Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m. to 9:30
at Panama Red Coffee, 289 Mare Island Way in Vallejo.
The event is
sponsored by Panama Red Coffee Co. and Profetic Lyrics.
For more info, visit [www.facebook.com/PoetryByTheBay].
"Poetry by the Bay, Vallejo’s Largest Open Mic Event"
2013-11-21 by Ashley Chambers from "The Post" news group [http://postnewsgroup.com/blog/2013/11/21/poetry-bay-vallejos-largest-open-mic-event/]:
As the largest open mic event in Vallejo, Poetry by the Bay has brought together talented poets, lyricists, and artists from all over the Bay Area to share their work.
Started in 2008 by spoken word artist and songwriter Kyrah Ayers, also known as “Lyrical Profet,” this free event brings people into an environment where they can feel comfortable expressing themselves.
It is also one of few open mics in the Vallejo community.
After the local show “Listen and Be Heard” went out of business, Ayers took it upon himself to bring spoken word back to the city.
“We always need something that people can do in order to express themselves in a positive way. Everyone has something to say and poetry is just one of the ways we can actually express it,” said Ayers, owner of Profetic Lyrics which sponsors Poetry by the Bay.
Raised in Vallejo, he started writing at age 11 and has hosted many events including Oakland’s Sunday in the Redwoods and the Walk to End Poverty. Ayers also hosts the monthly spoken word event.
Poetry by the Bay focuses on the important messages expressed through poetry and encourages people to stay informed of what’s going on in their community, Ayers says.
“I’ve heard every topic come up. It’s really community-based and supported. I always appreciate the positive people that come and just want to have a good time,” he says.
Open to all ages and anyone from amateur to professional poets, the spoken word event recently celebrated its fifth anniversary featuring poet and author Dom Jones.
A Liberated Zone for the affinity of like-minded thinkers, in the heart of the Art District in Vallejo.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Holiday Gift Guide for 2013
$15, benefit for the Veterans for Peace!
A set of 10 horizontal holiday cards, 5 x 7 inches (11 envelopes). Message inside: ...this season and throughout the New Year!

2014 Peace Calendar [link]
$14.95, benefit for the Veterans for Peace!
This beautiful 12 page wall calendar is produced each year by the Syracuse Cultural Workers. Each month features a vibrant work of art incorporating a current justice issue. Includes: * Over 200 people's history annotations * Holidays for many faiths * Lunar cycles, 13 Native moons * Printed by union labor in USA

T-shirts with the message of Universalism and Peace [link].
$20, benefits the work of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship's Social Justice Committee!
Front: "BERKELEY FELLOWSHIP OF UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS" and "Spirituality & Social Justice in the Heart of Berkeley".
Back: "HISTORIC FELLOWSHIP HALL - Home of the Social Justice Committee & The Hal Carlstad Social Justice Center" (with our web address), and the "Union Made" symbol.

From politics and the economy to prison abolition and parenting - we have books, CDs, and DVDs that span a wide assortment of topics and genres that we are offering to you at the phenomenal rate of 50% off list price through December 31st. This special offer does not have a minimum (or maximum) quantity required for getting the 50% discount, so strike while it's hot! Shipping Notes: U.S. orders must be placed by December 20th and shipped via Priority Mail to be received before the 25th of December. If you are ordering internationally, please contact us for estimated shipping times: [info@pmpress.org]
A brief selection of the hundreds of books available:
* "Mango & Mint: Arabian, Indian, and North African Inspired Vegan Cuisine" by Nicky Garratt, regular list price: $17.95 | holiday special price: $8.98
* "Anarchy Comics: The Complete Collection" edited by Jay Kinney, regular list price: $20.00 | holiday special price: $10.00
* "Girls Are Not Chicks" Children's Coloring Book by Jacinta Bunnell and Julie Novak, regular list price: $10.00 | holiday special price: $5.00
* "How to Make Trouble and Influence People: Pranks, Protests, Graffiti & Political Mischief-Making from across Australia" by Iain McIntyre, regular list price: $24.95 | holiday special price: $12.48
* "Bicycle! A Repair & Maintenance Manifesto", 2nd Edition by Sam Tracy, regular list price: $20.00 | holiday special price: $10.00
* "For All the People: Uncovering the Hidden History of Cooperation, Cooperative Movements, and Communalism in America", 2nd Edition by John Curl, regular list price: $29.95 | holiday special price: $14.98
2014 Birds of the Bay Area Calendar [link]
Enjoy the beauty of our local birds every month with Golden Gate Audubon's 2014 Birds of the San Francisco Bay Area photo calendar! This calendar contains large, full-color photos of owls, hawks, songbirds, hummingbirds, and more by the Bay Area's most talented wildlife photographers, plus tips on making your backyard more bird-friendly. A uniquely local gift for avid birders or anyone who enjoys nature. Printed on recycled paper; all proceeds go to benefit Golden Gate Audubon's conservation and education programs.

STRIKE! today with new union board game
Here's a unique union gift for the holidays — and union members receive a 25 percent discount through December 31.
Test your union-building and labor movement strategy in STRIKE! — a new board game that pits Main Street against Wall Street. The player with the largest pension fund, most union members and most strike points wins the game!
Order "STRIKE!" (for 25% discount, enter coupon code: UNION)

"Bay Area Birds" book by David Lukas [link]
$20 plus $3.00 shipping.
Here, in one compact volume, is a treasure trove of information for bird experts and beginners alike. It covers all 320 species found from Sonoma County to Monterey Bay, including seabirds and rare migrants, with full-length accounts for 221 species. The ultimate reference for trail, boat, or home!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
GOTT Radio for Nov. 21st, 2013
Gathering of the Tribes Thursdays,
5 to 6pm, with Rock, Reggae, Psychonaut
grooves, and Culture!
The beats heard in the background are by the Alley Cat of Vacaville!
Be a part of the Gatherings! This program is produced by an affinity network which meets twice monthly at in Vallejo's Art District, where plans are made, and this is Your chance to join a project for alternative culture, including music shows, events, and more! More info, including a list of projects to get in with, at [gatheringofthetribes.blogspot.com], affiliated with: Northbay Evolver Network [link]
Music for the Gathering:
"Stop Hatin' in the Bay" by Sellassie
"Fire" by Illuminati Congo ft. Big Youth
"Open Fire" by Ras Ceylon ft. Hoodlum West, Hungry Bros.
"Talk of the Town" by the Rebobs
"Caboose" by Shenanagens
"(I Wanna Be) Your American Idol" by the Pallet Jacks
"Train to Zion" by Trevor Lyon ft. DJ Imagine
"All in your mind" by Alex Marley ft. Dia Warrior
"True to yourself" by Lazy Sunday
Tribal News
with music, art, and psychedelic culture! More Tribal News here: Evolver [link]
Welcome to the Northbay 'zine Library! [link]
Check out the latest addition to the Northbay 'zine Library archive: Brain Food #11 [link]
Make your own mini 'zine! [link]
"New Electric Wheel Could Expand Bike Commuting" [link]
Five Crucial But Easy Bike Maintenance Tips [link]
Update from the Tribe: The band known as the Echo Project is now known as the Freedom Shrine. They are releasing a new album in 2014, so be on the look out for Johnny Skull, the Atomic Adam!, and Sparky as they bring the songs of Freedom Shrine to the Gathering of the Tribes in 2014!
Liberated Zones, composed of Thoughtful & Psychedelic events from around the San Pablo bay area and beyond. Click here [link] for more info about Liberated Zones!
Rock the Red
benefit show for World AIDS Day
at the Artiszen Cultural Art Center [337 Georgia st., Vallejo]

4th Annual Mad Hatter Holiday Festival
December 7th, 2013, on the streets of Vallejo's Village of Artists and community spaces, centered at Georgia st. & Marin st. there will occur the Mad Hatter's Festival, Parade & Ball, a fantastic display of InDIYpendent culture and Community Spirit, with art cars, fire art, marching bands, dancing horses, and spectacles too numerous to list!!!
Festival begins at 2pm at Unity Plaza -- between JFK Library & the Post Office: see the Dancing Mexican Horses, Loma Vista animals, fun art cars, plenty of food & craft vendors & much more!! Come & ride in the Mad Hatter Tea PoT!!!

The Parade begins at 4pm, and ends at Vallejo's Unity Park with a fantastic display of lights and flames!Following that will be an after-hours all night block party as only the Mad Hatter could arrange, with the Mad Hatter's Ball (21+, $20) at the Oddfellow's Hub [350 Georgia st.] [www.thehubvallejo.com].
Accompanying the Mad Hatter's Ball will be Alice's Palace (all-ages) at the Art is Zen [337 Georgia st.] [facebook.com/pages/Artiszen-Cultural-Art-Center/552021818212678].
Ozcat Radio, through the Gathering of the Tribes affiliation with the Northbay Evolver Network, has been invited to be in the parade alongside the Cat of Many Colors!
The Hub Holiday Bazaar
Saturday, December 7, 2013
at The Hub [350 Georgia Street @ Marin, Vallejo]
12/7 9am-8pm (Also the Mad Hatter Holiday Festival that day!)
12/8 12pm-5pm
12/14 9am-4pm
12/15 12pm-5pm
Our shop and gallery will be open all day on 12/7.
Our special guest artisan vendors will be here from 2-8.
Did we mention there will be a DIY gift wrap station at the Hub Holiday Bazaar? It will be all set up in the Hub on 12/8, 12/14, & 12/15! Do your shopping, then create your own special gift wrap!
Some of the artisans participating in the bazaar or who have work in the gallery are:
* Corkapelli Trinkets [www.corkapelli.com]
* L Tracey Harper, Therapeutic Massage Therapy
* Mad Zanni Masks
* Michelle's Eye [www.etsy.com/shop/Michelleseye]
* Steamy Tech [www.steamytech.com]
* Glowees [www.glowees.com]
* Lulu Deux Millinery [www.luludeuxmillinery.com]
* Sean Murdock [www.seanmurdock.com]
* Robin MacLean [www.etsy.com/shop/RobinMacLean]
* Jean Cherie [www.jeancherie.com]
* Sherry Tobin

Northbay Evolver presents…
“Community Healing and the Gift Economy”
Sat. Dec. 14th, 3 to 8pm
At the IntegreTea [717 Marin st., Vallejo]
Hub Crafternoon: Open Studio - Finish Those UFO's!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
1:00pm until 4:00pm in PST
The Hub Vallejo 350 Georgia Street, Vallejo CA
Crafternoon Maven: Katie Vardijan
Definition of a UFO (in the crafty world): Unfinished object or project, often found hiding in craft rooms, under the bed, or tucked away in a corner of the closet in a plastic bag.
Did you start a scrapbook when your kid was a baby? Is your baby now entering kindergarten but the scrapbook is still in pieces? Did you begin knitting a hat last winter but then....summer happened? Is your sewing and mending pile giving you grief? I think you get the idea--let's tackle those UFO's! Spend an afternoon at The Hub socializing while finishing up your art/craft project.
Any UFO project that can be worked on in a room with tables and chairs is welcome. Need to borrow a sewing machine? We have a handful that can be loaned for the day, let Katie know you need one when you sign up. To sign up, please visit [www.luludeuxmillinery.com/workshops]
The beats heard in the background are by the Alley Cat of Vacaville!
Be a part of the Gatherings! This program is produced by an affinity network which meets twice monthly at in Vallejo's Art District, where plans are made, and this is Your chance to join a project for alternative culture, including music shows, events, and more! More info, including a list of projects to get in with, at [gatheringofthetribes.blogspot.com], affiliated with: Northbay Evolver Network [link]
Music for the Gathering:
"Stop Hatin' in the Bay" by Sellassie
"Fire" by Illuminati Congo ft. Big Youth
"Open Fire" by Ras Ceylon ft. Hoodlum West, Hungry Bros.
"Talk of the Town" by the Rebobs
"Caboose" by Shenanagens
"(I Wanna Be) Your American Idol" by the Pallet Jacks
"Train to Zion" by Trevor Lyon ft. DJ Imagine
"All in your mind" by Alex Marley ft. Dia Warrior
"True to yourself" by Lazy Sunday
Tribal News
with music, art, and psychedelic culture! More Tribal News here: Evolver [link]
Welcome to the Northbay 'zine Library! [link]
Check out the latest addition to the Northbay 'zine Library archive: Brain Food #11 [link]
Make your own mini 'zine! [link]
"New Electric Wheel Could Expand Bike Commuting" [link]
Five Crucial But Easy Bike Maintenance Tips [link]
Update from the Tribe: The band known as the Echo Project is now known as the Freedom Shrine. They are releasing a new album in 2014, so be on the look out for Johnny Skull, the Atomic Adam!, and Sparky as they bring the songs of Freedom Shrine to the Gathering of the Tribes in 2014!
Liberated Zones, composed of Thoughtful & Psychedelic events from around the San Pablo bay area and beyond. Click here [link] for more info about Liberated Zones!
Rock the Red
benefit show for World AIDS Day
at the Artiszen Cultural Art Center [337 Georgia st., Vallejo]

4th Annual Mad Hatter Holiday Festival

December 7th, 2013, on the streets of Vallejo's Village of Artists and community spaces, centered at Georgia st. & Marin st. there will occur the Mad Hatter's Festival, Parade & Ball, a fantastic display of InDIYpendent culture and Community Spirit, with art cars, fire art, marching bands, dancing horses, and spectacles too numerous to list!!!
Festival begins at 2pm at Unity Plaza -- between JFK Library & the Post Office: see the Dancing Mexican Horses, Loma Vista animals, fun art cars, plenty of food & craft vendors & much more!! Come & ride in the Mad Hatter Tea PoT!!!

The Parade begins at 4pm, and ends at Vallejo's Unity Park with a fantastic display of lights and flames!Following that will be an after-hours all night block party as only the Mad Hatter could arrange, with the Mad Hatter's Ball (21+, $20) at the Oddfellow's Hub [350 Georgia st.] [www.thehubvallejo.com].
Accompanying the Mad Hatter's Ball will be Alice's Palace (all-ages) at the Art is Zen [337 Georgia st.] [facebook.com/pages/Artiszen-Cultural-Art-Center/552021818212678].
Ozcat Radio, through the Gathering of the Tribes affiliation with the Northbay Evolver Network, has been invited to be in the parade alongside the Cat of Many Colors!
The Hub Holiday Bazaar
Saturday, December 7, 2013
at The Hub [350 Georgia Street @ Marin, Vallejo]
12/7 9am-8pm (Also the Mad Hatter Holiday Festival that day!)
12/8 12pm-5pm
12/14 9am-4pm
12/15 12pm-5pm
Our shop and gallery will be open all day on 12/7.
Our special guest artisan vendors will be here from 2-8.
Did we mention there will be a DIY gift wrap station at the Hub Holiday Bazaar? It will be all set up in the Hub on 12/8, 12/14, & 12/15! Do your shopping, then create your own special gift wrap!
Some of the artisans participating in the bazaar or who have work in the gallery are:
* Corkapelli Trinkets [www.corkapelli.com]
* L Tracey Harper, Therapeutic Massage Therapy
* Mad Zanni Masks
* Michelle's Eye [www.etsy.com/shop/Michelleseye]
* Steamy Tech [www.steamytech.com]
* Glowees [www.glowees.com]
* Lulu Deux Millinery [www.luludeuxmillinery.com]
* Sean Murdock [www.seanmurdock.com]
* Robin MacLean [www.etsy.com/shop/RobinMacLean]
* Jean Cherie [www.jeancherie.com]
* Sherry Tobin

Northbay Evolver presents…
“Community Healing and the Gift Economy”
Sat. Dec. 14th, 3 to 8pm
At the IntegreTea [717 Marin st., Vallejo]
Hub Crafternoon: Open Studio - Finish Those UFO's!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
1:00pm until 4:00pm in PST
The Hub Vallejo 350 Georgia Street, Vallejo CA
Crafternoon Maven: Katie Vardijan
Definition of a UFO (in the crafty world): Unfinished object or project, often found hiding in craft rooms, under the bed, or tucked away in a corner of the closet in a plastic bag.
Did you start a scrapbook when your kid was a baby? Is your baby now entering kindergarten but the scrapbook is still in pieces? Did you begin knitting a hat last winter but then....summer happened? Is your sewing and mending pile giving you grief? I think you get the idea--let's tackle those UFO's! Spend an afternoon at The Hub socializing while finishing up your art/craft project.
Any UFO project that can be worked on in a room with tables and chairs is welcome. Need to borrow a sewing machine? We have a handful that can be loaned for the day, let Katie know you need one when you sign up. To sign up, please visit [www.luludeuxmillinery.com/workshops]
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
GOTT in the news, with Mothership Connection host Serial Mom
Using her Earth name, the Serial Mom found herself embedded in a reflection of her outer self, reflecting upon the reflections, with names becoming words, becoming their own character... Trippy!

"Julie Voice uses art, coffee, radio and music to promote Vallejo"
2013-11-19 by Sarah Rohrs from "Vallejo Times-Herald" [http://www.timesheraldonline.com/news/ci_24552574/julie-voice-uses-art-coffee-radio-and-music]:
When it comes to Vallejo, don't even think about raining on Julie Voice's parade.
Unabashedly proud of her town, Voice is on a mission to promote the city with determination, flair, a big smile and lots of creativity.
Using several artistic platforms, Voice is the Moschetti Coffee head of hospitality, and radio personality, "Serial Mom," on Ozcat radio where she talks with local women artists and explores women's health issues.
She also will be a featured speaker to kick start the Vallejo chapter of The Enchanted Woman & A Few Good Men, a group designed to inspire, empower and educate. In addition, she runs a show featuring local bands at the Townhouse Bar on the third Friday of every month.
Besides her individual efforts, Voice has joined with downtown Vallejo activists and artists working to revitalize that area and the city as a whole.
"We should be proud" of Vallejo, she said. "I've made it my unofficial goal -- I'm going to make Vallejo a cooler place," she said.
Voice knows all about the bad rap her town often gets, but that makes her more determined to highlight the beauty and talent often waiting to be discovered within its borders.
Voice left town in her early 20s but she always wanted to return. After living in Fairfield with her now ex-husband, the couple divorced and Voice moved back with her boy, Owen, now 7. She found herself back in her hometown, "seeking its motto sake, in this 'the city of opportunity,'" she said.
Voice eventually found her calling at the Saturday morning (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.) coffee tastings at Moschetti Coffee in South Vallejo. Located at 11 Sixth St., Moschetti Coffee is an independent coffee roaster and seller. The firm also designs and rents espresso machines and other coffee equipment.
She said she tasted her first cup of Moschetti's while working as head server at Glen Cove Marina Grille, a short-lived venture on the waterfront, adding she couldn't believe such great coffee was roasted in Vallejo.
Besides performing as the friendly head of hospitality, Voice also does social networking, computer work and administrative tasks for business owner Fabrice Moschetti.
Since Voice came to Moschetti's three years ago, she's helped expand the Saturday morning "Moschetti: Pairing Coffee and Community" events to include arts and crafts vendors, live music and an open mic.
These days, the events draw a small crowd and numerous local artists. People gather outside under tents or indoors in the cafe-like setting to talk and sip freshly roasted coffee from Ethiopia, Guatemala or other countries, or browse around the booths.
On a small stage, singer Aria DesJardins (or other Vallejo musicians) often perform. Then, either DesJardins or Voice usually run the open mic, encouraging others to showcase their talents.
"I love it here," said painter and jewelry-maker Evelyn Ricon. "Julie is the reason why I'm here. She encouraged me to come out."
Painter Haley Musher credits Voice and Moschetti for inspiring her to get her work out at other locations, too, while fiber artist Julia Smith said she appreciates the creative, ebullient energy Voice pours into her work.
Voice said she feels honored to serve as host. "Earlier this year a regular guest of Saturdays at Moschetti gave me a wonderful compliment that sums up the honor that has been bestowed upon me -- 'Julie, you are like Julie from The Love Boat for Vallejo.,'" she wrote in a short bio.
Voice said the events fulfill something she craved, and she is grateful Fabrice Moschetti recognized that in her.
"He liked the passion I have for Vallejo and he saw that I craved community, and all that I needed was someone who could give me an opportunity," she said.
Voice has also branched out, attending other events including the Seattle Coffee Fest in October. There she passed out dozens of Moschetti Coffee post cards, and talked to many people about Vallejo. She also took note of independent coffee roasters around the country and felt proud her city had such a business.
"I saw so many people doing what we do at Moschetti but we have the added cache of doing it longer."
As Voice devotes her creative energy to promoting Vallejo, she often calls herself an artist in her role. "You have to be creative to entice people to come to Vallejo. It's a difficult, uphill, task," she added.
Above all, Voice is working toward the day more local youth will want to either stay or return to the town as well-educated professionals ready work hard on the city's behalf, helping bring about something she first heard of in grade school -- Vallejo's potential.
In her youth, Voice accomplished much and grew to love her city -- playing on the PAL Soccer League, and being a competitive figure skater at the Sun Valley Mall ice rink in Concord while a very young girl. She was also a Vallejo Shark.
She graduated in 2001 from Jesse Bethel High School, the school's first graduating class, and was part of the original crew at Rasputin Music that same year.
People can count on it that Voice will keep talking treasure, not trash, about her town, and doing what she can to bring out its diamond in the rough.
"I've always been one of those crazy people who love Vallejo," she said with a laugh. "I won't hide my pride."
Voice's radio show which she co-hosts with artist Katy Ramsden (radio name Miss Demeanor) is called The Mothership and airs 5 to 6 p.m. Saturdays on Ozcat Radio 89.5 FM, or at ozcatradio.com.
Moschetti Coffee head of hospitality Julie Voice (right) chats with Vallejo fibert artist Julia Smith (left) during the weekly Saturday morning "Moschetti: Pairing Coffee and Community" events she helps to host. The events include coffee, arts and crafts vendors and live music. (Sarah Rohrs/Times-Herald)

"Julie Voice uses art, coffee, radio and music to promote Vallejo"
2013-11-19 by Sarah Rohrs from "Vallejo Times-Herald" [http://www.timesheraldonline.com/news/ci_24552574/julie-voice-uses-art-coffee-radio-and-music]:
When it comes to Vallejo, don't even think about raining on Julie Voice's parade.
Unabashedly proud of her town, Voice is on a mission to promote the city with determination, flair, a big smile and lots of creativity.
Using several artistic platforms, Voice is the Moschetti Coffee head of hospitality, and radio personality, "Serial Mom," on Ozcat radio where she talks with local women artists and explores women's health issues.
She also will be a featured speaker to kick start the Vallejo chapter of The Enchanted Woman & A Few Good Men, a group designed to inspire, empower and educate. In addition, she runs a show featuring local bands at the Townhouse Bar on the third Friday of every month.
Besides her individual efforts, Voice has joined with downtown Vallejo activists and artists working to revitalize that area and the city as a whole.
"We should be proud" of Vallejo, she said. "I've made it my unofficial goal -- I'm going to make Vallejo a cooler place," she said.
Voice knows all about the bad rap her town often gets, but that makes her more determined to highlight the beauty and talent often waiting to be discovered within its borders.
Voice left town in her early 20s but she always wanted to return. After living in Fairfield with her now ex-husband, the couple divorced and Voice moved back with her boy, Owen, now 7. She found herself back in her hometown, "seeking its motto sake, in this 'the city of opportunity,'" she said.
Voice eventually found her calling at the Saturday morning (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.) coffee tastings at Moschetti Coffee in South Vallejo. Located at 11 Sixth St., Moschetti Coffee is an independent coffee roaster and seller. The firm also designs and rents espresso machines and other coffee equipment.
She said she tasted her first cup of Moschetti's while working as head server at Glen Cove Marina Grille, a short-lived venture on the waterfront, adding she couldn't believe such great coffee was roasted in Vallejo.
Besides performing as the friendly head of hospitality, Voice also does social networking, computer work and administrative tasks for business owner Fabrice Moschetti.
Since Voice came to Moschetti's three years ago, she's helped expand the Saturday morning "Moschetti: Pairing Coffee and Community" events to include arts and crafts vendors, live music and an open mic.
These days, the events draw a small crowd and numerous local artists. People gather outside under tents or indoors in the cafe-like setting to talk and sip freshly roasted coffee from Ethiopia, Guatemala or other countries, or browse around the booths.
On a small stage, singer Aria DesJardins (or other Vallejo musicians) often perform. Then, either DesJardins or Voice usually run the open mic, encouraging others to showcase their talents.
"I love it here," said painter and jewelry-maker Evelyn Ricon. "Julie is the reason why I'm here. She encouraged me to come out."
Painter Haley Musher credits Voice and Moschetti for inspiring her to get her work out at other locations, too, while fiber artist Julia Smith said she appreciates the creative, ebullient energy Voice pours into her work.
Voice said she feels honored to serve as host. "Earlier this year a regular guest of Saturdays at Moschetti gave me a wonderful compliment that sums up the honor that has been bestowed upon me -- 'Julie, you are like Julie from The Love Boat for Vallejo.,'" she wrote in a short bio.
Voice said the events fulfill something she craved, and she is grateful Fabrice Moschetti recognized that in her.
"He liked the passion I have for Vallejo and he saw that I craved community, and all that I needed was someone who could give me an opportunity," she said.
Voice has also branched out, attending other events including the Seattle Coffee Fest in October. There she passed out dozens of Moschetti Coffee post cards, and talked to many people about Vallejo. She also took note of independent coffee roasters around the country and felt proud her city had such a business.
"I saw so many people doing what we do at Moschetti but we have the added cache of doing it longer."
As Voice devotes her creative energy to promoting Vallejo, she often calls herself an artist in her role. "You have to be creative to entice people to come to Vallejo. It's a difficult, uphill, task," she added.
Above all, Voice is working toward the day more local youth will want to either stay or return to the town as well-educated professionals ready work hard on the city's behalf, helping bring about something she first heard of in grade school -- Vallejo's potential.
In her youth, Voice accomplished much and grew to love her city -- playing on the PAL Soccer League, and being a competitive figure skater at the Sun Valley Mall ice rink in Concord while a very young girl. She was also a Vallejo Shark.
She graduated in 2001 from Jesse Bethel High School, the school's first graduating class, and was part of the original crew at Rasputin Music that same year.
People can count on it that Voice will keep talking treasure, not trash, about her town, and doing what she can to bring out its diamond in the rough.
"I've always been one of those crazy people who love Vallejo," she said with a laugh. "I won't hide my pride."
Voice's radio show which she co-hosts with artist Katy Ramsden (radio name Miss Demeanor) is called The Mothership and airs 5 to 6 p.m. Saturdays on Ozcat Radio 89.5 FM, or at ozcatradio.com.
Moschetti Coffee head of hospitality Julie Voice (right) chats with Vallejo fibert artist Julia Smith (left) during the weekly Saturday morning "Moschetti: Pairing Coffee and Community" events she helps to host. The events include coffee, arts and crafts vendors and live music. (Sarah Rohrs/Times-Herald)

Thursday, November 14, 2013
Nov. 14th GOTT Radio
Gathering of the Tribes Thursdays,
5 to 6pm, with Rock, Reggae, Psychonaut
grooves, and Culture!
The beats heard in the background are by the Alley Cat of Vacaville!
Be a part of the Gatherings! This program is produced by an affinity network which meets twice monthly at in Vallejo's Art District, where plans are made, and this is Your chance to join a project for alternative culture, including music shows, events, and more! More info, including a list of projects to get in with, at [gatheringofthetribes.blogspot.com], affiliated with: Northbay Evolver Network [link]
Music for the Gathering:
* "Time Well Spent" &"Sounds like Grunge" by The Freedom Shrine (Napa) [link]
* "What is Life?" (Live at KDVS) by Skunk Funk, ft. MC Cuban-B [link]
* "Fire Fly" by the Smiling Tacos
and new debuts from...
* Michael Rothenberg, organizer of 100 Thousand Poets for Change!
Tribal News
with music, art, and psychedelic culture! More Tribal News here: Evolver [link]
Make your own mini 'zine! [link]
Check out the latest addition to the Northbay 'zine Library archive:
"Five Community Centers Built by the People for the People" [link]
Interview with the Moneyless Man [link]
Exciting News, from LaVonne Sallee [lavonnesbarbies (@) yahoo.com]:
Hello Everyone, I want to send an update on how things are going for me. I have been out of contact with many of you since I moved to Marquam Oregon in February 2013. In November I will be moving again. This time to Silverton Oregon which is seven miles south of Marquam. Turns out that Marquam is very isolated in the country and I really miss being part of a community. Silverton is a very nice, peaceful little town with lots of activities during the year. Downtown, a merchant at the Green Store (a gift shop at 208 Main Street) shows my work and is doing very well there. I will be going to New York City in a couple of weeks where the documentary about me (The Altered Lives of LaVonne Sallee) and my artwork will be showing at the film festival Nov. 11th to the 16th. and I am going with Jazmin Jamias, the film maker who is from Vallejo Ca. The film was written up in the Huffington Post [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/george-heymont/well-well-hello-dolly_b_3641728.html] and is receiving a lot of good press.
Liberated Zones, composed of Thoughtful & Psychedelic events from around the San Pablo bay area and beyond. Click here [link] for more info about Liberated Zones!
Gathering of the Tribes presents...
A night of Serial Music hosted by Dr.G. and the Serial Mom, with featured act:
SKUNK FUNK! more info here [link]
and The Freedom Shrine (Rock/Napa) [link]
and O'Dell [Facebook.com/rocknrevivor]
with our Tribal DJ Miss Ayah on the turntables spinning Island Slam and old school grooves!
Friday, November 15, 2013
9:00pm until 12:00am
21+, No Cover Charge
At the Townhouse Bar [401 Georgia Street, Vallejo]
RSVP on Facebook [link]
About the O'Dell band: Soulful vocals come together with funky, smooth keyboard melodies while fresh slick beats chase the groove out from the chocolatey center of your soul. ODELL is a collective of musicians with various roots from SC, Colorado and the Bay Area. From church bred to jazz trained, metal loving, 90s R&B feeling, classic rock grooving members; it all comes together to make a soulfully rocking sound.
Moonfish Artworks Grand Opening
Saturday November 16th at 725 Marin St. Vallejo, 94590
11AM-4PM Grand Opening Day Fete - The doors will finally be open to the public and there will be balloons, music, snacks, and community art activities for kids and adults. Let's have fun and create beauty together. No unchaperoned children please.
6PM-9PM Art + Wine Salon - relax, sip homemade Puerto Rican style sangria (with rum of course), take in the latest magical creations from my studio and the work of other local artists on display in the gallery. Listen to a local chanteuse or two, nibble appetizers, and let's revel with good peeps in an environment of magical beauty. The password to get into the event space during the evening festivities is 'beauty'.
The 9th Annual Winterblast Art Party
at The Peace & Justice Center [467 Sebastopol Avenue, Santa Rosa]
LOCATION: SOFA Arts District is located in the neighborhood where A Street and Sebastopol Avenue meet in Santa Rosa, California
DATE: Saturday, November 16, 2013
TIME: 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
COST: Admission to the event is free. Food, wine and beer will be available for purchase.
Sonoma County’s largest annual open studios art party, including photographs by Susan Lamont (20% of sales to be donated to the Peace & Justice Center), takes place in the SOFA Arts District of Santa Rosa, California on Saturday, November 16, 2013. The event features live music and entertainment, the Electric Sofa Parade, Jeremiah’s Disco Party, the Head [art] Shop, Whiskeydrome, Frosty the SnOwFAman, the Winter Queen, magic by Ken Garr, belly dance by Krysta Cook, food, wine, beer, over 35 open art studios and galleries, and much, much more.
Live music and entertainment outdoors and at various venues throughout the SOFA Arts District includes Blackwater Gold, The Hubbub Club, DJ Domo and JC Limelight.
Food from SEED on the GO, The Bun Slinger, Canevari Ravioli, Undercover Baking Agency, Atlas Coffee and Spinsters Sisters as well as wine and beer will be available for purchase.
The SOFA Arts District is located in the neighborhood where A Street and Sebastopol Avenue meet in Santa Rosa, California. Admission to the event is free. Street parking is available.
Come and have a blast at the 9th Annual Winterblast!
Northbay Evolver presents…
“Community Healing and the Gift Economy”
Sat. Dec. 14th, 3 to 8pm
At the IntegreTea [717 Marin st., Vallejo]

The beats heard in the background are by the Alley Cat of Vacaville!
Be a part of the Gatherings! This program is produced by an affinity network which meets twice monthly at in Vallejo's Art District, where plans are made, and this is Your chance to join a project for alternative culture, including music shows, events, and more! More info, including a list of projects to get in with, at [gatheringofthetribes.blogspot.com], affiliated with: Northbay Evolver Network [link]
Music for the Gathering:
* "Time Well Spent" &"Sounds like Grunge" by The Freedom Shrine (Napa) [link]
* "What is Life?" (Live at KDVS) by Skunk Funk, ft. MC Cuban-B [link]
* "Fire Fly" by the Smiling Tacos
and new debuts from...
* Michael Rothenberg, organizer of 100 Thousand Poets for Change!
Tribal News
with music, art, and psychedelic culture! More Tribal News here: Evolver [link]
Make your own mini 'zine! [link]
Check out the latest addition to the Northbay 'zine Library archive:
"Five Community Centers Built by the People for the People" [link]
Interview with the Moneyless Man [link]
Exciting News, from LaVonne Sallee [lavonnesbarbies (@) yahoo.com]:
Hello Everyone, I want to send an update on how things are going for me. I have been out of contact with many of you since I moved to Marquam Oregon in February 2013. In November I will be moving again. This time to Silverton Oregon which is seven miles south of Marquam. Turns out that Marquam is very isolated in the country and I really miss being part of a community. Silverton is a very nice, peaceful little town with lots of activities during the year. Downtown, a merchant at the Green Store (a gift shop at 208 Main Street) shows my work and is doing very well there. I will be going to New York City in a couple of weeks where the documentary about me (The Altered Lives of LaVonne Sallee) and my artwork will be showing at the film festival Nov. 11th to the 16th. and I am going with Jazmin Jamias, the film maker who is from Vallejo Ca. The film was written up in the Huffington Post [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/george-heymont/well-well-hello-dolly_b_3641728.html] and is receiving a lot of good press.
Liberated Zones, composed of Thoughtful & Psychedelic events from around the San Pablo bay area and beyond. Click here [link] for more info about Liberated Zones!
Gathering of the Tribes presents...
A night of Serial Music hosted by Dr.G. and the Serial Mom, with featured act:
SKUNK FUNK! more info here [link]
and The Freedom Shrine (Rock/Napa) [link]
and O'Dell [Facebook.com/rocknrevivor]
with our Tribal DJ Miss Ayah on the turntables spinning Island Slam and old school grooves!
Friday, November 15, 2013
9:00pm until 12:00am
21+, No Cover Charge
At the Townhouse Bar [401 Georgia Street, Vallejo]
RSVP on Facebook [link]
About the O'Dell band: Soulful vocals come together with funky, smooth keyboard melodies while fresh slick beats chase the groove out from the chocolatey center of your soul. ODELL is a collective of musicians with various roots from SC, Colorado and the Bay Area. From church bred to jazz trained, metal loving, 90s R&B feeling, classic rock grooving members; it all comes together to make a soulfully rocking sound.
Moonfish Artworks Grand Opening
Saturday November 16th at 725 Marin St. Vallejo, 94590
11AM-4PM Grand Opening Day Fete - The doors will finally be open to the public and there will be balloons, music, snacks, and community art activities for kids and adults. Let's have fun and create beauty together. No unchaperoned children please.
6PM-9PM Art + Wine Salon - relax, sip homemade Puerto Rican style sangria (with rum of course), take in the latest magical creations from my studio and the work of other local artists on display in the gallery. Listen to a local chanteuse or two, nibble appetizers, and let's revel with good peeps in an environment of magical beauty. The password to get into the event space during the evening festivities is 'beauty'.
The 9th Annual Winterblast Art Party
at The Peace & Justice Center [467 Sebastopol Avenue, Santa Rosa]
LOCATION: SOFA Arts District is located in the neighborhood where A Street and Sebastopol Avenue meet in Santa Rosa, California
DATE: Saturday, November 16, 2013
TIME: 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
COST: Admission to the event is free. Food, wine and beer will be available for purchase.
Sonoma County’s largest annual open studios art party, including photographs by Susan Lamont (20% of sales to be donated to the Peace & Justice Center), takes place in the SOFA Arts District of Santa Rosa, California on Saturday, November 16, 2013. The event features live music and entertainment, the Electric Sofa Parade, Jeremiah’s Disco Party, the Head [art] Shop, Whiskeydrome, Frosty the SnOwFAman, the Winter Queen, magic by Ken Garr, belly dance by Krysta Cook, food, wine, beer, over 35 open art studios and galleries, and much, much more.
Live music and entertainment outdoors and at various venues throughout the SOFA Arts District includes Blackwater Gold, The Hubbub Club, DJ Domo and JC Limelight.
Food from SEED on the GO, The Bun Slinger, Canevari Ravioli, Undercover Baking Agency, Atlas Coffee and Spinsters Sisters as well as wine and beer will be available for purchase.
The SOFA Arts District is located in the neighborhood where A Street and Sebastopol Avenue meet in Santa Rosa, California. Admission to the event is free. Street parking is available.
Come and have a blast at the 9th Annual Winterblast!
Northbay Evolver presents…
“Community Healing and the Gift Economy”
Sat. Dec. 14th, 3 to 8pm
At the IntegreTea [717 Marin st., Vallejo]

Thursday, November 7, 2013
GOTT Radio, Nov 7th 2013
Gathering of the Tribes Thursdays,
5 to 6pm, with Rock, Reggae, Psychonaut
grooves, and Culture!
The beats heard in the background are by the Alley Cat of Vacaville!
Be a part of the Gatherings! This program is produced by an affinity network which meets twice monthly at in Vallejo's Art District, where plans are made, and this is Your chance to join a project for alternative culture, including music shows, events, and more! More info, including a list of projects to get in with, at [gatheringofthetribes.blogspot.com], affiliated with: Northbay Evolver Network [link]
Interview with...
Skunk Funk Soundsystem Facebook Fan Page [www.facebook.com/skunkfunkmusic], more info at [link]! With special tracks Skunk Funk recorded Live at KDVS:
"Mr. Helicopter" & "Irie Side w. Tell Me What It Takes"
And, here's a video of their performance at this year's Bottle Rock music fest in Napa:
Music for the Gathering:
"Let's Just Say" by Commonwealth
"Be Merry, my friends" by the Crux
"Wormwood Conspiracy" & "Stix & Stoned" by FooDIE [link]
"Love don't live here" by Century Got Bars
Liberated Zones, composed of Thoughtful & Psychedelic events from around the San Pablo bay area and beyond. Click here [link] for more info about Liberated Zones!
Century Got BARS LIVE @ The Crocker Art Museum
Thursday, November 7, 6:00pm until 8:00pm
Crocker Art Museum [216 O Street, Sacramento]
Century Got Bars, an independent Hip-Hop artist, writes:
Come join me in celebrating the new Exhibition from artist Kara Walker "Emancipating the Past: Kara Walker's Tales of Slavery and Power".
I will have a 30 min set at 730pm sharp! I have a small guest list so first come first serve if you'd like to attend contact me. Otherwise standard museum entrance fees apply $10 reg admission $5 w/ student id and free if you are a member of the Crocker.
Named one of Time magazine's most influential people, Art21 artist Kara Walker creates art about the exchange of power and attempts to withhold power from others. Featuring 60 works drawn from the collection of the Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation, the exhibition includes wall paintings, works on paper, and recent work in new media. All showcase the artist's thought-provoking approach to graphic design and content.
Don't miss this amazing exhibit!! Visit the link below for more Info on Kara Walker and the showing.
The UpTown of Oakland presents Junk Folk Night:
Thee Hobo Gobbelins, The Crux (CD Release), 5 Cent Coffee
Thursday, November 7, 9:00pm
Come for an evening of wild speakeasy/carnival music with three stompy folk bands! Thee Hobo Gobbelins, The Crux, and 5 Cent Coffee... This evening is a CD release party for The Crux's new album, THE RATCATCHER!
21+, 9pm. 8 dollars.
The Uptown Nightclub [1928 Telegraph Ave, Oakland]
Thee Hobo Gobbelins: The Hobo Gobbelins emerge from the pulsing art vortex of Oakland, Ca., the green-skinned child of punk rock, avant-garde performance art and hobo soul. Drawing on a dizzying array of influences, the band incorporates traditional sounds of Americana and the Old World with the horrors of modernity. Monsters from folklore and fiction wriggle alongside freight-train spirituals and drinking songs. The result is a disturbing haunted house for the ear, a nightmare carnival that is at turns goofy and murderous. Human audiences drink more, dance better, and writhe uncontrollably to goblin beatings- er, beats. Incidentally, audience is the goblin word for “food that screams”.
The Crux (CD Release Party!): The Crux is an encyclopedic band of multi-instrumentalists, performing barn dance tunes, klezmer jams, pirate shanties, and bluesy dirges in a theatrical performance style. Their sound is an energetic brand of folk music enlivened with a taste of punk.
5 Cent Coffee: 5 Cent Coffee is a 4 piece post modern jug band full of grit and carnival hokum. We play original songs set in the dusty American tradition of travelling circuses and rail riders down on their luck. With soaring vocals, sometimes two accordions, sometimes two ukuleles, washboard and junk percussion, our sound is big and brash but soft and mournful, and always compelling.
a night of music, comedy, poetry, and political satire
Friday, November 8th | 8pm | $8
At The Arlene Francis Center [99 Sixth Street, Santa Rosa]
This event is a co-production of Jake Ward Presents & the North Bay Hootenanny. Sponsored by CMedia [www.cmedialabs.org]
Featuring Live Music By BABY SEAL CLUB. Voted Best Rock Band in the North Bay by the Bohemian 2012, quirk-pop art-rockers Baby Seal Club unleashes a sonic alchemy of the most ear-reverent sort. Pelvic-pounding rhythms and heart-thumping harmonies whirl into a frothy serving of free-range chaos. Listen. Grin. Repeat. [www.babysealclub.com]

"… combining punk rock with raunchy and sometimes political satire, Bobby Joe Ebola & The Children MacNuggits left me wondering if I wanted to laugh, think or dance. I chose to dance, laughing in the process, and decided to think about the lyrics later. They were just that good." — Tony DuShane, SF Gate
"Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits can only be described as genius, brilliant, reminiscent of the late George Carlin mixed with a heavy dose of Monty Python." — Melissa Webster, The Huffington Post
GAY HENRY [https://soundcloud.com/gayhenry]
With Spoken Word Performances By CHRIS CHANDLER. "A lot of modern punk rock bands might talk about the revolution, this man however is living it." — Johnathon Gallienne, Punk United. "This man is dangerous" — The Washington Post [www.chrischandler.org]
And Standup Comedy By LILA CUGINI, a comedian from Sonoma County. You'll find her eating cereal and posting inspirational thoughts on Facebook every morning from her mobile phone as part of her Eat Pray Love journey. She's still waiting for the Love part.
Va11ejo Day
November 11th, 11:11am
All-Ages, All Day
At "Art is Zen" [337 Georgia St., Vallejo]
Its the first VA11EJO Day!! VA113JO!!! Art, music, dance, food, love, community...
it's our first Fridays...Va11ejo style...whatever day it is...on the 11th, we're going to occupy downtown with local culture until the world ends!!!
With the art of Jack Armstrong SeanG, Dante, and others to be announced, with music!
Digital Renaissance Faire presents...
Synchronicity Celebration 11:11
Monday, November 11,
6:00pm until 2:00am
The Digital Renaissance Faire is hosting a series of synchronicity events on Monday 11/11.
For more information on Synchronicity and how 11:11 connects us, visit [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/11:11_(numerology)].
$10-$20 Sliding Scale (Bring What You Can)
The Bay Area event will be held at Evolver Studios at 719 Marin St. in Vallejo.
From 6pm until 9pm, we have an educational schedule to expand your mind and broaden your horizons. From 9pm to 2am, we have music and art to entice your senses.
Room 1 Hosted by Nerd Nate
Facepainting all evening by Cassandra Love (https://www.facebook.com/CassandraLoveLambert/media_set?set=a.10151720299527683.1073741845.626322682&type=3)
6-7pm: Sound Healing with Aravel Forbes and her Singing Bowls - Come and experience the amazing sound healing of an ancient art and medicine. Relax and take a journey or feel the sound waves wash over you. Blue Green Harmony (www.facebook.com/BlueGreenHarmony)
7-8pm: Living Earth Structures with Miguel Elliot - Living Earth Structures specializes in building cob ovens, benches, saunas, domes, hot tubs, and other sacred structures using Earth right on site when possible. Miguel will have a slide show presentation showing his cob structures from all over the world and explain how you can learn to do cob at home. Living Earth Structures (www.facebook.com/pages/Living-Earth-Structures/103593556355630)
8-9pm: DJ MC Nerd Nate 9-10pm: Kosmic Trippa (www.facebook.com/kosmictrippa)
10-11:30pm: Jef Stott (www.jefstott.com) 11:30-12:30am: DJ Professor Stone (www.djprofessorstone.com) 12:30-2am: Chlorophil (www.facebook.com/Chlorophils)
Room 2
6-8pm: 9Energies - Come and find out your super power. Just as our bodies have seven Chakras, we also have nine energy centers, also connected to the seven Chakras. Everyone has one dominate energy center. Find out wish one yours is and see how it changes your life. 9Energies (www.9energies.com/)
8-10pm: Live music, live art by Pobby Heglar and BYOE Potluck and Mixer - Bring something from home or something from the store. Be conscious in your choices, but don't forget, this is a party!
The Digital Renaissance Faire is a Community Building Educational Collaborative Art Festival and Participant Funded Co-op Event. Started by a group of Burners and inspired by the Ten Principles of Burning Man, the DRF provides an outlet for creative and intelligent people to share their wonders with the rest of our growing community. Anyone can join the DRF as long as they participate within it. The DRF Synchronicity Celebration is a Fundraiser for the Digital Renaissance Faire.
For more information on the Digital Renaissance Faire, visit www.facebook.com/digitalrenfaire or call the Digital Renaissance Faire Hotline at 916-947-3373.
Gathering of the Tribes presents...
A night of Serial Music hosted by Dr.G. and the Serial Mom, with featured act:
and The Freedom Shrine (Rock/Napa) [link]
and O'Dell
with our Tribal DJ Miss Ayah on the turntables spinning Island Slam and old school grooves!
Friday, November 15, 2013
9:00pm until 12:00am
21+, No Cover Charge
At the Townhouse Bar [401 Georgia Street, Vallejo]
RSVP on Facebook [link]
Northbay Evolver presents…
“Community Healing and the Gift Economy”
Sat. Dec. 14th, 3 to 8pm
At the IntegreTea [717 Marin st., Vallejo]

The beats heard in the background are by the Alley Cat of Vacaville!
Be a part of the Gatherings! This program is produced by an affinity network which meets twice monthly at in Vallejo's Art District, where plans are made, and this is Your chance to join a project for alternative culture, including music shows, events, and more! More info, including a list of projects to get in with, at [gatheringofthetribes.blogspot.com], affiliated with: Northbay Evolver Network [link]
Interview with...
Skunk Funk Soundsystem Facebook Fan Page [www.facebook.com/skunkfunkmusic], more info at [link]! With special tracks Skunk Funk recorded Live at KDVS:
"Mr. Helicopter" & "Irie Side w. Tell Me What It Takes"
And, here's a video of their performance at this year's Bottle Rock music fest in Napa:
Music for the Gathering:
"Let's Just Say" by Commonwealth
"Be Merry, my friends" by the Crux
"Wormwood Conspiracy" & "Stix & Stoned" by FooDIE [link]
"Love don't live here" by Century Got Bars
Liberated Zones, composed of Thoughtful & Psychedelic events from around the San Pablo bay area and beyond. Click here [link] for more info about Liberated Zones!
Century Got BARS LIVE @ The Crocker Art Museum
Thursday, November 7, 6:00pm until 8:00pm
Crocker Art Museum [216 O Street, Sacramento]
Century Got Bars, an independent Hip-Hop artist, writes:
Come join me in celebrating the new Exhibition from artist Kara Walker "Emancipating the Past: Kara Walker's Tales of Slavery and Power".
I will have a 30 min set at 730pm sharp! I have a small guest list so first come first serve if you'd like to attend contact me. Otherwise standard museum entrance fees apply $10 reg admission $5 w/ student id and free if you are a member of the Crocker.
Named one of Time magazine's most influential people, Art21 artist Kara Walker creates art about the exchange of power and attempts to withhold power from others. Featuring 60 works drawn from the collection of the Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation, the exhibition includes wall paintings, works on paper, and recent work in new media. All showcase the artist's thought-provoking approach to graphic design and content.
Don't miss this amazing exhibit!! Visit the link below for more Info on Kara Walker and the showing.
The UpTown of Oakland presents Junk Folk Night:
Thee Hobo Gobbelins, The Crux (CD Release), 5 Cent Coffee
Thursday, November 7, 9:00pm
Come for an evening of wild speakeasy/carnival music with three stompy folk bands! Thee Hobo Gobbelins, The Crux, and 5 Cent Coffee... This evening is a CD release party for The Crux's new album, THE RATCATCHER!
21+, 9pm. 8 dollars.
The Uptown Nightclub [1928 Telegraph Ave, Oakland]
Thee Hobo Gobbelins: The Hobo Gobbelins emerge from the pulsing art vortex of Oakland, Ca., the green-skinned child of punk rock, avant-garde performance art and hobo soul. Drawing on a dizzying array of influences, the band incorporates traditional sounds of Americana and the Old World with the horrors of modernity. Monsters from folklore and fiction wriggle alongside freight-train spirituals and drinking songs. The result is a disturbing haunted house for the ear, a nightmare carnival that is at turns goofy and murderous. Human audiences drink more, dance better, and writhe uncontrollably to goblin beatings- er, beats. Incidentally, audience is the goblin word for “food that screams”.
The Crux (CD Release Party!): The Crux is an encyclopedic band of multi-instrumentalists, performing barn dance tunes, klezmer jams, pirate shanties, and bluesy dirges in a theatrical performance style. Their sound is an energetic brand of folk music enlivened with a taste of punk.
5 Cent Coffee: 5 Cent Coffee is a 4 piece post modern jug band full of grit and carnival hokum. We play original songs set in the dusty American tradition of travelling circuses and rail riders down on their luck. With soaring vocals, sometimes two accordions, sometimes two ukuleles, washboard and junk percussion, our sound is big and brash but soft and mournful, and always compelling.
a night of music, comedy, poetry, and political satire
Friday, November 8th | 8pm | $8
At The Arlene Francis Center [99 Sixth Street, Santa Rosa]
This event is a co-production of Jake Ward Presents & the North Bay Hootenanny. Sponsored by CMedia [www.cmedialabs.org]
Featuring Live Music By BABY SEAL CLUB. Voted Best Rock Band in the North Bay by the Bohemian 2012, quirk-pop art-rockers Baby Seal Club unleashes a sonic alchemy of the most ear-reverent sort. Pelvic-pounding rhythms and heart-thumping harmonies whirl into a frothy serving of free-range chaos. Listen. Grin. Repeat. [www.babysealclub.com]

"… combining punk rock with raunchy and sometimes political satire, Bobby Joe Ebola & The Children MacNuggits left me wondering if I wanted to laugh, think or dance. I chose to dance, laughing in the process, and decided to think about the lyrics later. They were just that good." — Tony DuShane, SF Gate
"Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits can only be described as genius, brilliant, reminiscent of the late George Carlin mixed with a heavy dose of Monty Python." — Melissa Webster, The Huffington Post
GAY HENRY [https://soundcloud.com/gayhenry]
With Spoken Word Performances By CHRIS CHANDLER. "A lot of modern punk rock bands might talk about the revolution, this man however is living it." — Johnathon Gallienne, Punk United. "This man is dangerous" — The Washington Post [www.chrischandler.org]
And Standup Comedy By LILA CUGINI, a comedian from Sonoma County. You'll find her eating cereal and posting inspirational thoughts on Facebook every morning from her mobile phone as part of her Eat Pray Love journey. She's still waiting for the Love part.
Va11ejo Day
November 11th, 11:11am
All-Ages, All Day
At "Art is Zen" [337 Georgia St., Vallejo]
Its the first VA11EJO Day!! VA113JO!!! Art, music, dance, food, love, community...
it's our first Fridays...Va11ejo style...whatever day it is...on the 11th, we're going to occupy downtown with local culture until the world ends!!!
With the art of Jack Armstrong SeanG, Dante, and others to be announced, with music!
Digital Renaissance Faire presents...
Synchronicity Celebration 11:11
Monday, November 11,
6:00pm until 2:00am
The Digital Renaissance Faire is hosting a series of synchronicity events on Monday 11/11.
For more information on Synchronicity and how 11:11 connects us, visit [en.wikipedia.org/wiki/11:11_(numerology)].
$10-$20 Sliding Scale (Bring What You Can)
The Bay Area event will be held at Evolver Studios at 719 Marin St. in Vallejo.
From 6pm until 9pm, we have an educational schedule to expand your mind and broaden your horizons. From 9pm to 2am, we have music and art to entice your senses.
Room 1 Hosted by Nerd Nate
Facepainting all evening by Cassandra Love (https://www.facebook.com/CassandraLoveLambert/media_set?set=a.10151720299527683.1073741845.626322682&type=3)
6-7pm: Sound Healing with Aravel Forbes and her Singing Bowls - Come and experience the amazing sound healing of an ancient art and medicine. Relax and take a journey or feel the sound waves wash over you. Blue Green Harmony (www.facebook.com/BlueGreenHarmony)
7-8pm: Living Earth Structures with Miguel Elliot - Living Earth Structures specializes in building cob ovens, benches, saunas, domes, hot tubs, and other sacred structures using Earth right on site when possible. Miguel will have a slide show presentation showing his cob structures from all over the world and explain how you can learn to do cob at home. Living Earth Structures (www.facebook.com/pages/Living-Earth-Structures/103593556355630)
8-9pm: DJ MC Nerd Nate 9-10pm: Kosmic Trippa (www.facebook.com/kosmictrippa)
10-11:30pm: Jef Stott (www.jefstott.com) 11:30-12:30am: DJ Professor Stone (www.djprofessorstone.com) 12:30-2am: Chlorophil (www.facebook.com/Chlorophils)
Room 2
6-8pm: 9Energies - Come and find out your super power. Just as our bodies have seven Chakras, we also have nine energy centers, also connected to the seven Chakras. Everyone has one dominate energy center. Find out wish one yours is and see how it changes your life. 9Energies (www.9energies.com/)
8-10pm: Live music, live art by Pobby Heglar and BYOE Potluck and Mixer - Bring something from home or something from the store. Be conscious in your choices, but don't forget, this is a party!
The Digital Renaissance Faire is a Community Building Educational Collaborative Art Festival and Participant Funded Co-op Event. Started by a group of Burners and inspired by the Ten Principles of Burning Man, the DRF provides an outlet for creative and intelligent people to share their wonders with the rest of our growing community. Anyone can join the DRF as long as they participate within it. The DRF Synchronicity Celebration is a Fundraiser for the Digital Renaissance Faire.
For more information on the Digital Renaissance Faire, visit www.facebook.com/digitalrenfaire or call the Digital Renaissance Faire Hotline at 916-947-3373.
Gathering of the Tribes presents...
A night of Serial Music hosted by Dr.G. and the Serial Mom, with featured act:
and The Freedom Shrine (Rock/Napa) [link]
and O'Dell
with our Tribal DJ Miss Ayah on the turntables spinning Island Slam and old school grooves!
Friday, November 15, 2013
9:00pm until 12:00am
21+, No Cover Charge
At the Townhouse Bar [401 Georgia Street, Vallejo]
RSVP on Facebook [link]
Northbay Evolver presents…
“Community Healing and the Gift Economy”
Sat. Dec. 14th, 3 to 8pm
At the IntegreTea [717 Marin st., Vallejo]

Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Christmas Punk for the masses!
"HC/Punk X-Mas radio show tonight!" posted 2007-12-20 by Jeff Terranova to [http://forums.livewire-records.com/v5/read.php?1,280717,280717]:
The Anti-Emo Empire!
[www.theantiemoempire.com] X-Mas show tonight from 8-10 PM EST!
WNHU 88.7 FM West Haven, CT [www.wnhu.net] for the live stream
All HC/Punk X-Mas songs! Here are some playlists from the past few X-Mas shows!
The Anti-Emo Empire Four Hour X-Mas Extravaganza!!!
Thursday December 21st, 2006
Band / Song / Album / Label
Bad Religion / Silent Night (live) / So This Is Christmas / Atlantic Records
Christmas With The Vandals / Grandpa's Last Christmas / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
The Yobs / Another Christmas / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
The Yobs / Doggy / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
The Hates / Santa Patrol /Punk Rock XMas 7" / Faceless Records
Kermit's Finger / Sorry Mom (I Spent Your Christmas Present Money On Beer) / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album...
I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! / Fan Attic Records
Jonee Earthquake Band / Comfort & Joy / v/a Comfort & Joy 2006 X Mas Single / Spiral Records
Meat Depressed / Happy P.C. Christmas / v/a Comfort & Joy 2006 X Mas Single / Spiral Records
Greedies / Merry Jingle, A / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
Crucial Youth / X-Mas For The Skins / Singles Going Straight (1986-1991) / New Red Archives
Peter And The Test Tube Babies / I'm Getting Pissed For Christmas / Alien Pubduction / Captain Oi!
Gregg Won / Jingle Bell Rock / Demo / Self Released
The Yobs / We Wish You A Merry Christmas / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
Spector 45 / I Shot Santa (live) / Live at Red Blood, Dallas, TX 5/29/03 / Self Released (promo only)
Murphy's Law / Santa's Got A Brand New Bag / The Best Of Times / Relativity Records
FEAR / Another Christmas Beer / American Beer / Hall Of Records
Christmas With The Vandals / I Don't Believe In Santa Claus / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
Brainless Wonders / Revenge Of Santa / v/a Another B-o-r-i-n-g Christmas Comp.! / Spiral Records
EE-WEE / Punkers Xmas / v/a Another B-o-r-i-n-g Christmas Comp.! / Spiral Records
White Flag / Death Under The Christmas Tree / Feeding Frenzy 2LP / Mystic Records
The Damned / There Ain't No Sanity Claus / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
The Vindictives / Nuttin' For Christmas / Nuttin' For Christmas 7" / Stardumb Records
The Showcase Showdown / Ho Ho Ho Chi Mihn / Ho Ho Ho Chi Mihn-Merry Christmas I Fucked Your Snowman 7" / Tario Records
Descendents / Christmas Vacation / I Don't Want To Grow Up / SST Records
Bad Religion / God Rest You Jerry Mentlemen / Atlantic Records Holiday Sampler / Atlantic Records
The Yobs / Silent Night / Silent Night 7" / YOB Records
Gone Native / Must Be Santa / Gone Nativity cassette / Self Released
Meat Depressed / It's Christmas / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album... I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! Vol. II / Spiral Records
Left Sells Red / Christmas Is A Drag / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album... I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! Vol. II /
Spiral Records
Christmas With The Vandals / My First X-Mas As A Woman / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
Alcoholics Unanimous / Santa Claus D.W.I. / D.W.I.-Santa Forgot The Booze 7" / Brilliancy Prize Records
Temptress / The Grinch Song / White Christmas/The Grinch Song EP / Self Released
Temptress / Jingle Bells (Hand Farts) / White Christmas/The Grinch Song EP / Self Released
Stiff Little Fingers / White Christmas / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
The Yobs / The Worm Song / Run Rudolf Run 7" / NEMS Records
The Yobs / Run Rudolf Run / Run Rudolf Run 7" / NEMS Records
MDC / Black Christmas / Hey Cop!!! If I Had A Face Like Yours... / R Radical Records
Christmas With The Vandals / Oi To The World / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
Bob Sagat Squad / It's A Capitalist Christmas / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album... I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! Vol.
II / Spiral Records
Red Aunts / Little Drummer Bitch / Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus - Volume 1 / Sympathy For The Record Industry
SSD / Jolly Old Saint Nick / Power / Taang! Records
The Yobs / Silver Bells / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
The Six And Violence / X-Mas Pigs / X-Mas Pigs EP / Striving For Togetherness Records
The Not Quite / Satan's Elves / Guillotined At The Hangar / Dionysus Records
FEAR / Bleep Christmas / I Love Livin' In The City 7" / Criminal Records
The Reducers / Nothing For Christmas / Redux / Rave On Records
Christmas With The Vandals / Christmas Time For My Penis / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
Bad Religion / LEON / Atlantic Records Holiday Sampler / Atlantic Records
The Yobs / White Christmas / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
The 4 Skins / Merry Christmas Everybody / v/a Bullocks To Christmas / Secret Records
Max Splodge / The 12 Days Of Christmas / v/a Bullocks To Christmas / Secret Records
The Business / Step Into Christmas / v/a Bullocks To Christmas / Secret Records
The Gonads / White Christmas / v/a Bullocks To Christmas / Secret Records
Impact / Punk Christmas / Punk Christmas 7" / Cyanide Records
The Wards / Santa's Cadillac / The World Ain't Pretty But Neither Are We 7" / Self Released
Saccharine Trust / A Christmas Cry / A Christmas Cry 7" / SST Records
The Ruffians / Intro (Sleep it Off) / Together at Christmas EP / Self Released
The Ruffians / Christmas in Killarney / Together at Christmas EP / Self Released
Crucial Youth / Santa Claus Is Coming / Singles Going Straight (1986-1991) / New Red Archives
Good Clean Fun / X-Mas Time For The Skins / Split 7" With Throwdown / Prime Directive Records
Throwdown / Jingle Bell Rock / Split 7" With Good Clean Fun / Prime Directive Records
The Hates / Yuletide Riot / Punk Rock XMas 7" / Faceless Records
DWI / Rudolf The Reindeer / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album... I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! Vol. II / Spiral Records
Crass / Side A / Merry Crassmas 7" / Crass Records
Crass / Side B / Merry Crassmas 7" / Crass Records
Bad Religion / Joy To The World Atlantic Records Holiday Sampler / Atlantic Records
Christmas With The Vandals / Dance Of The Sugerplum Fairies / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
The Ramones / Merry Christmas ( I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight)(UK Single Version / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
The Clap / Christmas in a Bodybag (live at CBGB's) / Night The Condom Broke CD / Fraud Records
The Ravers / It's Gonna Be A Punk Rock Christmas / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
Dwarves / Schizophrenic X-Mas / Lick It / Recess Records
The Yobs / Rub A Dum Dum / Rub A Dum Dum 7" / Safari Records
The Dickies / Silent Night / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
Zippo Raid / Have A Merry Fuckin' Christmas / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album... I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! / Fan
Attic Records
Jonee Earthquake Band / Little Strummer Boy / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album... I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! / Fan
Attic Records
The Downtrodden / White Line Christmas / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album... I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! / Fan Attic
Rats Of Unusual Size / Santa Claus Is Coming... / v/a We Three Bings: Vital Music's N.Y. Thrash XMas Comp / Vital Music
Ed Gein's Car / O Merry Town Of Surfing Gentlemen / v/a We Three Bings: Vital Music's N.Y. Thrash XMas Comp / Vital Music
Pat Godwin / Jingle Bell Punk / Reindeer Games / Ikon Records
The Reind Deers / Christmas Is Going To Bring / s/t 7" / Limp Records
Cobra / Bad Night Merry X-Mas / Indie Omnibus 82-86 / AA-Poney Canyon Records
The Vindictives / Jingle Bells / Nuttin' For Christmas 7" / Stardumb Records
Blank Tradition / 365 shopping Days Til Christmas / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album... I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! /
Fan Attic Records
Spinal Tap / X-Mas With The Devil / X-Mas With The Devil Single / Enigma Records
The Anti-Emo Empire! X-Mas Show
Monday December 19th, 2005
Music Bed For Mic Breaks: Band / Album / Label
Jeff St Pierre and Phillip Antoniades / A Rubber Band Christmas / Artist Development
Band / Song / Album / Label
Always Keep The True Spirit Of Underground Hardcore/Punk Alive!
Bad Religion / Silent Night (live) / So This Is Christmas / Atlantic Records
Christmas With The Vandals / Grandpa's Last Christmas / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
The Yobs / Another Christmas / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
The Yobs / Doggy / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
The Hates / Santa Patrol /Punk Rock XMas 7" / Faceless Records
Greedies / Merry Jingle, A / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
Crucial Youth / X-Mas For The Skins / Singles Going Straight (1986-1991) / New Red Archives
Peter And The Test Tube Babies / I'm Getting Pissed For Christmas / Alien Pubduction / Captain Oi!
The Showcase Showdown / Ho Ho Ho Chi Mihn / Ho Ho Ho Chi Mihn-Merry Christmas I Fucked Your Snowman 7" / Tario Records
Descendents / Christmas Vacation / I Don't Want To Grow Up / SST Records
White Flag / Mr. Grinch / 4 Bands That Could Change The World Comp / Gasatanka Records
MDC / Black Christmas / Hey Cop!!! If I Had A Face Like Yours... / R Radical Records
Christmas With The Vandals / Oi To The World / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
F / White Christmas / Mess You Up 7" / Mystic Records
Red Aunts / Little Drummer Bitch / Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus - Volume 1 / Sympathy For The Record Industry
SSD / Jolly Old Saint Nick / Power / Taang! Records
The Yobs / Silver Bells / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
The Six And Violence / X-Mas Pigs / X-Mas Pigs EP / Striving For Togetherness Records
The Not Quite / Satan's Elves / Guillotined At The Hangar / Dionysus Records
FEAR / Bleep Christmas / I Love Livin' In The City 7" / Criminal Records
The Reducers / Nothing For Christmas / Redux / Rave On Records
Christmas With The Vandals / Christmas Time For My Penis / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
Bad Religion / LEON / Atlantic Records Holiday Sampler / Atlantic Records
The Yobs / White Christmas / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
The 4 Skins / Merry Christmas Everybody / Singles And Rarities / Captain Oi Records
The Wards / Santa's Cadillac / The World Ain't Pretty But Neither Are We 7" / Self Released
Saccharine Trust / A Christmas Cry / A Christmas Cry 7" / SST Records
The Ruffians / Intro (Sleep it Off) / Together at Christmas EP / Self Released
The Ruffians / Christmas in Killarney / Together at Christmas EP / Self Released
Crucial Youth / Santa Claus Is Coming / Singles Going Straight (1986-1991) / New Red Archives
Gregg Won / Jingle Bell Rock / Demo / Self Released
The Yobs / We Wish You A Merry Christmas / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
Spector 45 / I Shot Santa (live) / Live at Red Blood, Dallas, TX 5/29/03 / Self Released (promo only)
Murphy's Law / Santa's Got A Brand New Bag / The Best Of Times / Relativity Records
FEAR / Another Christmas Beer / American Beer / Hall Of Records
Christmas With The Vandals / I Don't Believe In Santa Claus / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
White Flag / Death Under The Christmas Tree (live) / Feeding Frenzy 2LP / Mystic Records
The Damned / There Ain't No Sanity Claus / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
The Vindictives / Nuttin' For Christmas / Nuttin' For Christmas 7" / Stardumb Records
Bad Religion / God Rest You Jerry Mentlemen / Atlantic Records Holiday Sampler / Atlantic Records
The Yobs / Silent Night / Silent Night 7" / YOB Records
Gone Native / Must Be Santa / Gone Nativity cassette / Self Released
Crass / Side A / Merry Crassmas 7" / Crass Records
Christmas With The Vandals / My First X-Mas As A Woman / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
Alcoholics Unanimous / Santa Claus D.W.I. / D.W.I.-Santa Forgot The Booze 7" / Brilliancy Prize Records
Temptress / The Grinch Song / White Christmas/The Grinch Song EP / Self Released
Temptress / Jingle Bells (Hand Farts) / White Christmas/The Grinch Song EP / Self Released
Stiff Little Fingers / White Christmas / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
The Yobs / The Worm Song / Run Rudolf Run 7" / NEMS Records
The Yobs / Run Rudolf Run / Run Rudolf Run 7" / NEMS Records
Good Clean Fun / X-Mas Time For The Skins / Split 7" With Throwdown / Prime Directive Records
Throwdown / Jingle Bell Rock / Split 7" With Good Clean Fun / Prime Directive Records
The Hates / Yuletide Riot / Punk Rock XMas 7" / Faceless Records
Dead Moon / Christmas Rush / Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus - Volume 2 / Sympathy For The Record Industry
Bad Religion / Joy To The World / Atlantic Records Holiday Sampler / Atlantic Records
Christmas With The Vandals / Dance Of The Sugerplum Fairies / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
The Ramones / Merry Christmas ( I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight)(UK Single Version / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
The Clap / Christmas in a Bodybag (live at CBGB's) / Night The Condom Broke CD / Fraud Records
The Ravers / It's Gonna Be A Punk Rock Christmas / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
The Yobs / Rub A Dum Dum / Rub A Dum Dum 7" / Safari Records
The Dickies / Silent Night / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
The Anti-Emo Empire!
[www.theantiemoempire.com] X-Mas show tonight from 8-10 PM EST!
WNHU 88.7 FM West Haven, CT [www.wnhu.net] for the live stream
All HC/Punk X-Mas songs! Here are some playlists from the past few X-Mas shows!
The Anti-Emo Empire Four Hour X-Mas Extravaganza!!!
Thursday December 21st, 2006
Band / Song / Album / Label
Bad Religion / Silent Night (live) / So This Is Christmas / Atlantic Records
Christmas With The Vandals / Grandpa's Last Christmas / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
The Yobs / Another Christmas / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
The Yobs / Doggy / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
The Hates / Santa Patrol /Punk Rock XMas 7" / Faceless Records
Kermit's Finger / Sorry Mom (I Spent Your Christmas Present Money On Beer) / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album...
I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! / Fan Attic Records
Jonee Earthquake Band / Comfort & Joy / v/a Comfort & Joy 2006 X Mas Single / Spiral Records
Meat Depressed / Happy P.C. Christmas / v/a Comfort & Joy 2006 X Mas Single / Spiral Records
Greedies / Merry Jingle, A / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
Crucial Youth / X-Mas For The Skins / Singles Going Straight (1986-1991) / New Red Archives
Peter And The Test Tube Babies / I'm Getting Pissed For Christmas / Alien Pubduction / Captain Oi!
Gregg Won / Jingle Bell Rock / Demo / Self Released
The Yobs / We Wish You A Merry Christmas / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
Spector 45 / I Shot Santa (live) / Live at Red Blood, Dallas, TX 5/29/03 / Self Released (promo only)
Murphy's Law / Santa's Got A Brand New Bag / The Best Of Times / Relativity Records
FEAR / Another Christmas Beer / American Beer / Hall Of Records
Christmas With The Vandals / I Don't Believe In Santa Claus / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
Brainless Wonders / Revenge Of Santa / v/a Another B-o-r-i-n-g Christmas Comp.! / Spiral Records
EE-WEE / Punkers Xmas / v/a Another B-o-r-i-n-g Christmas Comp.! / Spiral Records
White Flag / Death Under The Christmas Tree / Feeding Frenzy 2LP / Mystic Records
The Damned / There Ain't No Sanity Claus / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
The Vindictives / Nuttin' For Christmas / Nuttin' For Christmas 7" / Stardumb Records
The Showcase Showdown / Ho Ho Ho Chi Mihn / Ho Ho Ho Chi Mihn-Merry Christmas I Fucked Your Snowman 7" / Tario Records
Descendents / Christmas Vacation / I Don't Want To Grow Up / SST Records
Bad Religion / God Rest You Jerry Mentlemen / Atlantic Records Holiday Sampler / Atlantic Records
The Yobs / Silent Night / Silent Night 7" / YOB Records
Gone Native / Must Be Santa / Gone Nativity cassette / Self Released
Meat Depressed / It's Christmas / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album... I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! Vol. II / Spiral Records
Left Sells Red / Christmas Is A Drag / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album... I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! Vol. II /
Spiral Records
Christmas With The Vandals / My First X-Mas As A Woman / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
Alcoholics Unanimous / Santa Claus D.W.I. / D.W.I.-Santa Forgot The Booze 7" / Brilliancy Prize Records
Temptress / The Grinch Song / White Christmas/The Grinch Song EP / Self Released
Temptress / Jingle Bells (Hand Farts) / White Christmas/The Grinch Song EP / Self Released
Stiff Little Fingers / White Christmas / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
The Yobs / The Worm Song / Run Rudolf Run 7" / NEMS Records
The Yobs / Run Rudolf Run / Run Rudolf Run 7" / NEMS Records
MDC / Black Christmas / Hey Cop!!! If I Had A Face Like Yours... / R Radical Records
Christmas With The Vandals / Oi To The World / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
Bob Sagat Squad / It's A Capitalist Christmas / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album... I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! Vol.
II / Spiral Records
Red Aunts / Little Drummer Bitch / Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus - Volume 1 / Sympathy For The Record Industry
SSD / Jolly Old Saint Nick / Power / Taang! Records
The Yobs / Silver Bells / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
The Six And Violence / X-Mas Pigs / X-Mas Pigs EP / Striving For Togetherness Records
The Not Quite / Satan's Elves / Guillotined At The Hangar / Dionysus Records
FEAR / Bleep Christmas / I Love Livin' In The City 7" / Criminal Records
The Reducers / Nothing For Christmas / Redux / Rave On Records
Christmas With The Vandals / Christmas Time For My Penis / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
Bad Religion / LEON / Atlantic Records Holiday Sampler / Atlantic Records
The Yobs / White Christmas / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
The 4 Skins / Merry Christmas Everybody / v/a Bullocks To Christmas / Secret Records
Max Splodge / The 12 Days Of Christmas / v/a Bullocks To Christmas / Secret Records
The Business / Step Into Christmas / v/a Bullocks To Christmas / Secret Records
The Gonads / White Christmas / v/a Bullocks To Christmas / Secret Records
Impact / Punk Christmas / Punk Christmas 7" / Cyanide Records
The Wards / Santa's Cadillac / The World Ain't Pretty But Neither Are We 7" / Self Released
Saccharine Trust / A Christmas Cry / A Christmas Cry 7" / SST Records
The Ruffians / Intro (Sleep it Off) / Together at Christmas EP / Self Released
The Ruffians / Christmas in Killarney / Together at Christmas EP / Self Released
Crucial Youth / Santa Claus Is Coming / Singles Going Straight (1986-1991) / New Red Archives
Good Clean Fun / X-Mas Time For The Skins / Split 7" With Throwdown / Prime Directive Records
Throwdown / Jingle Bell Rock / Split 7" With Good Clean Fun / Prime Directive Records
The Hates / Yuletide Riot / Punk Rock XMas 7" / Faceless Records
DWI / Rudolf The Reindeer / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album... I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! Vol. II / Spiral Records
Crass / Side A / Merry Crassmas 7" / Crass Records
Crass / Side B / Merry Crassmas 7" / Crass Records
Bad Religion / Joy To The World Atlantic Records Holiday Sampler / Atlantic Records
Christmas With The Vandals / Dance Of The Sugerplum Fairies / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
The Ramones / Merry Christmas ( I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight)(UK Single Version / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
The Clap / Christmas in a Bodybag (live at CBGB's) / Night The Condom Broke CD / Fraud Records
The Ravers / It's Gonna Be A Punk Rock Christmas / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
Dwarves / Schizophrenic X-Mas / Lick It / Recess Records
The Yobs / Rub A Dum Dum / Rub A Dum Dum 7" / Safari Records
The Dickies / Silent Night / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
Zippo Raid / Have A Merry Fuckin' Christmas / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album... I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! / Fan
Attic Records
Jonee Earthquake Band / Little Strummer Boy / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album... I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! / Fan
Attic Records
The Downtrodden / White Line Christmas / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album... I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! / Fan Attic
Rats Of Unusual Size / Santa Claus Is Coming... / v/a We Three Bings: Vital Music's N.Y. Thrash XMas Comp / Vital Music
Ed Gein's Car / O Merry Town Of Surfing Gentlemen / v/a We Three Bings: Vital Music's N.Y. Thrash XMas Comp / Vital Music
Pat Godwin / Jingle Bell Punk / Reindeer Games / Ikon Records
The Reind Deers / Christmas Is Going To Bring / s/t 7" / Limp Records
Cobra / Bad Night Merry X-Mas / Indie Omnibus 82-86 / AA-Poney Canyon Records
The Vindictives / Jingle Bells / Nuttin' For Christmas 7" / Stardumb Records
Blank Tradition / 365 shopping Days Til Christmas / v/a This Must Be The Worst Christmas Album... I've Ever Fuckin' Heard! /
Fan Attic Records
Spinal Tap / X-Mas With The Devil / X-Mas With The Devil Single / Enigma Records
The Anti-Emo Empire! X-Mas Show
Monday December 19th, 2005
Music Bed For Mic Breaks: Band / Album / Label
Jeff St Pierre and Phillip Antoniades / A Rubber Band Christmas / Artist Development
Band / Song / Album / Label
Always Keep The True Spirit Of Underground Hardcore/Punk Alive!
Bad Religion / Silent Night (live) / So This Is Christmas / Atlantic Records
Christmas With The Vandals / Grandpa's Last Christmas / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
The Yobs / Another Christmas / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
The Yobs / Doggy / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
The Hates / Santa Patrol /Punk Rock XMas 7" / Faceless Records
Greedies / Merry Jingle, A / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
Crucial Youth / X-Mas For The Skins / Singles Going Straight (1986-1991) / New Red Archives
Peter And The Test Tube Babies / I'm Getting Pissed For Christmas / Alien Pubduction / Captain Oi!
The Showcase Showdown / Ho Ho Ho Chi Mihn / Ho Ho Ho Chi Mihn-Merry Christmas I Fucked Your Snowman 7" / Tario Records
Descendents / Christmas Vacation / I Don't Want To Grow Up / SST Records
White Flag / Mr. Grinch / 4 Bands That Could Change The World Comp / Gasatanka Records
MDC / Black Christmas / Hey Cop!!! If I Had A Face Like Yours... / R Radical Records
Christmas With The Vandals / Oi To The World / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
F / White Christmas / Mess You Up 7" / Mystic Records
Red Aunts / Little Drummer Bitch / Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus - Volume 1 / Sympathy For The Record Industry
SSD / Jolly Old Saint Nick / Power / Taang! Records
The Yobs / Silver Bells / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
The Six And Violence / X-Mas Pigs / X-Mas Pigs EP / Striving For Togetherness Records
The Not Quite / Satan's Elves / Guillotined At The Hangar / Dionysus Records
FEAR / Bleep Christmas / I Love Livin' In The City 7" / Criminal Records
The Reducers / Nothing For Christmas / Redux / Rave On Records
Christmas With The Vandals / Christmas Time For My Penis / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
Bad Religion / LEON / Atlantic Records Holiday Sampler / Atlantic Records
The Yobs / White Christmas / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
The 4 Skins / Merry Christmas Everybody / Singles And Rarities / Captain Oi Records
The Wards / Santa's Cadillac / The World Ain't Pretty But Neither Are We 7" / Self Released
Saccharine Trust / A Christmas Cry / A Christmas Cry 7" / SST Records
The Ruffians / Intro (Sleep it Off) / Together at Christmas EP / Self Released
The Ruffians / Christmas in Killarney / Together at Christmas EP / Self Released
Crucial Youth / Santa Claus Is Coming / Singles Going Straight (1986-1991) / New Red Archives
Gregg Won / Jingle Bell Rock / Demo / Self Released
The Yobs / We Wish You A Merry Christmas / The Yobs Christmas Album / Safari Records
Spector 45 / I Shot Santa (live) / Live at Red Blood, Dallas, TX 5/29/03 / Self Released (promo only)
Murphy's Law / Santa's Got A Brand New Bag / The Best Of Times / Relativity Records
FEAR / Another Christmas Beer / American Beer / Hall Of Records
Christmas With The Vandals / I Don't Believe In Santa Claus / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
White Flag / Death Under The Christmas Tree (live) / Feeding Frenzy 2LP / Mystic Records
The Damned / There Ain't No Sanity Claus / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
The Vindictives / Nuttin' For Christmas / Nuttin' For Christmas 7" / Stardumb Records
Bad Religion / God Rest You Jerry Mentlemen / Atlantic Records Holiday Sampler / Atlantic Records
The Yobs / Silent Night / Silent Night 7" / YOB Records
Gone Native / Must Be Santa / Gone Nativity cassette / Self Released
Crass / Side A / Merry Crassmas 7" / Crass Records
Christmas With The Vandals / My First X-Mas As A Woman / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
Alcoholics Unanimous / Santa Claus D.W.I. / D.W.I.-Santa Forgot The Booze 7" / Brilliancy Prize Records
Temptress / The Grinch Song / White Christmas/The Grinch Song EP / Self Released
Temptress / Jingle Bells (Hand Farts) / White Christmas/The Grinch Song EP / Self Released
Stiff Little Fingers / White Christmas / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
The Yobs / The Worm Song / Run Rudolf Run 7" / NEMS Records
The Yobs / Run Rudolf Run / Run Rudolf Run 7" / NEMS Records
Good Clean Fun / X-Mas Time For The Skins / Split 7" With Throwdown / Prime Directive Records
Throwdown / Jingle Bell Rock / Split 7" With Good Clean Fun / Prime Directive Records
The Hates / Yuletide Riot / Punk Rock XMas 7" / Faceless Records
Dead Moon / Christmas Rush / Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus - Volume 2 / Sympathy For The Record Industry
Bad Religion / Joy To The World / Atlantic Records Holiday Sampler / Atlantic Records
Christmas With The Vandals / Dance Of The Sugerplum Fairies / Oi To The World! / Kung Fu Records
The Ramones / Merry Christmas ( I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight)(UK Single Version / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
The Clap / Christmas in a Bodybag (live at CBGB's) / Night The Condom Broke CD / Fraud Records
The Ravers / It's Gonna Be A Punk Rock Christmas / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
The Yobs / Rub A Dum Dum / Rub A Dum Dum 7" / Safari Records
The Dickies / Silent Night / Punk Rock Xmas / Rhino Records
Friday, November 1, 2013
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