This weeks edition will feature an interview with Vallejo's Dr Dosha, to drop the first single "It Was Destiny" off his new cd "Dr. Notes", and talk about Music Family and the grand opening of his New Store TTops189 here in Vallejo

interview from "Pacific Style" magazine

Featured artist...
Age Scott, raptoonist

"All Eyes On The Hologram" by Age Scott []:

Calender of Conscious and
Psychedelic events
from around the San Pablo bay area and regionally
Liberated Zones from around the 'bay, including open mics, venues, and culture calenders from around the 'bay: []
Action Calenders! IndyBay [], Ecology Center [], Nuclear Resister []
Rev. Billy and the church of stop shopping 2013 BAY AREA TOUR
Message from Rev. Billy: In the new song "Extinction Revolution" the choir, led by Musical Director Nehemiah Luckett, rejoices that the climate-change-killed Golden Toad returns from the dead to haunt Jamie Dimon's dreams and regulate Wall Street. Since the church was last seen in the Bay Area, our troupe has concentrated on performances inside big banks. Exorcisms have been staged inside JPMorgan Chase, UBS, HSBC, Bank of America, and Deutsche Bank. A year and a half ago, along with Occupy Wall Street, I marched from Zuccotti Park to the headquarters of Goldman Sachs, a key financier of industrial projects which emit greenhouse gasses. Detention for fifteen Occupy Wallstreeters - including myself - in "The Tombs" correctional facility was an occasion for much-needed reflection and meditation.
* April 24 Wed - 7 PM at Studio Theatre, Lone Mountain College of University of San Francisco
* April 25 Thursday - 7 PM at Dance Palace, Pt. Reyes
* April 26 Friday - 4 PM at Oakland City Plaza with Chalkupy
* April 27 Saturday - 10 AM at West Coast Live, San Francisco
* April 27 Saturday - 8 PM at Victoria Theater, San Francisco
Mr. Dimon! We've Got Giant Golden Toads In Our Lobby!

Wednesday/Thursday, April 24/25
Rallies for Walmart Workers with a Delegation from Bangladesh
At Fairmont Hotel and GAP
2013-04-25 Arlene Francis Center presents
Good Vibes W/ Project Censored
Thursday, 9:00pm
On This Thursday We Honor Project Censored! []
With Special Guest Cynthia McKinney []
Music By:
* World's Ugliest Dog []
* DIY []
* TymonsBass []
* Rio []
* Dr. Beat & The Beat Machine []
* DJ Loopeater
* Bobby & Mitcho
2013-04-25 at Billco's Billiards and Darts [1234 Third Street, Napa, California 94559]
Comfort Slacks, Magnanimous and Local Ghosts of the Living Planet
Thursday, 8:00pm until 12:00am
Free as hell! Bring cash bux for merch and beer and tips for your bartender!
Show starts at 8pm SHARP! We've got this night. Who needs tomorrow?
* Comfort Slacks []: "Comfortable trousers that don't compromise style."
* Magnanimous []: Freaky awesome. Magnanimous is the Batman of music.
* Local Ghosts of the Living Planet: Crazy amazing guitar looping that'll send you into another dimension.

Sol Peligro, Mentes Diferentes, Cash Dreed, Mahtie Bush, Century Got Bars & La Noche Oskura!!
Friday, 9:00pm
All Stars Sports Bar [102 Main Street, Woodland, California 95695]
$5, Ages 21+ & Over
* Sol Peligro (Cumbia, Reggae) []
* La Noche Oskura (Ska/Reggae) []
* Cash Dreed (Hometown Heroes) []
* Mahtie Bush (Sac Hip-Hop) []
* Century Got Bars (Sac/Detroit Hip-Hop) []
* Mentes Diferentes (Chicano/Latino Hip-Hop) []
Mentes Diferentes at the recent Cesar Chavez event in Sacramento []
"Arlene Francis Center Foundation" presents...
A.F.C. Sound System Fundraiser
Friday and Saturday, 12 noon to 12 midnight
Sunday 12 noon to 8pm
At the RailRoad Square in Santa Rosa, located at the corner for Wilson and 6th st.

2013-04-27 at TGM Studios presents...
The Pallet Jacks with Super Nintenbros, Lazy Sunday
Saturday, 8 to 11pm
$10, All-Ages
Trinity Gold Media Studios [3149 California Blvd - Suite F, Napa]

2013-04-27 "Ttops189" Grand Opening
Vallejo's newest hip-hop shop!

2013-04-27 "Napa Porchfest Stage at the Napa Bike Fest"
Sat, 9am
Copia Parking lot
Live performances:
* The Blurs (formerly known as the Napa Valley Ramblers)
* Sara Rodenburg
* The Rebobs
* The Brave Down Band
2013-04-27 "The Unwatchables: Episode V"
Saturday, 7:30pm
$5 at the door
Slack Collective Art Studios and Gallery [964 Pearl St., Suite B, Napa, California 94559]
Are you ready to laugh, cry, and vomit in your mouth just a little? Well then come check out the next Unwatchables show. Coming to a galaxy near you!
Laughs are free but jokes are going to cost you.
Voted Napa's #1 Comedy Experience!*
*-based on an unscientific internet poll

Occupy Petaluma presents...
2013-04-27 "Butter & Egg Days Parade"
Like bees buzzing from blossom to blossom, Occupy Petaluma is all abuzz with plans for a big splash in this year's Butter & Egg Parade -- and we need your help!
This year our float will be a 'Giant Bankster' pulled by working people (99%ers) representing all of us who bear the burdens brought to us by the Wall Street Banks and Giant Corporations. The Bankster will also be a puppeteer, demonstrating the total control 'Big Money' has over Congress and our government.
We are planning a parade procession of 'HOPE AND JUSTICE' to inspire the 25,000 people watching the parade to put the bloated Wall Street Banks and Giant Corporations on a diet by encouraging folks to BUY LOCAL, BANK LOCAL, Save Shollenberger and more... To join our contingent please contact: [] To donate funds for our float etc. please contact: []

2013-04-27 Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice presents...
Cecile Pineda, author of "Devils Tango", speaking about the FUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI NUCLEAR PLANT
Saturday, 10:00 AM- 1:00PM
Location: Owl Room, MDUUC, 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek
Book available for purchase
Please Register here
For more information about the author:
Author Cecile Pineda is coming to do a speaking engagement this Sunday. It is a talk about the current status of Fukushima-Daiichi, and about the Japanese and US nuclear industry and its implications for the people of this planet.
Her book "Devils Tango" was published on the one-year anniversary of the disaster at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, "Devil's Tango" is a one-woman whirlwind tour of the nuclear industry, seen through the lens of the industrial and planetary crisis unfolding most visibly right now in Japan. As much personal journal as investigative journalism, the author's journal entries trace her own and the world's evolution of consciousness during the first year following the March 11, 2011 disaster. Pineda keeps track, day-by-day, of worsening developments at Fukushima Daiichi, and records the daily evolution of her perceptions.
2013-04-27 annual plant sale and benefit for...
"Harvest for the Hungry Garden"

The Sustainable Economies Law Center presents...
Legal Advice for your communitarian enterprise or initiative!
Walk, skip, or tumble into Hub Berkeley during the Cafe hours specified above and participate in this legal advice, community building, and living classroom trifecta! We provide Legal Advice on: worker cooperatives, food cooperatives, urban farms, land trusts, housing cooperatives, local investment initiatives, community-supported enterprises, social enterprises, micro-enterprises, cottage industries, time banks, local currencies, and MORE! The Legal Cafe is a weekly offering by SELC at different locations around the East Bay. For more information, check out []
* May 2nd (4:30-7:30 p.m.) @ Liberating Ourselves Locally Makerspace - 1234 23rd Ave, Oakland 94606
* May 8th @ Location and Time TBA
* May 15th (4:30-7:30 p.m.) @ the Crossroads Cafe - 942 Stanford Ave., Oakland 94608
* May 28th (6:00-8:30 p.m.) @ the HUB in the David Brower Center – 2150 Allston Way, Suite 400, Berkeley 94704
2013-05-03 Gathering of the Tribes, a Liberated Zone with an open mic, a pot-luck and a discussion circle about alternative arts.
Friday, 6:30 to 8:30pm, 930 Marin st. at St. Vinnie's Culture Club in Vallejo's Art District! [].
Part of the Northbay Evolver Network []
2013-05-04 at TGM Studios presents...

Saturday, 8 to 11pm
$10, All-Ages
Trinity Gold Media Studios [3149 California Blvd - Suite F, Napa]
a presentation and discussion with Jerald Brown, Ph.D.
at Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church, Owl Room [55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek, CA]
Friday, 6 PM Potluck ~ 7 PM Speaker
Suggested Donation: $20 and dish to share if attending potluck. No one turned away for lack of funds.
info: (925) 933-7850 [] [ ]
Dr. Brown will make a presentation on the World Business Academy's Safe Energy Project with the goal of replacing the San Onofre and Diablo Canyon nuclear power plants with green energy projects, thereby reducing the risks of cancer for those living near the reactors.
Brown is co-author of Profiles in Power: The Antinuclear Movement and the Dawn of the Solar Age (Simon & Schuster, 1997), and of numerous articles on energy policy and social change. He is co-author with Rinaldo S. Brutoco and James A. Cusumano of Freedom from Mid-East Oil (2007), which describes how America can significantly decrease dependence on foreign oil in ten years.
Brown is also a Trustee and Fellow of the World Business Academy and a Founding Professor at Florida International University in Miami, where he teaches courses on anthropology, energy policy, social movements, and the impact of technology. He received his doctorate in Anthropology from Cornell University in 1972.
2013-05-10 at TGM Studios presents...

Saturday, 8 to 11pm
$10, All-Ages
Trinity Gold Media Studios [3149 California Blvd - Suite F, Napa]
2013-05-18 Have-Not's Reunion (Vallejo)
with Mike Have-Not's Birthday and Presidential Campaign Launch Party
Saturday, 9:00pm
Chris' Club [656 Benicia Road, Vallejo, California 94591]
Mike Have-Not is finally of legal age! To run for President of the U.S. of A! Come kick off his campaign with the V-Town Have-Nots, Bankrupt District, the Shenanigans, and more to be announced! Come dressed in presidential themed attire. Bring buttons, posters, etc. We gon' party like it's November 2016!

2013-05-18 at TGM Studios presents...

Saturday, 8 to 11pm
$10, All-Ages
Trinity Gold Media Studios [3149 California Blvd - Suite F, Napa]
2013-05-18 "Malcom X Jazz Arts Festival" (Oakland)

2013-05-18 "Peace, Justice and Freedom vigil" in Vallejo
3rd Saturday of the month, 4pm.
Peace Pole at the Waterfront, located at the front entrance of Panama Red Coffee Co. 289 Mare Island Way, Vallejo, CA 94590.
Directions. On I-80, take Georgia st exit towards Mare Island. At the end of Gerogia st, is the waterfront and Panama Red Coffee Co.
On-going Peace and Justice vigils in the Bay Area [] []
Sign the Jobs-Not-War Petition []
Get in with the "New Priorities Campaign" []

2013-05-23 to 27
Digital Renaissance Faire

2013-05-31 "City of Trees Reggae Music Festival"

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