Send info, music tracks, events listings etc., to [GOTT.PRODUCTIONS@)]
Listen to the live recording for this episode's interview with Jakey Lee! [ link]
Featuring the Positive Vibrations of a Northbay Great...

with debuts from his latest EP:
* "Killing The Devil"
* "The Moment"
* "Cold Blooded"
MUSIC VIDEO: [ link]
Jakey Lee is a singer-song writer, performer, entertainer, producer, and screenwriter from American Canyon, CA and Los Angeles, CA. An explosive feast for the eyes and ears, Jakey Lee is a trendsetting power-pop/rock fashion plate who brings it all to the stage with every performance. The Northern California born and raised, Los Angeles based singer-songwriter dons horn-rimmed glasses, screaming red bow tie, bright pants to match, gold shoes any combination that adds up to red, white, blue, black and gold. With all eyes fixed on him, he gets to it, blazing fresh trails with his blistering guitar, electronic beats and powerhouse vocals. After touring the country for years in many bands he decided to go solo focusing on making pop music.
Hey, neat! Check this out! A freeway ready family-sized solar car has been been developed, tested in Australia and California, is compatible with Tesla cars, and is ready for mass-production:
* "Solar-Powered Family Car Rides California Coast" (2014-09-24) [ link] []
* "Solar-powered family car Stella rides California coast" (2014-09-24) [] []
Tribal Events -
"Vallejo News" (2014-10-10) [] with info about upcoming events, the Loma Vista Farm Pumpkin Sale, and the Mocktober Punk Arts & Music fest
Book Launching: Ayahuasca Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond
Thursday, October 16, at 6:30 PM
at the CIIS Main Building, Namaste Hall, 1453 Mission St., San Francisco, CA, 94103 , San Francisco, CA

Please join us for the book launch of Ayahuasca Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond with editors Beatriz Labate and Clancy Cavnar and moderator Jorge N. Ferrer, PhD of the California Institute of Integral Studies.
There will be an exhibition of Clancy Cavnar's art and an exhibition of the book content by Beatriz Labate, followed by a collective debate mediated by Jorge Ferrer.
This book discusses how Amerindian epistemology and ontology related to certain indigenous shamanic rituals of the Amazon spread to Western societies, and how indigenous, mestizo, and cosmopolitan cultures have dialogued with, and transformed, these forest traditions. The collection also focuses on how shamanic rituals have been spreading and developing in post-traditional urban contexts throughout the world. Special attention is given to ayahuasca, a psychoactive drink usually composed of two plants: the vine Banisteriopsis caapi and leaves of the Psychotria viridis bush. Ayahuasca use has extended beyond its Amazonian origin and instigated a variety of legal and cultural responses in the countries it has spread to.
Zombie and Stage Makeup Class
October 17
More info at [ link], and at [ link]
Learn the basics of stage makeup in this group class with the host of NightMARE Island, the Undertaker. An experienced stage makeup artist, the Undertaker will explain the basics of technique, while demonstrating on a couple willing souls, give directions and suggestions on character development, and answer questions.
Some makeup will be available, but participants are encouraged to bring their own supplies to customize their look. Suggested supplies and tools to bring are makeup sponges, a small mirror that can stand on its own, pale foundation, powders (both light and dark), a few basic makeup brushes and baby wipes to take it all off afterward. If you are going to be using any prosthetics (fake noses, scars, etc.) please bring them as well.
The Zombie and Stage Makeup class will be held on Friday, October 17 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Mare Island Heritage Preserve. The event is free, but donations to the Mare Island Heritage Preserve are encouraged. Please RSVP as there is limited seating in the class.
Behold... and Dread... the Undertaker!
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