Send info, music tracks, events listings etc., to [GOTT.PRODUCTIONS@)]
No More []
I Remember []

The Immortal Light Beings []
Guerillas (Prod. by Casey Jones)

Artists Wanted! Display original artwork for free! We're looking for local artists to display their original artwork in Panama Red in Vallejo! If you're a talented artist looking to show your stuff, contact us today!
Panama Red Coffee Company is proud to unveil a whole new display especially for local artists! We'd like to display your original art in our coffee shop! Customers will have the means to contact you personally, should they take a special interest in your artwork. All proceeds go directly to the artist to help support our local talent. If you're interested, contact our events coordinator to arrange for your art to be seen by hundreds of daily commuters and visitorsContact Panama Red Events Coordinator Katie Wright []
Panama Red Coffee []
Our new winter hours: Monday-Friday 5:00am-5:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 7:00am-4:00pm
Garden Planning Workshop

Learn what, how and when to start planting for a well-timed and productive year-round garden here in the Bay Area. We will talk about concepts like companion planting, cover crops, perennials, and choosing the best varieties to grow. We'll go over what your soil needs to get through the year, and the proper methods of bed preparation and crop rotation to prevent pests and diseases. This workshop will involve developing a garden plan that you can use for the year.
Due to the ongoing drought and that all Californians should reduce their water use we will also be discussing water reduction and conservation techniques during the class.
Class instructor: Rachel Hoff of Dog Island Farm has been gardening for over 20 years and teaching gardening workshops for the past three years.
$30/person. Enrollment starts 1/3! Stop in at the Hub to register in person or email Katie at [Katie@)] to have a credit card invoice sent to you. Register early to reserve your spot, this is a popular class!
The Sunday Share & Reskilling Festival (Permaculture + Transition)
The Sunday Share & Reskilling Festival is a not a religious service or a sports competition but a community sharing and networking event that shares stories, skills, food and donations at your local high school sports stadium. By design, the event teaches us to re-purpose material goods and values.

Bay Area Swap-O-Rama-Rama
Saturday, January 17, 2015 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
American Steel Studios, 1960 Mandela Parkway, Oakland
Swap-O-Rama-Rama is the world’s largest clothing swap! Also included is a series of DIY craft and sewing workshops through which a community explores creativity and reuse. Erin Scholl is the local coordinator of this amazing and inspirational event.
Every year, Swap-O-Rama-Rama gathers for the ultimate celebration of creativity at Maker Faire in San Mateo in May. This MeetUp group is a way to keep it going year round, bringing people who are interested in sharing and learning ideas of how to repurpose anything and everything into clothing, home decor, and beyond. We will have monthly Meet & Greet, Swap & Sew meetings where we encourage beginners to experts alike to come, bring clothes and ideas, and swap it like it’s hot.
Gandhi said, “There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness.”
Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D. and CLG Founder, interviewed by C. Derick Varn on secularity and the left. What is the new conception of secularity in modernity? How should the left understand and treat religion? Other topics include singulartarians, primitivism, and accelerationism. Click here for interview: []
Vril Transport's AntiCar [], archived 2015-01-13 []

"Psychonaut Field Manual: A Cartoon Guide to Chaos Magick" [] []
"Sun may determine lifespan at birth: study" (2015-01-07) [] []
In an unusual study published Wednesday, Norwegian scientists said people born during periods of solar calm may live longer, as much as five years on average, than those who enter the world when the Sun is feisty.
The team overlaid demographic data of Norwegians born between 1676 and 1878 with observations of the Sun.
The lifespan of those born in periods of solar maximum -- interludes marked by powerful flares and geomagnetic storms -- was "5.2 years shorter" on average than those born during a solar minimum, they found.
* "Scientists Prove That Telepathic Communication Is Within Reach" (2014-10-02) [] []

* "Study: Brain scans could predict future behavior" (2015-01-07) [] []
* "The History of Phrenology" [] []

* "Acoustic levitation made simple" (2015-01-05) [] []
Levitation of expanded polystyrene particles and the simulated standing wave pattern. Credit: M. Andrade/University of São Paulo

* "Acoustic tweezers manipulate cell-to-cell contact" (2014-12-22) [] []
"With present technologies, the generation of a desired cell-to-cell contact is often random or limited in number," said Benkovic. "With standing acoustic waves, precise positioning of cells can be achieved on a multi-cellular level so that planned patterns of cellular arrays can be achieved.
Acoustic tweezers manipulate cell-to-cell contact: Micrographs (rendered photographs) of cells arranged in straight lines, globs and triangles. Credit: Tony Jun Huang

* "Mars is warmer than some parts of the U.S. and Canada" (2015-01-09) [] []
* "Eight New Planets Found in "Goldilocks" Zone" (2015-01-06) [] []
* "Kepler Marks 1,000th Exoplanet Discover"' (2015-01-05) [] []
* "Disappearance of a Cosmic Spinning Top" (2015-01-09) [] []
Scientists measured the space-time warp in the gravity of a binary star and determined the mass of a neutron star - just before it disappeared.
* "Hubble Goes High-Definition to Revisit Iconic 'Pillars of Creation' " (2015-01-05) [] []

* Etzalcualiztli: Mexica (Aztec) month of the Workers and Lower-Classes []. This month, identified as early June with the astrological symbol of the crab or Cancer, is called Etzalcualiztli (Meal of Maize and Beans). The patron god of this month was the rain god, Tlaloc. The attributes of Tlaloc include the handled water jar, the eye and mouth rims, and the corn stalk.
* The Aztec Tonalpohualli Calendar []
* The Boban Aztec Calendar Wheel []

From []:
Mummified remains of the Igorots, a tribe from the Sagada Mountain in the Northern Philippines. It is said that the Igorots practiced cannibalism

An Ivatan woman wearing a "vacul", an abaca fiber-made headgear for sunlight and rain protection.
(Photos from Basco Batanes)

The Ivatans are a Filipino ethnolinguistic group predominant in the Batanes Islands of the Philippines. The origins of the Ivatans remained untraced among scholars. Ivatans were free before they were colonized by the Spaniards.
The culture of the Ivatans is partly influenced by the environmental condition of Batanes. Unlike the old-type nipa huts common in the Philippines, Ivatans have adopted their now-famous stone houses made of limestone, designed to protect against the hostile climate..

Documents do not show much about the history of the Ivatans and at present, scholars who study their origins are still unsure as to their exact origin. They question whether the pre-historic Ivatans came from the northern part of Luzon or southern portions of China and Taiwan. There is evidence that they might be a surviving Christianized remnant of a people that once resided on all the islands between Luzon and Taiwan. However, they have considered the close racial resemblance of the Ivatans to the Malays and the structure of their language could mean they came from other parts of the Philippines. Tracing their roots through Batanes' folklores, genetic studies of Omoto, a Japanese anthropologist, of the Yami of Orchid Island (Lanyu) show closer genetic affinity of the Yami to the Tagalog and Visayan and linguistically to the Batanic (Bashiic) sub-branch of the Malayo-Polynesian branch

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