The beats heard in the background are by the Alley Cat of Vacaville!
Be a part of the Gatherings! This program is produced by an affinity network which meets twice monthly at in Vallejo's Art District, where plans are made, and this is Your chance to join a project for alternative culture, including music shows, events, and more! More info, including a list of projects to get in with, at [], affiliated with: Northbay Evolver Network [link]
Interview with...
Skunk Funk Soundsystem Facebook Fan Page [], more info at [link]! With special tracks Skunk Funk recorded Live at KDVS:
"Mr. Helicopter" & "Irie Side w. Tell Me What It Takes"
And, here's a video of their performance at this year's Bottle Rock music fest in Napa:
Music for the Gathering:
"Let's Just Say" by Commonwealth
"Be Merry, my friends" by the Crux
"Wormwood Conspiracy" & "Stix & Stoned" by FooDIE [link]
"Love don't live here" by Century Got Bars
Liberated Zones, composed of Thoughtful & Psychedelic events from around the San Pablo bay area and beyond. Click here [link] for more info about Liberated Zones!
Century Got BARS LIVE @ The Crocker Art Museum
Thursday, November 7, 6:00pm until 8:00pm
Crocker Art Museum [216 O Street, Sacramento]
Century Got Bars, an independent Hip-Hop artist, writes:
Come join me in celebrating the new Exhibition from artist Kara Walker "Emancipating the Past: Kara Walker's Tales of Slavery and Power".
I will have a 30 min set at 730pm sharp! I have a small guest list so first come first serve if you'd like to attend contact me. Otherwise standard museum entrance fees apply $10 reg admission $5 w/ student id and free if you are a member of the Crocker.
Named one of Time magazine's most influential people, Art21 artist Kara Walker creates art about the exchange of power and attempts to withhold power from others. Featuring 60 works drawn from the collection of the Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation, the exhibition includes wall paintings, works on paper, and recent work in new media. All showcase the artist's thought-provoking approach to graphic design and content.
Don't miss this amazing exhibit!! Visit the link below for more Info on Kara Walker and the showing.
The UpTown of Oakland presents Junk Folk Night:
Thee Hobo Gobbelins, The Crux (CD Release), 5 Cent Coffee
Thursday, November 7, 9:00pm
Come for an evening of wild speakeasy/carnival music with three stompy folk bands! Thee Hobo Gobbelins, The Crux, and 5 Cent Coffee... This evening is a CD release party for The Crux's new album, THE RATCATCHER!
21+, 9pm. 8 dollars.
The Uptown Nightclub [1928 Telegraph Ave, Oakland]
Thee Hobo Gobbelins: The Hobo Gobbelins emerge from the pulsing art vortex of Oakland, Ca., the green-skinned child of punk rock, avant-garde performance art and hobo soul. Drawing on a dizzying array of influences, the band incorporates traditional sounds of Americana and the Old World with the horrors of modernity. Monsters from folklore and fiction wriggle alongside freight-train spirituals and drinking songs. The result is a disturbing haunted house for the ear, a nightmare carnival that is at turns goofy and murderous. Human audiences drink more, dance better, and writhe uncontrollably to goblin beatings- er, beats. Incidentally, audience is the goblin word for “food that screams”.
The Crux (CD Release Party!): The Crux is an encyclopedic band of multi-instrumentalists, performing barn dance tunes, klezmer jams, pirate shanties, and bluesy dirges in a theatrical performance style. Their sound is an energetic brand of folk music enlivened with a taste of punk.
5 Cent Coffee: 5 Cent Coffee is a 4 piece post modern jug band full of grit and carnival hokum. We play original songs set in the dusty American tradition of travelling circuses and rail riders down on their luck. With soaring vocals, sometimes two accordions, sometimes two ukuleles, washboard and junk percussion, our sound is big and brash but soft and mournful, and always compelling.
a night of music, comedy, poetry, and political satire
Friday, November 8th | 8pm | $8
At The Arlene Francis Center [99 Sixth Street, Santa Rosa]
This event is a co-production of Jake Ward Presents & the North Bay Hootenanny. Sponsored by CMedia []
Featuring Live Music By BABY SEAL CLUB. Voted Best Rock Band in the North Bay by the Bohemian 2012, quirk-pop art-rockers Baby Seal Club unleashes a sonic alchemy of the most ear-reverent sort. Pelvic-pounding rhythms and heart-thumping harmonies whirl into a frothy serving of free-range chaos. Listen. Grin. Repeat. []

"… combining punk rock with raunchy and sometimes political satire, Bobby Joe Ebola & The Children MacNuggits left me wondering if I wanted to laugh, think or dance. I chose to dance, laughing in the process, and decided to think about the lyrics later. They were just that good." — Tony DuShane, SF Gate
"Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits can only be described as genius, brilliant, reminiscent of the late George Carlin mixed with a heavy dose of Monty Python." — Melissa Webster, The Huffington Post
With Spoken Word Performances By CHRIS CHANDLER. "A lot of modern punk rock bands might talk about the revolution, this man however is living it." — Johnathon Gallienne, Punk United. "This man is dangerous" — The Washington Post []
And Standup Comedy By LILA CUGINI, a comedian from Sonoma County. You'll find her eating cereal and posting inspirational thoughts on Facebook every morning from her mobile phone as part of her Eat Pray Love journey. She's still waiting for the Love part.
Va11ejo Day
November 11th, 11:11am
All-Ages, All Day
At "Art is Zen" [337 Georgia St., Vallejo]
Its the first VA11EJO Day!! VA113JO!!! Art, music, dance, food, love, community...
it's our first Fridays...Va11ejo style...whatever day it is...on the 11th, we're going to occupy downtown with local culture until the world ends!!!
With the art of Jack Armstrong SeanG, Dante, and others to be announced, with music!
Digital Renaissance Faire presents...
Synchronicity Celebration 11:11
Monday, November 11,
6:00pm until 2:00am
The Digital Renaissance Faire is hosting a series of synchronicity events on Monday 11/11.
For more information on Synchronicity and how 11:11 connects us, visit [].
$10-$20 Sliding Scale (Bring What You Can)
The Bay Area event will be held at Evolver Studios at 719 Marin St. in Vallejo.
From 6pm until 9pm, we have an educational schedule to expand your mind and broaden your horizons. From 9pm to 2am, we have music and art to entice your senses.
Room 1 Hosted by Nerd Nate
Facepainting all evening by Cassandra Love (
6-7pm: Sound Healing with Aravel Forbes and her Singing Bowls - Come and experience the amazing sound healing of an ancient art and medicine. Relax and take a journey or feel the sound waves wash over you. Blue Green Harmony (
7-8pm: Living Earth Structures with Miguel Elliot - Living Earth Structures specializes in building cob ovens, benches, saunas, domes, hot tubs, and other sacred structures using Earth right on site when possible. Miguel will have a slide show presentation showing his cob structures from all over the world and explain how you can learn to do cob at home. Living Earth Structures (
8-9pm: DJ MC Nerd Nate 9-10pm: Kosmic Trippa (
10-11:30pm: Jef Stott ( 11:30-12:30am: DJ Professor Stone ( 12:30-2am: Chlorophil (
Room 2
6-8pm: 9Energies - Come and find out your super power. Just as our bodies have seven Chakras, we also have nine energy centers, also connected to the seven Chakras. Everyone has one dominate energy center. Find out wish one yours is and see how it changes your life. 9Energies (
8-10pm: Live music, live art by Pobby Heglar and BYOE Potluck and Mixer - Bring something from home or something from the store. Be conscious in your choices, but don't forget, this is a party!
The Digital Renaissance Faire is a Community Building Educational Collaborative Art Festival and Participant Funded Co-op Event. Started by a group of Burners and inspired by the Ten Principles of Burning Man, the DRF provides an outlet for creative and intelligent people to share their wonders with the rest of our growing community. Anyone can join the DRF as long as they participate within it. The DRF Synchronicity Celebration is a Fundraiser for the Digital Renaissance Faire.
For more information on the Digital Renaissance Faire, visit or call the Digital Renaissance Faire Hotline at 916-947-3373.
Gathering of the Tribes presents...
A night of Serial Music hosted by Dr.G. and the Serial Mom, with featured act:
and The Freedom Shrine (Rock/Napa) [link]
and O'Dell
with our Tribal DJ Miss Ayah on the turntables spinning Island Slam and old school grooves!
Friday, November 15, 2013
9:00pm until 12:00am
21+, No Cover Charge
At the Townhouse Bar [401 Georgia Street, Vallejo]
RSVP on Facebook [link]
Northbay Evolver presents…
“Community Healing and the Gift Economy”
Sat. Dec. 14th, 3 to 8pm
At the IntegreTea [717 Marin st., Vallejo]

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