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Stranger News
* "Why Scientists on Two Continents Are Growing Dinosaur Parts on Chickens" (2016-03-15, []
* "IU physicist leads discovery of new particle: 'four-flavored' tetraquark" (2016-03-02, [], image caption: The new particle is the first tetraquark to contain four quarks of different "flavors."

Space News
* "Comet Craters - Literal Melting Pots for Life on Earth" (2016-05-04, [] [begin excerpt]: eochemists from Trinity College Dublin’s School of Natural Sciences may have found a solution to a long-debated problem as to where – and how – life first formed on Earth.
In a paper just published in the journal Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, the team proposes that large meteorite and comet impacts into the sea created structures that provided conditions favourable for life. Water then interacted with impact-heated rock to enable synthesis of complex organic molecules, and the enclosed crater itself was a microhabitat within which life could flourish.
It has long been suggested that the meteoritic and cometary material that bombarded the early Earth delivered the raw materials - complex organic molecules, such as glycine, β-alanine, γ-amino-n-butyric acid, and water - and the energy that was required for synthesis. The Trinity group’s work has provided the new hypothesis that impact craters were ideal environments to facilitate the reactions that saw the first ‘seeds of life’ take root. [end excerpt]
* "Pluto’s ‘Snakeskin’ Terrain: Cradle of the Solar System?" (2016-03-11, []
* "Pluto’s Icy Moon Hydra" (2016-05-05, [], photo caption: New compositional data from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft reveal a distinct water-ice signature on the surface of Pluto’s outermost moon, Hydra. Pluto’s largest moon Charon measures 752 miles (1,210 kilometers across), while Hydra is approximately 31 miles (50 kilometers) long. Full image [].

* "The Saturnian Sisters" (2016-03-07, [] [begin excerpt]:
Similar in many ways, Saturn's moons Tethys and Rhea (left and right, respectively) even share a discoverer: Giovanni Cassini, namesake of the NASA spacecraft that captured this view.
The moons are named for sisters -- two Titans of Greek mythology. Although somewhat different in size, Rhea (949 miles or 1,527 kilometers across) and Tethys (660 miles or 1,062 kilometers across) are medium-sized moons that are large enough to have pulled themselves into round shapes. They are both composed largely of ices and are generally thought to be geologically inactive today.
The view looks toward the anti-Saturn sides of Tethys and Rhea. North on both moons is up. The image was taken in visible red light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Oct. 11, 2015.
The two moons appear close together here, but Tethys was about 220,000 miles (360,000 kilometers) farther away from Cassini when the image was captured -- nearly the distance from Earth to our moon. Thus, the view does not accurately reflect the bodies' relative sizes. [end excerpt]

* "Tilted Terminator" (2016-03-14, [] [begin excerpt]: NASA's Cassini spacecraft captured this view of Saturn's moon Enceladus that shows wrinkled plains that are remarkably youthful in appearance, being generally free of large impact craters.
When viewed with north pointing up, as in this image, the day-night boundary line (or terminator) cuts diagonally across Enceladus, with Saturn approaching its northern summer solstice. The lit portion on all of Saturn's large, icy moons, including Enceladus (313 miles or 504 kilometers across) and Saturn itself, is now centered on their northern hemispheres. This change of season, coupled with a new spacecraft trajectory, has progressively revealed new terrains compared to when Cassini arrived in 2004 (see Saturn's Snowball), when the southern hemisphere was more illuminated.
This view looks toward the leading hemisphere of Enceladus. The image was taken in green light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Jan. 14, 2016. [end excerpt]

* "Huge nozzle shooting liquid spray" ( []
* "CURIOSITY MAHLI Anomalies-2" ( []: This report zeros in on only a small bit of discarded substance that is out of place in this Mars crater floor environment and as such requires a little elaboration. It is photographed by the MSL Curiosity rover MAHLI (Mars Hand Lens Imager) camera on the Sol 065 page and exists in all but three images on that Sol 065 page. I picked the 2nd horizontal row of images and the 3rd from the left image to work with but any of several other images there would do just as well although I suspect would not be better than the one I've used. Now here's the evidence. [...]
According to the official position and what is not suppose to be on Mars, some small bit of debris like this has no place. After all, rock and soil geology simply could not produce what has the appearance of a small torn discarded plastic wrapper. If it is really on Mars as it is reported to be and as officials would have us believe via the Curiosity imaging, then the most likely scenario is that it is plastic wrap which denotes civilization of some kind or it might be a piece of vegetation or an insect sheath or exoskeleton molt, none of which origins are suppose to exist on Mars. [end excerpt]
Original image from ( []:
* "Huge Nozzle shooting liquid spray" ( []

* "Moon plasma field" ( [] [begin excerpt]: In my opinion, what we are looking at in the 1st and 2nd Apollo 16 AS16-P-4095 image above is a flattened plasma field generated and outlined in the dark Moon terrain shadows. This evidence was brought to my attention by Stephn Hannard of the UK. He has since put up a very good video of this evidence on YouTube at the link here [].
The thing about it is that, although some will find a camera or film artifact explanation as more comfortable, this isn't that. Yet the Moon is supposed to be a dead body in space without ever having experienced living civilizations. It is suppose to be caught and held in orbit around the Earth mainly by Earth's gravity well and should not be generating such a plasma energy field.
Plasma is considered one of the fundamental states of matter with the others being solid, liquid, and gas. When one sees plasma in the open unconfined and a lot of it as appears here, one is looking at energy and POWER being displayed likely on level with nuclear fusion or greater. In fact, plasma physics is essential to the understanding and development of nuclear fusion.
In the above image note the many fingers of plasma energy that arc up to meet and terminate in some surface overhead that we cannot see the details of here. The question becomes is this being generated by some separate object like a UFO at the Moon's surface not native to the environment or by some structure as part of the surface or perhaps something exiting or entering the surface at this location?
Note how flattened the plasma field appears to be. Is it being generated by some sort of disc shaped object like a UFO? Is there a craft of some kind hidden within the plasma field taking off or landing at this point? Could this be generating an electromagnetic field that the Moon topography is responding to? Could this be a refueling station? Note that the underside of the plasma field suggests this with a solid dark flat rounded appearance as seen mostly on edge that does not exhibit any plasma discharges at all. [end excerpt]
Apollo Image AS16-P-4095 [] (, close-up:


What you are looking at in the above image is one of the Apollo 11 Mission LM footpads covered in foil that is suppose to be resting on the Moon's surface. As you can see, the round footpad has a turned up shape at the edges forming a depression system within the pads interior. Further, the inner surface of the shallow bowl shape consists of all this wrinkled foil forming many different angles that would serve as good dust traps.
The combination of shallow bowl shape and wrinkled foil forming a depression and its location at the lowest point right against the ground is the perfect catch system. Now consider the LM lowering down for landing on the Moon's surface with its decent thruster burn nozzle pointed straight down right at the ground coming to within inches of it and blowing up a cloud of Moon regolith dust to hang suspended in the air over the site for a while in the low Moon gravity. You know this would be so. It would be impossible for some of the disturbed settling dust to not settle back down into this large shallow bowl shape and the shiny foil with its many traps would show every bit of it.
However, as you can clearly see in the above 4th image, there is no sign of any dust or regolith in this footpad shallow bowl shape. Further, it is the same with other shots of this and other Apollo 11 LM pads at these links: AS11-40-5902 [] (hi-res .jpg) [], AS11-40-5917 [] (hi-res .jpg) [], AS11-40-5918 [] (hi-res .jpg) [], AS11-40-5920 [] (hi-res .jpg) [], and AS11-40-5925 [] (hi-res .jpg) []. When you use these confirmation links, be sure to access the "Hi-Res" official image because it is much larger than the "standard" image and offers a much closer view of the Apollo 11 LM footpads than you see here confirming not a sign of dust or regolith inside the footpad shallow bowl shape. Once again I thought to myself, yep I gotcha. I should have known better on such older Moon material. Again, as I expanded my investigation on this type of evidence, I found others had beaten me to the punch with some good reporting here at ( [].
Evidence like this is small but crucial and unequivocal. Once again you can perhaps see how others could have come to the conclusion that these Moon landings were not real and may have been fakes. [end excerpt]
* "More Moon Evidence - 4" ( [], using the following Apollo Surface Panoramas -
- AS17-147-22493 – AS17-147-22521 [] (.jpg) []
- AS17-147-22572 – AS17-147-22590 [] (.jpg) []
- AS17-140-21488 – AS17-140-21507 [] (.jpg) []
- AS17-146-22339 – AS17-146-22359 [] (.jpg) []
- AS16-116-18594 – AS16-116-18613 [] (.jpg) []
[begin excerpt]

The above two panorama thumbnail images are from the Apollo 17 mission to the Moon. The above first JSC2007e045384 image as labeled is suppose to be of the landing site with the landing module seen in color on the far right. The second JSC2004e52772 image below it as labeled is suppose to be of the ALSEP Station location on this mission. First note that the background horizon lines and hills are essentially identical as are the focal width of the scenes and the backgrounds they encompass. Even though these are small narrow thumbnail size, do you see anything wrong with these two scenes or perhaps I should say do you see a whole raft of things wrong with these two comparison scenes?
First note that the landing module visible on the right in the first image is not present in the second image of the same location and some other kind of equipment is there in its place. Remember, while the equipment in the second image can no doubt be disassembled and moved, the Lander in the first image can't. The Lander should be there in the second image and yet now you see the it and now you don't. Telling isn't it.
Now in the first image note the hill and its shape in the background behind and to the right of the Lander. Note also the shadow thrown on the ground to the right by the landing module. Note its direction and its shape. Now move your attention all the way over to the left side of this same first image. Note the shape of the hill there and the shadow in the foreground below the hill. Note that, even though the hill is only partially seen on the left, they are in fact the same as on the right side of the image as is the shadow. In other words, the scene of the right side of the image is replicated on the left side minus the Lander's presence even as the Lander shadow is present. Closer looks in the 3rd and 4th images below will demonstrate this more conclusively.
However, before we leave these above panorama thumbnail images, look on the left side of the second image and compare the background hill with the background hill on the right side of the image. Once again note that they are the same as on the right and as in the first image on both sides. Now on the left side of the second image just below the hill, note the presence of a group of large rocks there. Note that these rocks are not replicated on the right nor are they present in the first image of the same left location. Once again, telling isn't it.
These are just the most gross and most obvious flaws in these two panorama images created by incompetent image tampering. If you begin to look closer in the enlarged image there are many other smaller flaws involving geological terrain features that should not be changing in the scenes but are. [end excerpt]
* "Lunar Hues; Far from a black-and-white world, the moon has a surprising variety of color" (2010-09-27, []: Look up at the moon on any clear night and you’ll see a cratered world shining down on you, in some phase of illumination or perhaps even full and round, with a few lighter or darker areas but for the most part all in cool, bright shades of whites and greys. The moon’s real colors are hidden from us here on Earth, blown out by the brilliance of harsh reflected sunlight. But, from its intimate location in lunar orbit, the LRO can use its wide-angle camera to capture image data in the red, green and blue spectral wavelengths that our eyes can most easily see. Combine these filtered images and you get what’s shown here: a true-color view of the lunar surface around the location of the Apollo 17 landing site (darkest cratered region at center) [].
The color variances are caused by different amounts of titanium and iron. Darker areas have higher amounts of iron oxide, and the darkest bluish regions are high in titanium oxide. The large dark area at the bottom of this image is Mare Tranquilatis – the “Sea of Tranquility” – and it is a large field of basaltic lava flows clearly much richer in titanium than the bordering Mare Sereniatis – “Sea of Serenity” – at the upper left, which is tinted a warm brown. Both these regions are visible from Earth on the moon’s northern hemisphere, just right of center, but to most of us the only variation in color is a slightly darker grey against the white of the surrounding area. We tend to see the moon in shades of grey but the reality is it’s quite a colorful place, if subtly so.
Read more on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter site ( [].
The original LROC image had a lot of missing areas []…I filled them in by duplicating surrounding spots and blurring any obvious copied features or division lines. As a result the image here isn’t 100% accurate for landforms but shows the general colorations with less distraction. Full image []. Image: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University. Edited by J. Major.

* "The Moon and it's color" ( [] [begin excerpt]:
The Earth's dense atmosphere influences in a major way how the Earth's colors are perceived from the Moon and the reverse is true of how the Moon is visually perceived from a distance through the Earth's atmosphere. For a good discussion of this, take a look at the video at the link below.
[] [...]
Upon the previous Apollo 10's return to Earth, that crew went through a Photo Debriefing in June, 1969 by Bellcomm, Inc. Now Bellcomm was a subsidiary of AT&T established in 1963 to provide NASA with technical and management records and advise for the Manned Space Flight Program and ended in 1972 after the Apollo 17 mission. Below are some pertinent quotes having to do with Moon color from that old Apollo 10 debriefing at the link below.
Bellcomm Apollo 10 Photo Debriefing (.pdf) [], text [] -
- "The lunar maria were described as brown at high sun angles, and grayish brown near the terminator..."
- "....They noted a color mottling of Mare Serenitatis, light brown and tan brown, as compared to the darker 'chocolate brown' color of Mare Tranquillitatis."
- "The color of the lunar highlands was described as tan .... Deviations from the tan color are caused by mare material (brown), fresh impact craters (chalky white) and a number of 'jet black' layers and blocks."
- "As expected, they were unable to see much before passing over the sunlight terminator, but as soon as this is done, the moon glows at us...this moon looks like a Christmas tree here in the dark is highly illuminated from the earth."
- True color photograph of the Moon [], archived at ( []
* "True color of Earth's moon, saturation incrementally enhanced with CS3" []
- from ( [], full-size image []:

* Photo montage showing Earth in true color (left) and false color (right), from ( []

* Callisto, part of the Jupiter dwarf-planetary system, photo from ( []

* Ganymede [] [], part of the Saturn dwarf-planetary system

Ancient News

Ibero-Celtics in North America -
* "The Egypto-Libyan presence in Pre-Colombian America" (1995, by Cyclone Covey, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem NC) page 1 [], page 2 [], page 3 [], page 4 []
* "In Plain Sight: Old School Records in Ancient America" book ( [], including Chapter 3 "They Signed Their Names" [], also see Chapters 1 [], 2 [], 4 [], 9 [], 11 []
* "Irish in America Before Columbus" (1995, by Ida Jane Gallagher and Barry Fell) [], intro: A petroglyph in Wyoming County, West Virginia, testifies to the presence of Irish monks in America between the 6th and the 8th centuries. The petroglyph was translated from Ogam Script in 1972 with two clear results. Firstly, the translation revealed a Christian message linking Christmas to the Winter Solstice. Secondly, it indicated that the sun would shine through a notch onto the text on Christmas morning. When tested, this proved to be true.
* "Ancient Ogam in Oklahoma?" (by Gary Vey, []
* "Decoding and translating Ogam: A new theory on an old language" (by Edo Nyland, [], intro: Ogam is a script found in Ireland and Scotland, inscribed mostly on stone but also on bone, ivory, bronze and silver objects. It was used in Ireland from about 350 to 800 AD by the early Irish evangelists who brought Gnostic Christianity to the island, written from the bottom up. From about 750 AD to 900 AD the Benedictine monks also used it in their inscriptions and their book the Auraicept, but they wrote it from left to right.
* "Stone inscription found in Tennessee proves that America was discovered 1,500 years before Colombus" (by Dr. Cyrus Gordon, with Roy Bongartz) []
* "A Message from the past" (1983, by Robert L. Pyle, WV Division of Natural Resources) []
* "Light dawns on West Virginia history" (1983, by Ida Jane Gallagher, WV Division of Natural Resources) []
* "Christian messages in old Irish script deciphered from rock carvings in W. Va." (1983, by Barry Fell, WV Division of Natural Resources) []
* "Stone secrets of the First Americans; From ancient Inscriptions, newly deciphered, comes startling evidence that Europeans had settled in America as early as 800 BC" (1977, by Thomas Fleming) []
* "Where in North America did the Vikings settle?" (by Paul H.Chapman) [], intro: Despite what the establishment historians would like you to believe, L'Anse aux Meadows is not the Vinland described in old Norse sagas. Vinland is the entire island of Newfoundland, as shown herein by evidence from three separate disciplines: navigation, geography and history - all corroborating. Driving from St John's to St Anthony one can view the sites seen by Leif Eriksson and Thorfinn Karlsefni en route.
* "Shakespeare Re-invented; A journey through 400 years of fantasy" (by Keith Browning,
- Chapters 1 through 4 []
- Chapters 5 through 7 []
- Chapters 8 through 13 []
- Chapters 14 through the Epilogue []
* "Hansel and Gretel: The True Story" (by Myron D. Sanders, via []: Once upon a time, in a village in Switzerland lived a teenager, Hansel, and his twin sister, Gretel. On their 14th birthday, their mother sent them out into the woods while she prepared a surprise party for them. As it turned out, the mother was the one who ended up with a big surprise.
While they were wandering out in the woods, Hansel and Gretel got lost. Eventually, they came upon a house made of Gingerbread. After walking about all morning they were hungry so they started eating on the house. Now, the house belonged to a wicked witch, named Helga, who ate children. When she heard the sound of the children eating on her house, she came out and grabbed them.
After looking over the two, she decided that Gretel would make the best meal, so Helga locked Gretel in a cage hanging from the ceiling. Then she forced Hansel to help her prepare vast amounts of cakes, cookies, pies, and other sweets for Gretel to fatten her up.
Now Gretel, who was already a little bit overweight, was glad happy to eat all the sweets she could hold. After the first six-months she had gained 100 pounds and was starting to develop into womanhood. Her breasts were fully developed, and with the extra weight they were soft and round, like her belly. Hansel was amazed at how full and round his sister had become. By the time of their 15th birthday, Gretel had gained another 125 pounds; she now was at a sexy 360 pounds. Her measurements were 50-45-60. A luscious pear-shaped babe that would drive any FA mad. However, the witch was starting to feel that it was time to eat Gretel.
Like most witches, Helga only had one eye, and she couldn't see too well out of it a,..,nyway, so she had to use a seeing glass. Scared that the witch would make true of her threat, Hansel stole her seeing glass while Helga was asleep, and broke it. Without her seeing glass, Helga had to test Gretel's weight gain now by feeling her forefinger, and checking the amount of fat on it.
So, when the time came for Gretel to be checked, she stuck out a chicken bone, from the previous night's dinner. Thinking the bone was Gretel's finger, Helga screeched out, "She's nothing but skin and bones! We must bake twice as much now... she must be fattened up more!"
With Hansel and Helga crazily baking sweets and other fattening goodies, Gretel was gaining weight like crazy. And all the while she was getting more and more beautiful. On their 16th birthday, Gretel tipped the scales at a whopping 700 pounds! The cage she was locked in kept getting more cramped each day, finally six months later, when Gretel had reached 1,000 pounds, the cage could no longer hold her and it burst open. Gretel's massive folds of fat came spilling out, like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. The noise of the bursting cage woke the witch, when she came running into the room; a soft, fleshy wall of fat stopped her, which was Gretel's belly. Once she realized what it was, the witch was in an outrage. She had Hansel fire up the enormous oven she had in the cellar. Then Helga made Gretel go down to the cellar and wait. Later the witch returned with her magic book and started to cast a spell that would make the enormous Gretel light as a feather, so she could easily shove Gretel into the oven. After finding the spell, the witch attempted to roast Gretel alive. However, because Gretel was so massive, she would not fit into the oven. The witch tried as hard as she could, but Gretel wouldn't fit. While the witch was busy trying to shove Gretel in the oven, Hansel took the witch's book and removed the spell. At once Gretel fell down and crushed the witch.
With the witch dead, the two left the witch's house to return home. Only after Gretel finished eating the house. Now, at age 17, the two returned home. Both were grown up now, Hansel was still at his same weight before entering the witch's house. On the other hand Gretel had gained over 975, and was at an impressive 1110 pounds.
Gretel continued to gain, but not as fast as she did before. When she turn 25, she was at 1500 pounds. She met a rich prince from Turkey who treasured her for her massive size and married her. Gretel went to live at his palace and was worshiped like a goddess. Before she died at the age of 76, Gretel reached her top weight of 5,003 pounds.
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