Tune in Thursdays, 5 to 6pm at 89.5FM in the northeast San Pablo Bay Area (American Canyon, Benicia, Crockett, Fairfield, Suisun, Vallejo), or online at [is.gd/kJ1EUt ].
Send info, music tracks, events listings etc., to [GOTT.PRODUCTIONS@) Gmail.com]
Interview with

ManifestiV, and their Return to The Hub
Saturday at 9 PM,
The Hub Vallejo, 350 Georgia St, Vallejo, California 94590
On their way through the Northbay on the
Pacifica Tour
July 4 — Ashland OR @ Oberon's Restaurant and Bar
July 6 — Portland OR @ Lovecraft Bar w/ Destroyed For Comfort
July 10 — Olympia WA @ Le Voyeur w/ Sam Vicari
August 2 — Seattle WA @ Highline Bar w/ Mechanismus Presents: Kite / Die Robot / ManifestiV
New Music
Skunk Funk's debut album "Possession 4 Sale" is out NOW! Available at:


The Devil in California • The Ghost Next Door • The Venting Machine • Decima
Saturday, July 9 at 7:30 PM - 1 AM
The Phoenix Theater, 201 Washington St, Petaluma, California 94952

And check out [facebook.com/theghostnextdoor] @theghostnextdoor
InD.I.Y.pendent News
* "The Chicago Honey Co-op Works with a Hive Mind" (2016-06-29, shareable.net) [is.gd/AE5tqz]
* "RegenVillage Almere: A Self-sufficient Neighborhood to Generate its Own Food and Energy" (2016-06-27, by Cat Johnson, shareable.net) [is.gd/F4pYQY]

* "Inside the Little Free Pantry: a Q&A with its Creator" (2016-06-22, shareable.net) [is.gd/KRxJUW]
Stranger News
[futurism.com] [kurzweilai.net] [eurekalert.org]
* "Maverick scientist thinks he has discovered a magnetic sixth sense in humans" (2016-06-23, sciencemag.org) [archive.is/vW7OO], photo caption: Joe Kirschvink, sporting an EEG sensor cap, was the first subject in his magnetic-sensing tests.
* "Evidence of ‘magnetic’ sixth sense in humans, scientist claims" (2016-06-27, rt.com) [archive.is/XOjUG]

* "Downloadable personalities will make us immortal, according to expert" (2016-06-21, rt.com) [archive.is/0DtTe]
* "Scientist says he found definitive proof that God exists; One of the most respected scientists of today says he has found evidence of the action of a force 'that governs everything' " (ageac.org) [archive.is/7ekg3], attached video [https://youtu.be/jremlZvNDuk]: The theoretical physicist Michio Kaku claims to have developed a theory that might point to the existence of God. The information has created a great stir in the scientific community because Kaku is considered one of the most important scientists of our times, one of the creators and developers of the revolutionary String Theory which is highly respected throughout the world.
To to come to his conclusions, the physicist made use of what he calls “primitive semi – radius tachyons “.
Tachyons are theoretical particles capable to “unstick ” the Universe matter or vacuum space between matter particles, leaving everything free from the influences of the surrounding universe.
After conducting the tests, Kaku came to the conclusion that we live in a “Matrix”.
“I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence”, he affirmed. “Believe me, everything that we call chance today won’t make sense anymore.”
“To me it is clear that we exists in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance.”
* "Rolls-Royce self-driving luxury car is a lavish stagecoach for the future rich" (2016-06-16, rt.com) [archive.is/tfqyH]

* " ‘Don’t kill it!’: Runaway robot IR77 could be de-activated because of ‘love for freedom’ " (2016-06-23, rt.com) [archive.is/rTKva], attached videos [https://youtu.be/XjDI4eLZ274] [is.gd/pfllDm]
* "Intelligent robot that 'remembers and learns' could be scrapped after escaping a lab for a second time; The Promobot IR77 has been fitted with artificial intelligence meaning that it learns from its experiences and surroundings and can remember everybody it meets" (2016-06-22, mirror.co.uk) [archive.is/IIGsL], photo caption: Developers of a robot that made headlines when it ran away from a high-tech lab say they are now considering scrapping it after it ran away a second time.

* "Scientists have discovered a new state of matter, called 'Jahn-Teller metals'; And it could be the key to understanding one of the biggest mysteries in physics today - high-temperature superconductors" (2016-06-28, geologyin.com) [archive.is/B4dPy]
Space News
* " ‘Dancing’ with Earth: NASA discovers tiny asteroid companion" (2016-06-16, rt.com) [archive.is/O0PZD] [begin excerpt]: Move over, Moon – Earth has as new celestial companion. A tiny asteroid, named 2016 HO3, has been engaged in a steady orbital “dance” with our planet for almost a century, but was discovered only recently.
A telescope on Haleakala, Hawaii – funded by NASA’s planetary defense program – spotted the asteroid in April and designated it 2016 HO3. The actual size of the celestial body has not been firmly established, but astronomers have estimated that its diameter is larger than 120 feet (40 meters) and smaller than 300 feet (100 meters).
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California released a video of the asteroid’s orbit on Wednesday, which is based on calculations that show 2016 HO3 has been Earth’s “stable quasi-satellite” for almost a century and will remain our planet’s companion for centuries to come. [end excerpt]
* "New NASA find suggests Mars resembles Earth more than previously thought" (2016-06-28, rt.com) [archive.is/Y18wp]
* " ‘Dark hydrogen’: Scientists recreate 3rd form of element likely found on Jupiter" (2016-06-25, rt.com) [archive.is/NN15f] [begin excerpt]: Scientists hope the ‘dark hydrogen’ discovery will lead to a greater understanding of how the extreme pressure and temperature inside the gas giants manages to squeeze molecular hydrogen until it becomes a liquid metal capable of conducting electricity. [end excerpt]

* "An ocean lies a few kilometers beneath Enceladus's icy surface" (2016-06-21, cnrs.fr) [archive.is/tAmk3]
* "Pluto’s Subsurface Ocean May Likely Exist Today" (2016-06-21, psi.edu) [is.gd/tFV0bg]
* "Where is the habitable zone for M-Dwarf stars?" (2016-06-20, astrobio.net) [archive.is/qJkUe]
* "Russian Moon Base to Hold Up to 12 People – Roscosmos; Russian engineers are working on a project of a Moon base that will eventually hold up to 12 people, the spokeswoman of a research institute with the Russian space agency Roscosmos told local media" (2016-06-21, sputniknews.com) [archive.is/NP8qd]
* "Dutch crops grown on 'Mars' soil found safe to eat" (2016-06-23, AFP Newswire) [archive.is/oWJXc]
Ancient News
An empire ruled most of modern Mexico and Aztlan outside the Mississippi River empires, ruled through a central government at Mexico City, built as a perpetual garden for sustaining an urban population larger than London, Rome or Paris of that age...

An interesting parallel has been documented which points to the sophistication of the indigenous civilizations of old Mexico...
* "Will the Real Atlantis please stand up?" (by Gene D. Matlock) page 1 [archive.is/cqyEZ], page 2 [archive.is/1eQ0R] [begin excerpt]:
See the Following Nahuatl (Aztec Words) -
Atl = Water.
Atlan = In, by, alongside, under water.
Atlah= Abundant water.
Ahtlantica=A big stretch of abundant water (A Nahuatl name for the Atlantic Ocean.).
Atlantona = Resplendent Lady of Water (Another Nahuatl name for the Atlantic Ocean).
Atlantech/Atlantesh = Place under, by, in, alongside water.
Atlantes = Nahuatl name for Atlas holding up the world.


A Romanized (or Greek architecture) version of what Atlantis city looked like according to Plato. Of course, it could also look like Mexican architecture.
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