Send info, music tracks, events listings etc., to [GOTT.PRODUCTIONS@)]
Vallejo Bookstore will host a poetry reading 2 p.m., Sunday with poet Q.R. Hand, Jr. reading selections from his work.
Q. R. Hand, Jr. moved to the San Francisco Bay Area from New York City about 40 years ago. Originally published in the 1968 classic, “Black Fire: An Anthology of Afro American Writing”, edited by Amiri Baraka (Leroy Jones) and Larry Neal, he is the author of three poetry books, “I Speak to the Poet in Man”, “How Sweet It Is” and “Whose Really Blues”.
He is a member of the Wordwind Chorus, a Bay Area quartet that has performed poetry with jazz for more than 20 years, according to a Vallejo Bookstore press release.
This event is free to the public.
The bookstore is located at 628 Marin St.
For additional information regarding Vallejo Bookstore, contact Dave Tilton 590-0669 or visit [].

Free Comic Book Day
Celebrate and discover the amazing world of comic books on Free Comic Book Day! Taking place annually on the first Saturday in May, Free Comic Book Day
Card Weaving [], Original website of the Society of Primitive Technology.
What is Card Weaving? [].
* "The first ever photograph of light as both a particle and wave" (2015-03-02) []

* "Robot acquires chef skills via YouTube instructional vids" (2015-01-30, UPI newswire) []
* "Russian SAR-401 Space Robot Ready for the ISS" (2015-03-05, Sputnik newswire) []

* "Japan's Robear: Strength of a robot, face of a bear" (2015-02-24, AFP newswire) []

Update on the mystery lights discovered on the Ceres dwarf planet.
While the source for the lights is not yet known, NASA has released a high-resolution image [], also an animated .gif image showing Ceres rotating in a sped-up movie comprised of images taken by NASA's Dawn mission during its approach to the dwarf planet. The images were taken on Feb. 19, 2015, from a distance of nearly 29,000 miles (46,000 kilometers). Dawn observed Ceres for a full rotation of the dwarf planet, which lasts about nine hours. The images have a resolution of 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) per pixel.
Dawn's mission is managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The University of California, Los Angeles, is responsible for overall Dawn mission science. [].

The million outer planets of a star called Sol []
* New Horizons: NASA's Mission to Pluto []
* "How Big Is Pluto’s Atmosphere?" (2015-02-24) []
The outer limit for Pluto's atmosphere is ill-defined because of the gradual way that the atmosphere merges with the vacuum of space. It could in fact be farther than seven Pluto radii from its surface, and thus its volume would be even larger.

* Exo-Solar news articles []
* "Planet 'Reared' by Four Parent Stars" (2015-03-04, JPL news) []
The four stars and one planet of the 30 Ari system are illustrated in this diagram. This quadruple star system consists of two pairs of stars: 30 Ari B and 30 Ari A. A gas giant planet (red) orbits one of the stars in 30 Ari B about once a year. New observations led by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, identified the fourth star in the system (green); the three others stars and the planet were previously known. This is the second quadruple star system known to host a planet.

Planet With Four Stars []: This artist's conception shows the 30 Ari system, which includes four stars and a planet. The planet, a gas giant, orbits its primary star (yellow) in about a year's time. The primary star, called 30 Ari B, has a companion -- the small "red dwarf" star shown at upper left. This pair of stars is itself locked in a long-distance orbit with another pair of stars (upper right), known as 30 Ari A.

* "An explosive quartet: Hubble sees multiple images of a supernova for the very first time" (2015-03-05) []
* "Astronomers see star explode four times" (2015-03-06) []: Astronomers have glimpsed a far off and ancient star exploding, not once, but four times.The exploding star, or supernova, was directly behind a cluster of huge galaxies, whose mass is so great that they warp space-time. This forms a cosmic magnifying glass that creates multiple images of the supernova, an effect first predicted by Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity 100 years ago.
* Illustration showing gravitational lensing producing four supernova images []: The light has been magnified and distorted due to gravitational lensing and as a result the images are arranged around the elliptical galaxy in a formation known as an Einstein cross.The massive galaxy cluster focuses the supernova light along at least three separate paths, and then when one of those light paths happens to be precisely aligned with a single elliptical galaxy within the cluster, a secondary lensing effect occurs. The dark matter associated with the elliptical galaxy bends and refocuses the light into four more paths, generating the rare Einstein cross pattern that the team observed.

* "NASA Research Suggests Mars Once Had More Water than Earth’s Arctic Ocean" (2015-03-05) []
* "Mars: The Planet that Lost an Ocean’s Worth of Water" (2015-03-05) [].
This artist's impression shows how Mars may have looked about four billion years ago. The young planet Mars would have had enough water to cover its entire surface in a liquid layer about 140 metres deep, but it is more likely that the liquid would have pooled to form an ocean occupying almost half of Mars's northern hemisphere, and in some regions reaching depths greater than 1.6 kilometres.

* "Some genes 'foreign' in origin and not from our ancestors" (2015-0-12) []
* "World's languages traced back to single African mother tongue: New Zealand researchers have traced every human language — from English to Mandarin — back to an ancestral language spoken in Africa 50,000 to 70,000 years ago" (2011-04-15, []
* "Evidence of One of the Oldest Human Occupations in Western United States Discovered on BLM Land in Southeast Oregon" []
* "The ZODIAC case: WILL ZODIAC EVER BE SOLVED? Researcher confident infamous case will be cracked — some day" [], with Tom Voight []