Send info, music tracks, events listings etc., to [GOTT.PRODUCTIONS@)]
* "Theanine: a 4000 Year Old Mind-Hack" [] [], [begin excerpt]:
Monks have been drinking tea for thousands of years to maintain a state of “mindful alertness” during long periods of meditation. But only in the last few years have studies shed light on why tea has this effect on the mind. The two elements responsible for this are caffeine and L-theanine, and it is the combination of the two that makes tea unique from any other drink.
[end excerpt]
* "The Second Psychedelic Revolution, Part Six: A New Earth?" (2015-01-09) [] []
This shattering of my belief system after my unexpected and unwanted mystical experience then led to the greatest intellectual adventure of my life, the reconstruction of a world-view that could make sense of my new convictions – a journey that would ultimately be the topic and tale of my book Tryptamine Palace. One of the things I believe that makes Tryptamine Palace unique amongst contemporary psychedelic literature is that its pages not only offer some complex theories about the basis of the entheogenic experience, but actually present a model – based on neural Bose Einstein Condensates and the holographic nature of the quantum Zero Point Field – that I believe explains the mechanism of the transpersonal-entheogenic experience within the boundaries of current cutting edge science. However rather than revisiting these ideas in depth in this article, I would rather examine in greater detail some of the concepts that have evolved for me since the publication of Tryptamine Palace.
Entheon Hall, by Alex Grey

Slug & Lettuce is/was a punk rock fanzine supporting the DIY (do-it-yourself) ethics of the punk scene and community. It existed in print format from 1987 untill 2007. It started out in State College PA, represeted some of the Pittsburgh scene in the late 80s, a short stint in Boston in 1989, and then really settled into "it's own" with the newsprint tabloid format in NYC, where the emphasis was on networking for international DIY punk contact and communication. Plus band photography and punk art! Slug & Lettuce had a print run of 10,000, was published quarterly and distributed worldwide for free. Slug & Lettuce has been based out of Richmond VA since 1997.

Ain't nothing wrong with being an underground outlaw. You'll die knowing nirvana was just the ultimate escape. See you on the other side of the Time tunnel!

In Miami in 1972, I quit my job at The Miami Herald and joined a commune that published OUTLAW, an underground newspaper. We aimed to speak politically, even though our most successful columnist was Mama Mangoes, who wrote about vegetarian cuisine. OUTLAW was created with lots of Letraset rub-on fonts for the headlines and body text set on an IBM Selectric. For the color pages, we did The CYMK separations by hand on overlays. The paper was printed at night on a web press used to print on above-ground newspaper, courtesy of their sympathetic pressman. We distributed OUTLAW for free and sold ads on a co-operative basis, such that each advertiser paid a percentage of the total publishing cost of each issue and no more. We made no profit. OUTLAW COMIX was created by volunteer writers and artists, who I recognize here. "Straightarrow": unsigned, "The Voyage of the Ego": Steve Donachie, author. Richard Sevigny, artist, "Space Rider": L. Block, author; D. Moore, artist, Back Cover: Richard Sevigny (
Entire Comix set:
* Running dog (1971)
* Outlaw (1972), cover []
Of interest to those aware of how modern mythos are promulgated, here is the "Round Robin" magazine, of the Borderland Sciences Research Associates, a consortium of psychics, writers, and researchers [] [], being among the first magazines to explore the UFO phenomena (Oct. 1946) [], through the medium of channeled voices!
Can Intelligent Machines move forward through quantum dimensions and pick a better future?
* "The 'human' side of robots at electronics show" (2015-01-09) [] [], [begin excerpt]:

Robots like Toshiba's are becoming so eerily realistic they could be mistaken at first glance for a human. She sings, smiles, raises her hands and has lifelike facial expressions controlled by 15 tiny pneumatic actuators.
These robots are increasingly being developed as personal assistants, companions, hosts and aides for medical situations.
"We made her like a human being because true communication is also based on facial expressions and gestures," said Toshiba's Taihei Yamaguchi.
Yamaguchi said a robot like Chihira Aico could serve as a kind of hostess for the 2020 Olympic Games but the design is aimed for health care, where robots can assist in monitoring and diagnoses.
But in her own words: "In the future, I want to take up the challenge of a wide assignment of tasks: counsellor, newscaster, cheerleader, entertainer and many others!"
[end excerpt]
* "Africa, Uncolonized: A Detailed Look at an Alternate Continent" [] []
Hi-Rez version []

China: 4500 BCE
* "Chinese civilization may have begun 2,400 years earlier than previously thought" (2015-01-13) [] []
Li Ching-Yuen was a Chinese herbalist, martial artist and tactical advisor who lived to the ripe old age of 256 and sired 200 descendants during his life span, surviving 23 wives. Ching-Yuen lived off a diet of herbs and rice wine inculding lingzhi, goji berry, wild ginseng, he shou wu and gotu kola. In a 1930 New York Times article, Professor Wu Chung-chieh of the University of Chengdu discovered Imperial Chinese government records from 1827, congratulating one Li Ching-Yuen on his 150th birthday, and further documents later congratulating him on his 200th birthday in 1877 (Wikipedia, 2013).
* "Elongated Skulls in utero: A Farewell to the Artificial Cranial Deformation Paradigm?" (2015-01-03) [] []
Homo sapiens cognatus
* "Another Human Hybrid? The Controversy Continues One Year Later" (2014-02-14) [] []
* "Novel North American Hominins, Next Generation Sequencing of Three Whole Genomes" []
* DNA test results []
It was a year ago today that a bold and controversial study claiming to have sequenced three whole genomes from the species known as Sasquatch or Bigfoot was published, titled ‘Novel North American Hominins, Next Generation Sequencing of Three Whole Genomes’. This study was met with outrage by some scientists, while much of the scientific community ignored it altogether. Some scientists supported it, but most were afraid of what would happen to their careers if they openly supported a study claiming to have proven the existence of the much stigmatized and controversial Sasquatch. Yet upon examination of the paper, it can be seen that it was a huge multidisciplinary effort involving a dozen labs and blind studies, and carried out by nine highly qualified scientists, aimed at quelling controversy about the discovery.
Dr. Melba Ketchum of Nacogdoches, Texas, a veterinarian, forensic scientist, and the lead author of the study, claims that the crux of what has the scientific community is in an uproar about is that the samples had human mitochondrial DNA (maternal lineage), while the nuclear DNA (paternal lineage) was a structural mosaic consisting of both human DNA and novel non-human DNA, which did not match any known species in GenBank. The paternal lineage suggests a distantly related hominin that evolved separately from humans, apes and other primates but evolved to the point where it could interbred with humans. A year ago, this might have been difficult for many scientists to believe, but with the recent studies touting that unknown DNA has been found in ancient hominins which bred with humans, one has to wonder if their hypothesis is as far off as some believe.
Last year, we reported on the results of genetic research which revealed that the genome of one of our ancient ancestors, the Denisovans, contains a segment of DNA that seems to have come from another species that is currently unknown to science. Several recent studies have also revealed that modern humans are a product of hybridization, with remnants of Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes in our DNA. This research leads us to realize that our understanding of the origins of modern humans is much murkier than we ever thought possible. This also begs the question, if we are hybrids already, could there be extant human hybrids currently on earth besides us?
The non-fossilized tissue contained in dinosaur bones are being tested using carbon-14, used to date living tissue up to 50,000 years old. Although carbon-14 dating does not work on fossilized bones, the blood and tissue found within the fossilized bones are puzzling scientists as the tissue is not supposed to survive for millions of years, the consensus being that it is impossible. And the dating of the non-fossilized tissue is contradicting the accepted fact that dinosaurs are millions of years old.
Most of the sources provided in the following section is from mainstream, peer-reviewed scientific sources (except for the first link). The recent development of this mystery has caused quite a stir.
* "Triceratops Horn Dated to 33,500 Years" (2015-01-10) []
"Dinosaur Shocker Probing a 68-million-year-old T. rex, Mary Schweitzer stumbled upon astonishing signs of life that may radically change our view of the ancient beasts" (2006-05, [].
Photo showing soft tissue recovered from a Tyranosaurus Rex bone, from Smithsonian museum

* "Molecular analysis supports controversial claim for dinosaur cells; New evidence adds heat to the argument over prehistoric dinosaur tissue" (2012-10-22, [] [begin excerpt]: Twenty years ago, paleontologist Mary Schweitzer made an astonishing discovery. Peering through a microscope at a slice of dinosaur bone, she spotted what looked for all the world like red blood cells. It seemed utterly impossible—organic remains were not supposed to survive the fossilization process—but test after test indicated that the spherical structures were indeed red blood cells from a 67-million-year-old Tyrannosaurus rex. In the years that followed, she and her colleagues discovered other apparent soft tissues, including what seem to be blood vessels and feather fibers. But controversy accompanied their claims. Skeptics argued that the alleged organic tissues were instead biofilm—slime formed by microbes that invaded the fossilized bone.
Schweitzer and her colleagues have continued to amass support for their interpretation. The latest evidence comes from a molecular analysis of what look to be bone cells, or osteocytes, from T. rex and Brachylophosaurus canadensis. The researchers isolated the possible osteocytes and subjected them to several tests. When they exposed the cell-like structures to an antibody that targets a protein called PHEX found only in bird osteocytes* (birds are descended from dinosaurs), the structures reacted, as would be expected of dinosaur osteocytes. And when the team subjected the supposed dinosaur cells to other antibodies that target DNA, the antibodies bound to material in small, specific regions inside the apparent cell membrane.
Furthermore, using a technique called mass spectrometry, the investigators found amino acid sequences of proteins in extracts of the dinosaur bone that matched sequences from proteins called actin, tubulin and histone4 that are present in the cells of all animals. Although some microbes have proteins that are similar to actin and tubulin, the researchers note that soil-derived E. coli as well as sediments that surrounded the two dinosaur specimens failed to bind to the actin and tubulin antibodies that bound to the extract containing the apparent osteocytes.
[end excerpt]
* "Molecular analyses of dinosaur osteocytes support the presence of endogenous molecules" scientific peer-reviewed paper from Mary Higby Schweitzer, Wenxia Zheng, Timothy P. Cleland, Marshall Bern (2012-08-24, []
* "Hard times for soft tissues: Dinosaur soft parts reinterpreted as bacterial biofilms" (2008, [], full scientific article (2008-06) [].
This is the strongest alternative explanation for the existance of soft-tissue found within dinosaur bones. The explanation has been debunked upon further testing of soft-tissue found within other fossilized bones, with blood cells discovers similar to birds.
* "Lawsuit: CSUN Scientist Fired After Soft Tissue Found On Dinosaur Fossil" (2014-07-24, [], [begin excerpt]: While at the Hell Creek Formation excavation site in Montana, researcher Mark Armitage discovered what he believed to be the largest triceratops horn ever unearthed at the site, according to attorney Brad Dacus of Pacific Justice Institute.
Upon examination of the horn under a high-powered microscope back at CSUN, Dacus says Armitage was “fascinated” to find soft tissue on the sample – a discovery Bacus said stunned members of the school’s biology department and even some students “because it indicates that dinosaurs roamed the earth only thousands of years in the past rather than going extinct 60 million years ago.”
* "Soft sheets of fibrillar bone from a fossil of the supraorbital horn of the dinosaur Triceratops horridus" scientific peer-reviewed paper from Mark Hollis Armitagea, Kevin Lee Anderson (2013-01, [], [begin abstract]: Soft fibrillar bone tissues were obtained from a supraorbital horn of Triceratops horridus collected at the Hell Creek Formation in Montana, USA. Soft material was present in pre and post-decalcified bone. Horn material yielded numerous small sheets of lamellar bone matrix. This matrix possessed visible microstructures consistent with lamellar bone osteocytes. Some sheets of soft tissue had multiple layers of intact tissues with osteocyte-like structures featuring filipodial-like interconnections and secondary branching. Both oblate and stellate types of osteocyte-like cells were present in sheets of soft tissues and exhibited organelle-like microstructures. SEM analysis yielded osteocyte-like cells featuring filipodial extensions of 18–20 μm in length. Filipodial extensions were delicate and showed no evidence of any permineralization or crystallization artifact and therefore were interpreted to be soft. This is the first report of sheets of soft tissues from Triceratops horn bearing layers of osteocytes, and extends the range and type of dinosaur specimens known to contain non-fossilized material in bone matrix.
[end abstract]
The following article mentions soft-tissue found preserved at a dinosaur bone site in China, although the preservation of soft-tissue does not specifically refer to blood or cardlidge, and instead may reference the impressions of skin left on the mineral matrix of the fossil, However, considering the facts present so far in this section, the presence of genuine soft-tissue may not be discounted.
* "China's 'Jurassic Park' yields more feathered dinosaurs, the earliest swimming mammal and strange salamanders" (2014-03-06, [], [begin excerpt]: Dr Corwin Sullivan, of the Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology in Beijing, said: ‘The Daohugou Biota gives us a look at a rarely glimpsed side of the Middle to Late Jurassic.
‘This is not a parade of galumphing giants but an assemblage of quirky little creatures like feathered dinosaurs, pterosaurs with “advanced” heads on “primitive” bodies and the Mesozoic equivalent of a flying squirrel.’
Almost more impressive than the diversity of the biota is the preservation of many of the vertebrate specimens, according to the study published in the Journal of Vertebrate Palaeontology.
Fossils include complete or nearly-complete skeletons associated with preserved soft tissues such as feathers, fur, skin or even, in some of the salamanders, external gills.
One is the feathered dinosaur Epidexipteryx whose soft tissues have been revealed by the use of ultraviolet light scanners.
A fossil of the salamander Chunerpeton shows not only the preserved skeleton but also its skin and external gills.
[end excerpt]
Photos from the article:
A feathered dinosaur, Epidexipteryx, was found at the site. The inset shows feathers and soft tissues revealed by the use of ultraviolet light

A fossil of the salamander Chunerpeton shows not only the preserved skeleton but also its skin and external gills (pictured)

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