ManifestiV [], [] where you will find ManifestiV's origin, location & destination described perfectly.
They just completed a tour through Texas at SXSW in Austin, and a show at the legendary Viper Room in W. Hollywood. Back in Vallejo, getting ready to perform for a debut engagement at the Gathering of the Tribes' "4:18 and Holding..." celebration of California Freedom (info below).

GOTT Productions and Northbay Evolver presents...
"4:18 and Holding"...
Celebrate California Freedoms with Ozcat Radio, The Twerkulator, ManifestiV, the Perma Blitz, and Northbay Evolver
Friday, April 18th, 7pm - 11pm
at the IntegreTea, 717 Marin St Vallejo Ca 94591
Ozcat alumni Curtis J. the Prince, Mis Demeanor and Dr.G. bring you a celebration of California Freedoms and Community Healing.
7pm: Join us for a talk on the Perma Blitz, with urban gardener Bonnie Borucki of Eastbay Permaculture Guild, about how YOU can create an urban farm! More info here:
8pm: Listen to the psychedelic stylings of experimental rock band ManifestiV of Vallejo, as heard on Gathering of the Tribes Radio, Thursdays, 5 to 6pm on, 89.5FM in Vallejo.
9pm: The lights go down and the Guests Gets Turnt Up! With music from Ozcat Radio programs "Twerk Session with Curtis J" , and "Mis Demeanors Hitlist".
10pm: Find your way towards a psychedelic experience, at McCree Goudeau Gallery, 930 Marin st., two blocks up the road. It's Far Out! A Three-Dimensional Art Show exposing the mind to psychonaut radiations of fantastic subliminal light! with the art of Teddy Fisher.
The Cat of Many Colors Cat Car Light Show and the "Twerkulator", our flag ship and 4:20 friendly party bus, will be both be on display :)
Oh yes, the Turn Up is Real!! Si' U in da V Homies, 4:18 and Holding... Stay tuned to Ozcat Radio 89.5 FM KZCT for more details, A Gathering of the Tribes production :) with the Northbay Evolver (and special thanks to Ali and Howard)
Lommorri Productions and Hip Joynt presents...
15th Annual 420 Festival
April 18th, all night
$14, 21+ only
At the Red Hat Sports Bar [1860 Monument Blvd, Concord, California 94523]

Flip Cassidy presents...
A Night of Art and Americana
Friday at 8:00pm
At the Sidequest Gallery [314 15th Street, Oakland, California 94612]
The good folks at the Sidequest Galley have opened their doors for an amazing night to occur. Four awesome live acoustic acts, baked goods (!), art and a chance for us all to gather!
8:15pm - The Devil Knows My Name (Josh from Ghost Town Gospel solo set)
9:00pm - Feral
9:45pm - Flip Cassidy (Flip Cassidy and the Junkyard Gospel)
10:45pm - Dum Spiro Spero
* Photography by Sloane Kanter Photo
* Wood prints by Flip Cassidy - Photographer
* Paintings by Chris Wettersten, artist
* Custom wearable wares by Wayward Shiftys

Celebracion anual de la confrmidad del calpulli Danza Azteca Coyolxauhqui
Friday Apr. 18, 8:00 p.m. to Saturday, Apr. 19, ends 4:00 p.m.
At the Martin Luther King Jr. Park, 1671 Hendley St. (South Park), Santa Rosa
Once again we are celebrating our traditional ceremony in honor of our women warriors. Each year, we hand all cargos possible specifically to women. We choose these specific dates as part of our acknowledgement to our patron group from which we are one of the descendants from out of Tacuba, Mexico and our jefa Rosita Maya, which has their celebration every Easter Sunday.
If you would like housing, please inbox la comadrita FireGoddess. Please feel free to invite others, this is event is open to the public.
For more information please contact calpulli's maestro Louie 'The Brown Eagle' Gutierrez at [707 393 8902]
A Tribute to the Great American Author Tillie Olsen -
Celebrating Women as Creators of Culture
Friday, Apr. 18, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
At the Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 S. High St., Sebastopol
The revolutionary, American writer, Tillie Olsen is internationally honored for her powerful, poetic prose depicting the lives of working-class women, single mothers, and people of color, with deep love, respect, and profound understanding. There will be a live performance of "Makings: Songs from Tillie Olsen's Journals" composed and performed by her grandson Jesse Olsen Bay, choreographed and danced by Virginia Matthews. Readings by members of the Olsen family and screening of "Tillie Olsen: A Heart in Action."
Daniel Jabbour Bicycle Day Memorial Celebration
Saturday, April 19, 11:30 AM
Hippie Hill, at Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA (map)
It is with a heavy heart that we announce that Daniel Jabbour, Founder of the Psychedelic Society of San Francisco, passed away in a tragic accident last Sunday. We invite anyone who would like to pay their respects to join us Saturday, April 19, directly before the 1st Annual Bicycle Day Parade for a celebration of Daniel’s life. Come dressed in your psychedelic finest—black is discouraged. Hippie Hill is in Golden Gate Park near Haight and Stanyan, through the tunnel and on your right.
Though moving forward without Daniel will not be easy, we are committed to keeping the Psychedelic Society alive and active. In the upcoming weeks, we will be reaching out to you all to ensure that the group’s leadership transition happens as smoothly and seamlessly as possible.
Pre-4/20 Extravaganja! Skunk Funk & One Sharp Mind
Huey's Pub III [519 Main St, Vacaville, California 95688]
VACAVILLE AND YONDER! Get your lungs and your dancing feet ready for the Pre 4/20 Party at Huey's Pub! Celebrate to some irie reggae tunes featuring...
* Skunk Funk (Vallejo)
* One Sharp Mind (Vacaville)
All Local, All Groovy Come out and vibe for the festivities :)
Earth Day Celebration with Community Market
Sunday, April 20, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Live music, tasty food and fun activities for the whole family.
Community Market, 6762 Sebastopol Ave., Sebastopol
Introduction to Solar Electricity
Saturday, Apr. 26, 10:00 a.m. to Noon
Taught by: Dan Kerbein
This course provides and introduction to the basics of how solar PV generates electricity; the benefits of solar energy to home owners and businesses and how a system's size and cost are maintained. This workshop is offered in association with the Sonoma County Energy Independence Program. - See more at: []
Sonoma Community Center, 276 East Napa St., Sonoma
Reggae Rockers They Went Ghost (w/ Trevor Lyon)
-April 26th @ Silo's in Napa Ca with my full band alongside Reggae Rockers They Went Ghost.
For details visit []
Also, check out the brand new video for "Saturday Afternoon" Ft. Mendo Dope. Thanks!
Friendly Favors and Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center presents...
An evening with JULIANA BIRNBAUM, M.A.
Author of -
* Permaculture in Ecovillages,
* Urban Farms and Communities Worldwide
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
6 PM Potluck ~ 7 PM Speaker
At the Owl Room at 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek
more info: (925) 933-7850
Co-sponsored with Friendly Favors
Suggested Donation: $20 (and a dish to share if attending potluck).
Trained as a cultural anthropologist and skilled in four languages, Juliana has lived and worked in the US, Europe, Japan, Nepal, and Brazil. For the past 12 years she has been a freelance writer focusing on environmental issues and social justice. In 2005 she founded Voices in Solidarity, an initiative that partnered with Ashaninka indigenous tribal leaders from the Brazilian Amazon to support the development of the Yorenka Ãtame community-led environmental educational center featured in the book. She has written about ecovillages, native rights and social justice issues in a variety of newspapers, indigenous journals, and anthologies including E-The Environmental Magazine, Bridges Journal, El Reportero, The Rising Nepal, World Rainforest Movement Bulletin, Quechua Network and Cultural Survival Quarterly.
Occupy the Farm
with the Emerging Gill Tract Farm Coalition
ERIE Presents...
Entheogens and dreams with Stanley Krippner
Sunday, April 27, 7:30 PMAt the CIIS Main Building, Namaste Hall, 1453 Mission St., San Francisco, CA, 94103
Stanley Krippner, PhD presents Entheogens and dreams: Pathways or dead ends to shamanic and parapsychological studies?
The recent interest in shamanism and parapsychological phenomena coincides with a longer interest in entheogens and nighttime dreams. This presentation will focus on how the latter could be used to study the former, as well as illuminating the mechanisms that might be involved in telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, out-of-body experiences, indigenous healing, and shamanic journeying. Dr. Krippner's contact with the intertribal medicine man Rolling Thunder, the Mazatec shaman Maria Sabina, and the Zulu sangoma Credo Mutwa will be used as examples of these interactions.
Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., is professor of psychology at Saybrook University, and has served as president of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, the Association for Humanistic Psychology, the Parapsychological Association, and two divisions of the American Psychological Association. He is the co-author of Personal Mythology, The Mythic Path, Spiritual Dimensions of Healing, Dream Telepathy, Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them, and Haunted by Combat: Understanding PTSD in War Veterans. He is the editor of Dreamtime and Dreamwork and eight volumes of Advances in Parapsychological Research, and the co-editor of Broken Images, Broken Selves: Dissociative Narratives in Clinical Practice, Varieties of Anomalous Experience: Examining the Scientific Evidence, Mysterious Minds: The Neurobiology of Mediums, Psychics, and Other Remarkable People, Debating Psychic Experience: Human Potential or Human Illusion, Perchance to Dream: The Frontiers of Dream Psychology, and The Psychological Impact of War Trauma on Civilians: An International Perspective. In 2002 he was the recipient of the American Psychological Association’s Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology, and the Society of Psychological Hypnosis’ Award for Distinguished Contributions to Professional Hypnosis. He was the 2003 recipient of the Ashley Montague Peace Award, and has received lifetime achievement awards from the International Association for the Study of Dreams and the Parapsychological Association. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, and the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. In 1992, the Society for Humanistic Psychology presented him with the Charlotte and Carl Buhler Award for Inspired and Distinguished Leadership in Education and Research in Humanistic Psychology, and in 1998, the Association for Humanistic Society gave him the Pathfinder Award for Enduring Contributions to the Exploration and Expansion of Human Consciousness.
Sufi Dances of Universal Peace
May 10th, Saturday, 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church, 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek 94596 All are welcome and invited to join in these uplifting and meditative evenings of chanting, singing and sacred circle dancing from the world's faith tradition. Each simple dance is taught and accompanied by live music.
$10 suggested donation. Please bring a dish to share. Contact SierraLynne White at 925-685-2409 or
Creating Commons Festival
May 10 - May 11, 10am to 5pm
At the PLACE for Sustainable Living, 1121 64th Street, Oakland, California 94608
PLACE for Sustainable Living is organizing the Creating Commons Festival for our organization's 3rd year anniversary. This festival features educational skillshares, clothing swaps, crop swaps, garden installations, public art, local art, music and placemaking projects that re-imagine and re-energize the creation of the public commons throughout our neighborhood. It will occur on three closed streets as well as our sustainability center at the confluence of Northwest Oakland, Berkeley and Emeryville, in our neighborhood village of OakLeyVille. Creating Commons is inspired by City Repair's Village Building Convergence, Sunday Streets, Oakland's Art Murmur and the mini-Maker Faires.
Our event is part of the East Bay ShareFest- a regional month long festival of sharing with a consolidated marketing engine, map and calendar of events. Additionally the Creating Commons Festival will be collaborating with the the Community Resilience Challenge organized during the month of May 2014 by the Northern California Resilient Communities Network which will be encouraging local communities to activate projects showcasing solutions through permaculture, transition town, homesteading and resiliency projects.
Partnering with:
* ShareFEST []
* Community Resilience Challenge (info below) & Golden Gate Second Saturdays, email to get involved: []
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