Interview with "Rhonda" about the upcoming gala and grand-opening for...
a Speakeasy Party joint,
with the psychonaut musicians of Sam Vega, and the Ehler's Collective!
Saturday, Sept. 20th, 7 to 11pm.
at H2C.org, 4 Wilson ave., in Vallejo, next to the corner at Mare Island parkway and Tennessee st.
** Art Show ** Aerial dancers ** Fire dancers ** Video release party ** Come End Prohibition through art, music and mad collective love!
Feedback (a poem) by Indi Riverflow [link]
w. an interview with Mitchell (Guitarist/Bassist/Vocalist) of the...
Brother's Beard [facebook.com/BrothersBeard] [BrothersBeard.bandcamp.com]
featuring selections from their new album Generations
** "TieDye Spots", and "Bottle Rocket" **
and "Gravity on both sides"... we got time for it!

New debut tracks from the...
Blind Willies [BlindWillies.net] [BlindWillies.bandcamp.com],
and the debut of 2 singles from their new album "Every Day Is Judgment Day":
They are a roving band of artists, haunting the Northbay at the Point Richmond Summer Concert Series(2012); Calistoga Summer Music Series(2013); Whole Earth Festival, Davis(2011); and various bars, breweries in between, providing music for sentient loners, such as...
** "I Need a Woman", and "Dig a Hole" **

As recommended by Thee Temple,
Liberated Zone of the week: MIQEL.com

Something to think about from RealitySandwich.com...
Is Ayahuasca an Alien Intelligence?

Clearly, encounters with the spirit vine deepen your appreciation for the plant kingdom — for all of nature — which is well timed for our era of ecological crisis. And the heart healing that ayahuasca catalyzes strikes many as an ideal antidote to the most damaging aspects of contemporary society. But is there more to it than that? Does ayahuasca have an intention? Do other plant spirit teachers, such as mushrooms, peyote, and iboga? Entheogenic veterans frequently report encounters with distinct, other worldly intelligences during their psychedelic excursions. Are these truly independent consciousnesses, separate from the self? Where do they come from? Read more at [DeOxy.org]

Space News!
Back-up links provided by Archive.today!
** Year's final supermoon is a Harvest Moon [link]
** God Particle could destroy universe, according to Hawking [SpaceDaily.com link], [archive.today]
** Ride Shotgun With NASA Saucer As It Flies to Near Space [NASA.gov link], [archive.today]
** NASA’s 3-D Study of Comets Reveals Chemical Factory at Work [NASA.gov link], [archive.today]
** "Red Dwarf Stars might be best places to discover alien life" [AstroBio.net link], [archive.today]
** First evidence for water ice clouds found outside solar system [CarnegieScience.edu link], [archive.today]
Local writer Julian Phillips (of Vallejo) has a newly-published science-fiction novel,
"The Jupiter Plan: Anarchy at Amalthea",
60 chapters and 150,000 words of sci-fi mystery! The author writes: "Yes, another literary triumph from the World's Most Under-Rated Author. Our story begins 400 years into Tomorrowland, when corruption and poor practices in Earth's by then 100-year-old raw-materials program at the moons of Jupiter, are the topic of two-year investigation by two men from the Planetary Program Proficiency agency, leading to a deep dark secret exploding from within the hellish depths of Jupiter herself, and an epic Water Logic War, originating elsewhere in the ancient Galaxy, as Earth takes her first baby-steps to full membership in the Milky Way society of planets and worlds. Wow! Who writes this stuff?? Get your signed-autographed copy today!"
$15, order through [pog777@) inbox.com] [facebook.com/Julian.Phillips.100].

Bill Holmes of Humboldt, A Tribute -

** "Even the Man on the Moon is crying" [Youtube.com link]
** "Glad I'm not dead" [Youtube.com link]
** "Dirty lil' town" [Youtube.com link]
More tributes:
** "Bill Holmes stood for social justice" obituary [Times-Standard.com link] (archive.org)
** "Bill Got out" [radmul.blogspot.com/2014/08/bill-got-out.html]
** "Of Songs and sad songs", from Shalia: Sorrowful day to hear of Bill's passing. I remember him as being so vibrant with a smile that would bring some sun shine on foggy Eureka benches. My thoughts are with you all- his family and friends, he certainly touched a lot of people, contributed so much to the local culture. His rendition of the Stones' 'waiting on a friend' was the best ever, epic really. I remember him well for it.
** "Local Activist, Blogger and Musician Has Died" [tomsebourn.blogspot.com/2014/09/local-activist-blogger-and-musician-has.html]
** Tribute from Martin Cotton (Sr.): I had the pleasure to have worked, laughed, cryed, and loved the beautiful people in our lives. I will miss our conversations, Bill Holmes. Love and respect.
Jose Martinez' One Man Show.
Sep. 27th, 5 to 10pm
at the Artiszen CAC, 337 Georgia st. vallejo
Martinez is from Napa and creates his art at the Coal Sheds Artist Studios on Mare Island. Please join us in welcoming this extremely talented young man and his guest art student Ashley Foux to the downtown art scene.

Second Saturday Bands at The Hub presents...
HONEY COOLER! (Selwyn and Elan's Birthday JAM!)
Saturday, Sept. 13th, at 7:00pm - 10:00pm
The Hub Vallejo, 350 Georgia St, Vallejo, California 94590
Doors open at 7pm, opening band starts at 8pm.
$5.00 cover.
Event page [https://www.facebook.com/events/1470133936569577]
[http://www.reverbnation.com/2822339] / [http://www.thehubvallejo.com/]
Eric Gallagher on Keyboards and Vocals, Tom Sweeney on Drums, Jeff Hobbs onTrumpet, Sax, and Violin, Elan Jayme on Bass, and Selwyn David on Guitar infuse instrumental rock, reggae, and funk as their core sound with an indie vibe. Honey Cooler 's inspired original tunes are sure to move you with soulful sounds and funky beats for your listening and dancing pleasure.
'Kickin Babe and The Fogies' (Selwyn David, Dan Smith and Elan Jayme) will open the show with a short set, warming up the stage with their original, funky, progressive rock with a twist. (it's their debut and 20 year reunion?!)
*Selwyn and Elan are both having birthdays so bring your hugs, smiles, and applause to help these lifer-musicians celebrate....there will be cupcakes!

Hub CAP! (Community Art Party!!!!)
Thursday, September 18, at 6:00pm - 8:30pm
and every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month
At The Hub Vallejo, 350 Georgia St, Vallejo, California 94590

We had so much fun at the earthquake mosaic party. There was such a great feeling of community & everyone had a BLAST. Some folks brought snacks. Some brought things they wanted to make art with. Everyone brought their awesome selves for a wonderful social mix,and just a great time. We want more!
So now, every 1st & 3rd Thursday evening we will be having a general art party at The Hub Vallejo - painting, sewing, music, mosaics, sculpture - whatever! It will be informal and a chance for us to hang as a community and create.
So come congregate, commune, converge & create collectively!.
Bring a project, a song, a snack to share, stitch-n-bitch, jam, hang out, converse, commune congregate CREATE! :D
There's no charge for this event, but if you could drop a buck or two in our donation box, we'd appreciate it. It will help pay for the electricity we burn that night, (and the toilet paper!).
Theatrical Third Weekend Presents:
Working for the Mouse
Friday, September 19, at 8:00pm - 10:00pm
The Hub Vallejo, 350 Georgia St, Vallejo, California 94590
Tickets $10
Written and performed by Trevor Allen, Directed by Nancy Carlin.
What really goes on at the Happiest Place on Earth? As a young man, Trevor Allen spent a few years in Anaheim playing Pluto, the Mad Hatter, and other characters in his height range on a quest to become Peter Pan. He returns with tales of quirky co-workers, militant managers, and backstage debauchery in this unique coming-of-age tale.
Working for the Mouse blows pixie dust in your eyes while offering a hilarious glimpse behind the ears of the Magic Kingdom. Voted Best of the SF Fringe Festival, it's garnered sold-out houses and critical acclaim in Berkeley and San Francisco without once getting a cease-and-desist order from Disney.
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