Gathering of the Tribes radio! [link], Thursdays, 5 to 6pm with Rock, Tribal News and a Liberated Zone calender, convened by Dr.G., a Renegade Illuminati with Thee Temple [link], alongside a psychonautical crew affiliated with the Northbay Evolver network [link].
Tune in at 89.5FM in the northeast San Pablo Bay Area (American Canyon, Benicia, Crockett, Fairfield, Suisun, Vallejo), and online with our tune-in app [link].The Visionary Activist Show [] for June 5, 2014, with radio host Caroline speaking with psychedelic scholar Robert Forte, author of "Entheogens &the Future of Religion", and mmda researcher at U. of Chicago, in honor of the legacy of Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin (June 17, 1925 - June 2, 2014) []. Download and play this clip in your Computer's media player [] (mp3, 10.28 megabytes)
View a video trailer from a documentary about Alexander Shulgin []
Preserve, enhance and expand People's Park in Berkeley!
Join the People's Park Collective by attending their meetings and getting involved.
Contact Michael Diehl [] for more information!
On Sunday, June 8th, at 1pm in the Cafe Mediterranean on Telegraph st. in Berkley around the corner from People's Park, there was held a meeting of park supporters to discuss building on the momentum built going into the 45th anniversary of the creation of the park. On the agenda was retouching/painting the commemorative mural on the bathroom recalling the 1991 volleyball struggle and what message we want on the front stage. Within the year they intend to do serious reconstruction work on the stage, which will take fundraising.
Michael Diehl says, "Join Us!"

“Building the Future with New Global Mythology”
Learn about the power of Community Alchemy!
A Free eWorkshop with Willi Paul. Throughout June 2014, You and your community are invited:
* To gain new tools for the advancement of global stories and culture
* Explore the emerging field of post-classical mythology
* Better understand the role of Nature, Permaculture, Alchemy and the Sacred in building New Myths
* Build new visions with new global myths, symbols, essays, songs and art
with participating galleries in Vallejo's Arts and Entertainment District!
Friday, June 13th, 5 to 11pm
at The Hub, 350 Georgia st., Vallejo
June 13th will be the biggest Vallejo Art Walk yet at The Hub Vallejo.
Besides having a plethora of awesome new artists vending this Friday, we will have an art opening in the glow gallery of the color changing art of Teddy Fisher. Relax on the couch and watch the art change as you listen to the universal om - transcendent!
Guest Artisans:
* Arabesque Designs
* Haley Mosher
* Laura Noel
* Marancy M Studios
* Mystical Design
Resistance Cafe will be at full steam for the first time!
DJ Ru will be spinning his incredible mixes till 8:30 - then a VERY SPECIAL TREAT:
At 8:30 we will have a performance art piece called, ”FUE UN SUEÑO” ( It was a dream), by Vallejo performance artist Yoordy Lepe.
It's a piece on Latino Immigrants that asks, "What moves you? What moves others?"
Come explore a live art installation, and explore your own views on immigration. See, hear & feel the journey for relief, as you participate in a full immersion performance on the dream of permanent residency.
Share your boundaries.
Push your boundaries.
Examine the realities of unlawful presence in this provocative exhibition.
FREE - as usual! Come enjoy Vallejo's arts renaissance!
Come see Teddy Fisher's amazing color changing art.

If you haven't been downtown yet, this is the perfect time to see what all the fuss is about! See what Vallejo is becoming!

Towards (A) Communal Cypher
June 13, 2014
Location: Qilombo
Time: 6pm to Midnight
for more information visit: []
event page []
Featuring: Savage Fam, Alas, Ruby Ibarra, M.C. K-Swift , Monotheist, Poesia, E The Ref, Shango Abiola, Dani M. Cornejo and anyone who got heart to get in it the day of!
Cyphers/Elements: Graffiti/Arsenal Culture, Bgirl Cypher, Comedians, raffles, vendors, food community bridging thru hip hop
Live from Oakland, creative revolutions always lead to drastic changes!
Towards (A) Communal Cypher Benefit Show is being coordinated to raise funds for the Trayvon 2 and 2014 Brigada to Mexico. Engaging Hip Hop as a tool of Decolonization and continue building Black and Brown people struggles, we intend to support a thriving local underground creative resistant hip hop community and those targeted for speaking for the liberation of our people(s).
The 2014 Brigada to Mexico consists of Black and Brown people from the West Coast (Los Angeles, Seattle, Oakland) who seek to strengthen solidarity amongst our growing communities of displaced and marginalized people, build ties, and continue to struggle locally, regionally and globally. We carrying the stories of our families that have ended up in these cities and reclaim autonomy in order to survive the age of the neoliberal-gentrification-colonial project.

Second Saturday Bands presents...
Axis of Blues: Making Your Liver Quiver, and Your Backbone Slip
Saturday, June 14 at 7:00pm
The Hub Vallejo, 350 georgia st, Vallejo, California 94590 []
$5 at the door - Best bargain in town! :D
Event invite page []
If you liked The Gravel Spreaders when they played at Second Saturday Bands a few months back, you'll LOVE their brilliant gutarist's other project, Axis of Blues!
Vallejo's cultural nexus - The Hub - plays host to Axis of Blues, the East Bay's premiere purveyors of slippy, slidy boogie rock 'n' blues. Stop on by for a goodly dose of freak...if you dare...
Axis of Blues is very excited to be making a rare public appearance! They don't perform often, because it might cause riots. If you're going to the Northern California Pirate Festival on Sat., June 14, be sure to cap off your day with some rock, blues, R&B and originals at the world-famous Hub arts center in's only a couple of blocks from the fair site!
Axis of Blues is astoundingly proud to present our newest member. The incredible Mikkel McDow! Hope you're ready to be blown away at The Hub.

Northern California Pirate Festival

289 Mare Island Way, downtown Vallejo
Fun For ALL AGES: Children, Adults, Teens & Whole Families!
$10 at the gate Children 11 and under free! Parking Free for duration of the fest.
Whether you love nautical music, swordfighting, sailing, cannon-battles, theater, maritime crafts, food and drink, or just shopping fer' pirate booty...there's something here for YOU!
We encourage coming out in costume...whether you dress as a historical era pirate from the Golden Age of Sail or a bejeweled Mardi-Gras Krewmate from New Orleans... whether your taste runs towards Hollywood Swashbucklers, Foreign Buccaneers from international waters or a t-shirt and jeans. Go ahead and hoist the colors! You certainly don't need to come out in costume, but when you leave you're sure to feel like a pirate!
Sail out to the PirateFest and join us for a great time!

What would a pirate have to eat? Find out with Bilgemunkey and Capt Scully with Tales of the seven seas. []

Northbay Evolver Network, and the Gathering of the Tribes, presents...
A liberated zone with music by ManifestiV, featuring a film by Ken Adams about the legacy of noted American philosopher Terrence McKenna.
Friday, June 20th,
At the IntegreTea, 717 Marin st., Vallejo 94590
* 7pm film showing, with an intro, and a Q&A afterwards
* 9pm, Experience the future inside the present, with ManifestiV performing an original psychedelic opera.
* Indi Riverflow, author with Amana Mission Publishing, might perform poetry from Gyroscape (
Imaginatrix - The Terence McKenna Experience is an alluring experiment in neo-psychedelic cinema by the creator of Alien DreamTime and Strange Attractor.
The life and ideas of Terence McKenna, a renegade intellectual most noted for his enthusiastic advocacy of psychedelic experience and provocative free thinking, is presented in a documentary, released with Devolver Digital Films 2014, covering over twenty years of McKenna's unprecedented ecology of mind, with previously unreleased video recordings made in private with Terence, circa 1989-1994.
Imaginatrix is more stream of (altered) consciousness and ceremonial than documentary, presenting an over-full visual environment with thousands of layered images, motion graphics, and stunning visualizations, probing and touching the topics of Eros, Visual Language, DMT, Rosicrucians, Death, Fairy Land, and Other related enticements.
For more information, visit
Berkeley World Music Festival
Sunday, Jun 22 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm
At People's Park, in Berkeley, CA
17 bands playing music from all over the world & admission is FREE. A fantastic main stage line up of Afrofunk Experience original funk & afrobeats, Manzo Rally with new Latin rock music featuring Gaberiel Manzo lead guitarist from Malo with an all star line up, & the legendary Motown review Pride And Joy. Plus music in 13 various stores & restaurants around the Telegraph Ave. area. After party at the Ashkenaz.
Solstice Clothing Swap
Sunday, June 22, 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Join us at the Sebastopol Summer Solstice Clothes Swap for a frugal and green clothing. Because RE-USING is good for you and good for the planet!. Women's, Men's, and Children's clothing! Here's how it works: Bring gently used clothing that you no longer need or love--Take what appeals to you. If you have nothing to bring you can donate five or ten dollars to LITE initiatives. If you are broke and have nothing to bring, come anyhow, and give back later. We REALLY would like more of a men's section, and more men participating.
Sebastopol Farmer's Market, the Plaza, Sebastopol
Polynesian Wayfinding
Planetarium SRJC
Friday, June 27, 7:00 p.m.
The Polynesians are the world's greatest navigators who have sailed throughout the Pacific for thousands of years in their voyaging canoes without navigation instruments, using instead knowledge and observations of the stars and nature. This original planetarium show celebrates the science and art of the Polynesian Wayfinding!
$10 general/$7 for students and seniors. Tickets sold at the door. Doors open 30 minutes before the show. Cash Please!
Proceeds benefit the Planetarium and the Hui Pulama Mau Fund at SRJC []
SRJC Planetarium, Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa
Poetry in Soundspace Motion
Saturday, June 28, 7:30 to 10:00 p.m.
An evening of spoken word poetry with musical and dance accompaniment - featured performers will include: Shey with freestyle rap, Bruce Alan Rhodes and Zak Rudy doing spoken word poetry. Musicians including Ellen Cruz andZak Rudy on percussion, and an ancient tenor 4 string banjo. Dancers, belly dancers and improv, organized by Elllen Cruz featuring, Theresea Jade and Mari Lancaster.
Arlene Francis Center, 99 6th St., Santa Rosa

Transition Conversation Cafe
Tuesday, July 15, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
A lightly facilitated space for discussion of all things related to the Transition Movement
Taylor Maid Organic Coffee, 6790 McKinley Ave #170 (In The Barlow), Sebastopo
World Beyond War, a Global Movement to End All Wars
2014 Jul 15th - Tue at 6:00 PM
Potluck dinner followed with a presentation by a Stanford engineer and former weapons designer that is now focused on promoting alternatives to war that provide for greater security at lower cost.
Location: Mt. Diablo Peace Center - 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek, CA - (925) 933-7850
The Suppressed Electrical Universe Theory
and its Importance for Understanding Climate Change.
2014 Jul 16th - Wed at 6:00 PM
Potluck dinner followed with a presentation by a Stanford Mathematicians who helped create Silicon Valley and now lives in Ireland researching and writing about how the world really operates and what we can do to improve it.
Location: Penthouse at Sergio Lub's office: 3800 Vista Oaks Drive, Martinez, CA
More info at []
Learn more: “Escaping the Matrix — How we the people can change the world”, by Richard Moore. Published by The Cyberjournal Project, Redwood City, California []

Angel Heart 4 You
501 First Street, Benicia, (707) 745-2024

Examples of the many Solutions sprouting all over Gaia
2014 Jul 28th - Mon at 6:00 PM
Potluck dinner followed with a presentation by the Irish Urban Architect and Agricultural Planner that has become one of the world’s experts on Sustainable Permaculture and consciously applied Ecological Planning of human settlements.
Location: Tentatively at IONS - Please RSVP to be notified - Institute of Noetic Sciences Campus - 101 San Antonio Rd. - Petaluma, CA
RSVP at []

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