com]
* Chong Kee Tan & Kendra Shanley: Interactive Game to Experience Different Monetary Systems, presented by Bay Bucks [baybucks.com]
* Anthony Shephard: Electric Economy Evolution - Cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain, presented by Coinbase [coinbase.com]
* Slobodan Nesovic, PsyD: Transforming Harmful Energy Structures, presented by B-Awake Network [b-awake.net/network]
* HiveMind Collective - Community Discussion, presented by Evolver Bay Area [www.evolverbayarea.com]
* Cassidy: Adaptogenic Lifestyle: Designing Your Evolution, presented by Beyond Mind Body [beyondmindbody.com]
* Aravel Forbes: Sound Healing
* Bob Otis: Sacred Plants & Seeds, presented by Chicken Paw [thechickenpaw.com/cluck_cluck.html]
* Chocolate by Jessica Osterday, Gracias Chocolate
* Gungfu Tea Service & Snacks by Kelly VanPelt and Jami Wolf, InfiniTea
Skunk Funk @ Shanachie Pub in Willits!
Saturday, March 8th, 8:00pm

2014 Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair
Saturday, March 22, 2014
10:00am until 6:00pm
The Bay Area Anarchist Book Fair is an annual event that brings together people interested and engaged in radical movements to connect, learn and discuss through book and information tables, workshops, panel discussions, skillshares, films and more!
We seek to create an inclusive space to introduce new folks to anarchism, foster a productive dialogue between various political traditions as well as anarchists from different milieus, and create an opportunity to dissect our movements’ strengths, weaknesses, strategies, and tactics.

Poetry by the Bay
Thurs., March 27th, 7pm to 9:30pm, FREE (www.PoetryByTheBay.com)
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, at The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
Heritage Open Mic
April 4th, and every 1st Saturday of the month, 7pm, FREE
At the Mare Island Heritage Preserve, directions at this link [heritageopenmic.org/directions]
Poetry by the Bay
Thurs., April 10th, 7pm to 9:30pm, FREE (www.PoetryByTheBay.com)
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, at The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
2nd Friday Vallejo Art Walk
Friday, April 11th, 5pm to 10pm, DJs spinning, FREE
At The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
North Bay Drummm Circle
April 13th, and every "2nd Sunday" of the month
3:30-4pm Beginner Lesson: Intro to Hand Drumming/World Grooves
4-5pm All levels Facilitated Drummm Circle + Community Celebration.
Located @ IntegriTea, 717 Marin St, Vallejo CA
Cost Adults: $10; Kids 13 + under: $5; Seniors 65 + up $8; Babies under 2: Free.
Bring a drum or percussion if you have one, or play one of Jeni's drums for an additional $5 each (first come, first serve). Questions? Contact Jeni Swerdlow at [jeni@drummm.com] or [510.316.2850]
Are you ready to groove your heart out? This fun, playfully challenging drum circle is facilitated by DRUMMM Rhythmic Events founder Jeni Swerdlow, MA-ATR. Open to all ages, levels, cultures, and styles of drumming. No prior musical experience is necessary to participate. Jeni will get your hands moving and grooving on the drum in no time!
2nd Saturday bands
Sat., April 12th, 8pm
At The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
Poetry by the Bay
Thurs., April 24th, 7pm to 9:30pm, FREE (www.PoetryByTheBay.com)
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, at The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
Heritage Open Mic
May 2nd, and every 1st Saturday of the month, 7pm, FREE
At the Mare Island Heritage Preserve, directions at this link [heritageopenmic.org/directions]
Poetry by the Bay
Thurs., May 8th, 7pm to 9:30pm, FREE (www.PoetryByTheBay.com)
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, at The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
2nd Friday Vallejo Art Walk
Friday, May 9th, 5pm to 10pm, DJs spinning, FREE
At The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
2nd Saturday bands
Sat., May 10th, 8pm
At The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
North Bay Drummm Circle
May 11th, and every "2nd Sunday" of the month
3:30-4pm Beginner Lesson: Intro to Hand Drumming/World Grooves
4-5pm All levels Facilitated Drummm Circle + Community Celebration.
Located @ IntegriTea, 717 Marin St, Vallejo CA
Cost Adults: $10; Kids 13 + under: $5; Seniors 65 + up $8; Babies under 2: Free.
Bring a drum or percussion if you have one, or play one of Jeni's drums for an additional $5 each (first come, first serve). Questions? Contact Jeni Swerdlow at [jeni@drummm.com] or [510.316.2850]
Are you ready to groove your heart out? This fun, playfully challenging drum circle is facilitated by DRUMMM Rhythmic Events founder Jeni Swerdlow, MA-ATR. Open to all ages, levels, cultures, and styles of drumming. No prior musical experience is necessary to participate. Jeni will get your hands moving and grooving on the drum in no time!
Poetry by the Bay
Thurs., May 22nd, 7pm to 9:30pm, FREE (www.PoetryByTheBay.com)
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, at The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
Heritage Open Mic
June 6th, and every 1st Saturday of the month, 7pm, FREE
At the Mare Island Heritage Preserve, directions at this link [heritageopenmic.org/directions]
North Bay Drummm Circle
June 8th, and every "2nd Sunday" of the month
3:30-4pm Beginner Lesson: Intro to Hand Drumming/World Grooves
4-5pm All levels Facilitated Drummm Circle + Community Celebration.
Located @ IntegriTea, 717 Marin St, Vallejo CA
Cost Adults: $10; Kids 13 + under: $5; Seniors 65 + up $8; Babies under 2: Free.
Bring a drum or percussion if you have one, or play one of Jeni's drums for an additional $5 each (first come, first serve). Questions? Contact Jeni Swerdlow at [jeni@drummm.com] or [510.316.2850]
Are you ready to groove your heart out? This fun, playfully challenging drum circle is facilitated by DRUMMM Rhythmic Events founder Jeni Swerdlow, MA-ATR. Open to all ages, levels, cultures, and styles of drumming. No prior musical experience is necessary to participate. Jeni will get your hands moving and grooving on the drum in no time!
2nd Friday Vallejo Art Walk
Friday, June 13th, 5pm to 10pm, DJs spinning, FREE
At The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
Poetry by the Bay
Thurs., June 12th, 7pm to 9:30pm, FREE (www.PoetryByTheBay.com)
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, at The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
2nd Saturday bands
Sat., June 14th, 8pm
At The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
Poetry by the Bay
Thurs., June 22nd, 7pm to 9:30pm, FREE (www.PoetryByTheBay.com)
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, at The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
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