Featuring InDIYpendent culture, Psychonaut grooves, and interviews! Broadcast Thursdays, 5 to 6pm, at 89.5FM in the eastern San Pablo bay area. Tune-in online at [link]. Produced by the GOTT Affinity Network [gatheringofthetribes.blogspot.com], on Facebook at [link], affiliated with Northbay Evolver Network [link]! (Radio show instrumentals by the Alley Cat of Vacaville!)
Like the Pallet Jacks? Get updates on one of your favorite vallejo bands by liking their page [facebook.com/PalletJacks], and you can download FREE their latest hit single, Fairy in a Bottle at [PalletJacks.bandcamp.com]
Tribal News:
Legends of Heroes & Villains:
SQUIRREL ISSUE 2 is coming along! It will be done in a few weeks and will premiere at East Bay Comic Con on February 16th, and another book signing at Solano Community College's Bookstore late February, early March! Be sure to go pick up your copy! The comic book features: PJ Soles, Rhonda Shear, and Lily Cardone!
Here's a link [vimeo.com/84486212] to a preview video for a series that Kitty & Batz, along with their friend Lamira Herrera, are working on for 'Beers and Fears' thru their new endeavor; Atrocity FX.
[legendsofheroesvillains.com] [facebook.com/Legends-of-Heroes-Villains] [facebook.com/KittyBatzComics]

The Stargate Project : Psychic Warriors and the CIA [realitysandwich.com/158056/stargate_psychic_warriors_cia]
"Is Precognition Real? Cornell University Lab Releases Powerful New Evidence that the Human Mind can Perceive the Future" [hplusmagazine.com/2010/11/04/precognition-real-cornell-university-lab-releases-powerful-new-evidence-human-mind-can/]
You Bought It, You Own It! Time to Reclaim the Right to Use/Tinker/Repair/Make/Sell/Lend Your Stuff [https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/01/you-bought-it-you-own-it-time-reclaim-right-usetinkerrepairmakeselllend-your-stuff]
"Poetry By The Bay moves to Georgia Street"
2014-02-02 from the "Vallejo Times-Herald" [http://www.timesheraldonline.com/news/ci_25045976/poetry-by-bay-moves-georgia-street]:
After casting about for a new place to stage regular readings, the founder of Poetry By The Bay announced the monthly events have a new home.
For five years Poetry By The Bay staged readings at the Panama Red Cafe. However, the restricted winter hours forced the venue to shut down temporarily in December.
The community poetry and art readings will resume 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13 at The Hub, 350 Georgia St. in downtown Vallejo, the former Odd Fellows San Pablo Lodge No.43
The Hub is an art gallery and provides space for a variety of concerts, open mic activities and other events. It also has a coffee bar for coffee and other refreshments.
Ayers, who also goes by the name Lyrical Profet, said he is enthused by the Odd Fellows' mission to improve the community in general, and to inject new life in the downtown, in particular to Vallejo's case.
There are no immediate plans to change the regular Poetry by The Bay shows. Sign-ups begin at 7 p.m. with performances starting at 7:30 p.m.
Resident DJ MrKIT will be spinning music during the show.
Later on in the year, Ayers and Poetry By The Bay will assist with a youth poet development program on a separate night to encourage youth to right and perform, if they wish.
For more details go to [www.PoetryByTheBay.com] or [www.TheHubVallejo.com].
The Hub Vallejo announces their new open mic!
Our open mic night is now a regular event! It will be at 8pm on the 4th Saturday of the month - every month - until the proverbial cows come home! at The Hub Vallejo [350 georgia st, Vallejo, California 94590], more events [www.thehubvallejo.com]

"Ozcat radio set for eight more years"
2014-01-24 by Rich Freedman from "Vallejo Times Herald" [timesheraldonline.com/thearts/ci_24983653/ozcat-radio-set-eight-more-years]:
It might not be right there with having a 6-month-old grandson bouncing on his lap, but David Martin couldn't help but do everything but dance in the streets when informed by the FCC that Ozcat radio was granted another eight years.
"In our almost three years of operation, this (the news) is the high for me," Martin said. "We get to do this for eight more years."
Katie Martinelli, Martin's wife and co-proprietor of the Vallejo FM station at 85.9, was equally joyous.
"I cried," she said of the Jan. 15 announcement.
Though confident all filed paperwork was in order and the FCC would be satisfied with Ozcat's efforts in the initial "trial run" arrangement, "you never know," Martin said, admittedly two weeks behind in sending in the required forms.
Martin became concerned when he didn't hear from the FCC as the new year rolled around. As it turned out, the federal government shut-down put the FCC behind. "I left a message about my concern about the application and he called back, 'You were granted an hour ago. Enjoy the next eight years,'" Martin said.
Ozcat, with an all-volunteer staff of about 30, has actually broadcast for eight years in various forms, from being a "pirate station" to merely streaming online.
Now, it's all legit with the goal of expanding coverage into Benicia, Fairfield and Vacaville.
Martin said there's no competition with the Vacaville-based KUIC.
"Apples and oranges," Martin said. "We are a community station. They do community, too, but they're money-driven because they're a commercial station. They're a nice station. There's no bad karma with them."
The "first order of business," hoped Martin, is to ease the station into Benicia. Apparently, the area is open for 89.5. Then it's on to north Solano County. "When you first get your license, they only give you a small footprint just to make sure you can perform," Martin said. "You have to make sure you can stay afloat and keep the broadcast going while complying with the rules and regulations. Once you get that, you can expand."
"We've done our mission of promoting local musicians and arts, highlighting local culture, history and nonprofits," Martinelli said. "We have not shamelessly done bad advertising deals or used the station for commercial purposes."
Martin said he hoped to increase the station's power "so we can saturate our 'city of license' better. There are areas of Vallejo we don't get that well."
Listen often to the station? Martin grinned. "I listen 24 hours a day. I listen in my sleep. We go to bed to the station, wake up to the station. It's like our children."
Of course, with a basic commitment to at least eight years, that means ongoing work for the couple. "David said, 'It might be a prison sentence,'" smiled Martinelli.
The effort to promote the station's existence is an ongoing challenge, the two agreed.
"We're infants in the radio world," Martin said. "We're three years old with a shoestring budget. Others have billboards, we have Post It notes and handwritten business cards."
Even the small victories help, Martinelli hinted.
"We saw a guy in Marin with an Ozcat bumper sticker," she said. "We were so excited."
With the station actually inside the couple's Georgia Street home, some problems arise that perhaps most stations don't have to deal with. Like a second story beehive.
Just another way to create some buzz.

Liberated Zones, composed of Thoughtful & Psychedelic events from around the San Pablo bay area and beyond. Click here [link] for more info about Liberated Zones!
Heritage Open Mic
Feb. 7th, and every 1st Saturday of the month, 7pm, FREE
At the Mare Island Heritage Preserve, directions at this link [heritageopenmic.org/directions]
Second Saturday Bands at the Hub presents...
Saturday, February 8, 2014, 8:00pm
At "The Hub Vallejo" [350 Georgia st, Vallejo, California 94590]
The key to getting people downtown is consistency. To that end, another regular event at The Hub will be Second Saturday Bands. On the 2nd Saturday of every month we will have big - major Bay Area bands, that play big clubs & festivals in the bay area - to bring others to Vallejo & make us a destination city. For our first Second Saturday Bands night, we are proud to announce - THE GRAVEL SPREADERS!
North Bay Drummm Circle
Feb. 9th, and every "2nd Sunday" of the month
3:30-4pm Beginner Lesson: Intro to Hand Drumming/World Grooves
4-5pm All levels Facilitated Drummm Circle + Community Celebration.
Located @ IntegriTea, 717 Marin St, Vallejo CA
Cost Adults: $10; Kids 13 + under: $5; Seniors 65 + up $8; Babies under 2: Free.
Bring a drum or percussion if you have one, or play one of Jeni's drums for an additional $5 each (first come, first serve). Questions? Contact Jeni Swerdlow at [jeni@drummm.com] or [510.316.2850]
Are you ready to groove your heart out? This fun, playfully challenging drum circle is facilitated by DRUMMM Rhythmic Events founder Jeni Swerdlow, MA-ATR. Open to all ages, levels, cultures, and styles of drumming. No prior musical experience is necessary to participate. Jeni will get your hands moving and grooving on the drum in no time!
Poetry by the Bay
Thurs., Feb. 13th, 7pm to 9:30pm, FREE (www.PoetryByTheBay.com)
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, at The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
2nd Friday Vallejo Art Walk
Friday, Feb. 14th, 5pm to 10pm, DJs spinning, FREE
At The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
Rude Intoxicant is back, plus Calluseyed, Kevin Moan & the Reptiles.
Friday, February 14, 2014
8:00pm until 1:20am
Its our Anti Valentines day show, 5 bux, Plus we have a back patio to drink and smoke at.
Full Details: [reverbnation.com/show/12495124], [facebook.com/events/273082152847833]
Red Hat Sports Bar [1860 Monument Blvd, Concord, California 94523]
* Rude Intoxicant (Napa) [reverbnation.com/rudeintoxicant]
* CALLUSEYED (Napa) [reverbnation.com/calluseyed]
* Kevin Moan & the Reptiles (S.F.) [facebook.com/pages/page/225618214268068]
Flyer by Duane Mullen

Homebrew 101
Sat., Feb. 15th
11am to 2pm, $30
At The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
Hub Crafternoon: Be Scrappy! Create art from scraps and leftover materials
Sat., Feb. 15th
1pm to 4pm, $10
At The Hub Vallejo [350 Georgia st., Vallejo] [thehubVallejo.com] [Facebook.com/TheHubVallejo/events] Open W-F 12 to 6:30pm; Sat. 10 to 4pm; Sun. 12 to 4pm
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