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New Music and an Interview with...

Rasta-Billy band from Northern California

Stranger News
* "Argonne scientists announce first room-temperature magnetic skyrmion bubbles" (2015-06-12, []
* "Scientists tune X-rays with tiny mirrors" (2015-05-05, []
* "Planarian Regeneration Model Discovered by Artificial Intelligence" (2015-06-04, []
Space News
* "Moon engulfed in permanent, lopsided dust cloud" (2015-06-17, []
* "Titan’s atmosphere even more Earth-like than previously thought" (2015-06-18, []
Ancient News
* "An Underground City of Giants discovered in the Grand Canyon" ( page 1 [], page 2 [] [begin excerpt]: According to an article published in The Arizona Gazette on April 5, 1909, the Grand Canyon was once home to civilization that most likely consisted of individuals of cyclopean proportions. If such a civilization ever lived, surely it would have left behind some structure as a testament of its existence. The article mentions the discovery of an enormous underground citadel by an explorer named G.E. Kinkaid, who stumbled upon it while rafting on the Colorado River. It is worth mentioning that Kinkaid was an established archaeologist and had financial backing from the Smithsonian Institute. The entrance to the city was at the end of a tunnel that stretched for almost a mile underground. The architecture suggested the builders of the underground city possessed advanced engineering skills. The central hub of the subterranean city was a mammoth chamber out of which passageways radiated like spokes on a wheel. The walls of the main chamber were adorned with copper weapons and tablets covered in hieroglyphic symbols, not dissimilar to those found in Egypt. Another finding that pointed to an Egyptian link were the mummified bodies, by far the most intriguing things inside the citadel. No mummy measured less than 9 feet and all of them were wrapped in dark linen. Kinkaid wrote he had stood one of them up and photographed it by flashlight, but that photo is nowhere to be found.There are some who believe the story of the subterranean city of giants is true and that a tight lid has been carefully placed on top of the affair. Conspiracy theorist John Rhodes once said he knew the exact location of the entrance to the city but that it was guarded 24/7 by soldiers carrying M-16 rifles. Another idea floating around the internet said that the underground city now serves as a museum for the shadowy ruling class. Needless to say, the Smithsonian Institute denied knowledge of the existence of such an enigmatic subterranean city, but their disclosure fails to convince everyone. The abundance of conspiracy theories built around the idea that the Smithsonian actively hides or destroys evidence in order to maintain the standard historical viewpoint does little to help the issue. Due to an acute absence of evidence, it seems that for the moment, the story of an underground city of giants is just that – a story. [end excerpt]
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