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Tune in Thursdays, 5 to 6pm at 89.5FM in the northeast San Pablo Bay Area (
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InD.I.Y.pendent News
Tribal News
ManifestiV return to The Hub
Saturday, July 2 at 11 PM
The Hub Vallejo, 350 Georgia St, Vallejo, California 94590
The Hub Vallejo hosts Pacifica Tour with ManifestiV where they play the newest ManifestiV material written in Dallas, Texas for an essential "Vallejomecoming" show!
Stranger News
[] [] []
* "
Google's Larry Page invests $100 million to develop flying cars" (2016-06-10, []
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Sea snakes have extra sense for water living" (2016-06-08, []
* "
The Sea Serpent Reality" (1902-01, Our Day newsmagazine, Vol. 21, N. 1, pg. 16) (.pdf) []:
After being the subject for many years of uncertainty, doubt and even downright disbelief, the sea serpent has been vindicated officially, and evidence of its living, breathing, spouting reality duly recorded in the Government archives in Washington. In a report to the Hydrographic office of the Navy Department, Henry H. Neligan, one of the regular observers of marine events designated by the Chief Hydrographer, officially vouches for the existence of one of these monsters of the deep. Mr. Neligan's report was mailed in Liverpool, where he arrived on Nov. 10 on the steam ship Irada, of which he is third officer. The serpent was seen while the Irada was on her last regular voyage from Galveston to Liverpool, and a whopper he was, a hundred feet long. Here is Mr. Neligan's report, written in one of the official record books, furnished to its observers by the Hydrographic office:
“Oct. 26, 1901—At 11 a.m. today, in latitude 27 degrees 26 minutes north, and longitude 90 degrees 18 minutes west, passed a large sea serpent appearing about 100 feet long. The head had a blunt square nose and was ejecting water to the height of two or three feet from its nostrils. The animal or fish had three distinct sets of fins and a tail lying across like a porpoise. On its back was a series of humps like a camel. It was heading about east (true) and moving slowly. [signed] Henry H. Neligan. Third Officer Steamship Irada."
The latitude and longitude mentioned by Mr. Neligan are in the Gulf of Mexico, the exact point being about one hundred and twenty miles southwest of the mouth of the Mississippi river. The word “true” after “east” does not refer to Mr. Neligan's story, but means that the monster was heading actually east
and not easterly by magnetic compass, which varies slightly from the true direction. As for Mr. Neligan, his responsibility is vouched for by the officers of the Hydrographic office. He has been an observer for that branch of the Navy Department for the past thirteen months and has always sent trustworthy and valuable reports.
Officers of the Hydrographic office are believers in the existence of the sea serpent. One of them said: “I am not one of those persons who have no faith in the sea serpent theory. Undoubtedly these serpents existed in ancient times, and it requires no stretch of belief to accept the idea that they exist today. We know that monsters existed on land in prehistoric times and that their disappearance has probably been due to constantly changing climatic conditions. But there has been practically no change, if any at all, in the condition of the sea. These large animals or fish naturally sought the deepest waters. They are probably very few in number and are seldom seen. But men
who follow the sea have vouched for their existence. I, myself, have seen small sea serpents, a yard or so long, in the Indian Ocean. That larger species exist I have always believed.”
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Scientists Turn Bacteria Into Living Hard Drives; Living organisms can store lines of code and pass them down to their progeny" (2016-06-09, []
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Pavements of Crystal" (1902-01, Our Day newsmagazine, Vol. 21, N. 1, pg. 28) (.pdf) []:
You would scarcely expect to read of streets paved with crystal in any other than a fairy book, yet a new paving material, called ceramo crystal, which is of great strength and durability, has been invented by M. Garchey, the well-known scientist, and preparations are now being made to use it on some of the main streets in several European cities, according to the London Express. Ceramo crystal is mainly composed of pounded glass, which has simultaneously been submitted to a considerable pressure and to a very high temperature.
Its hardness is described as perfectly astonishing by those who have seen it tested, and it has a resisting power of 2,718 pounds to 4,828 hounds to every hundredth part of a square yard. Moreover, neither cold nor hot weather has any influence on it. A weight of 8,400 pounds was recently allowed to fall on a flagstone of this material, yet it did not make the slightest impression on it, and not until it had fallen twenty-two times from a height of three feet did a crack appear in the crystal.
* "Electrical fields aid wound healing" (2016-06-10, [], photo caption: Human macrophages migrating directionally toward an electrode. Left: no electric field. Right: Time-lapse photo two hours after 150 mV/mm electric field applied (white lines shows the movement path toward candida yeast; numbers indicate start and end positions of cells).
* "
Cures by rays of light: Electricity applied to the treatment of dread diseases" (1902-01, Our Day newsmagazine, Vol. 21, N. 1, pg. 7) (.pdf) []:
Photo caption: Gun-Mortar-like instrument whose rays cure rheumatism

Photo caption: The Finsen Ray machine as improved by Dr. Hopkins

No department of human knowledge has undergone such rapid change within the past twenty-five years as that relating to the medical profession. The adaptation of electricity as a helpmeet and as a direct curative agency has transformed medical science and made obsolete whole volumes written by the ablest doctors of a generation ago.
The value of light and clear atmosphere for the cure of certain diseases has long been recognized, but it remained for the skillful combination of doctor and electrician to make it possible to produce that light in such a condensed form without heat as to effect an immediate change of tissue substance. With different rays and combinations of rays it is sought to strike at the very root of disease, destroy the deadly germs that infect the blood and correct the abnormal cellular growths that give rise to many of the most hideous and malignant of human ills. For a long time the results of such treatment were looked on with doubt, but now the experiments in the laboratory of Prof. Finsen, of Copenhagen, Denmark; of Dr. Andrew Clark, of the Middlesex Hospital, England; of Dr. Hopkins, of Brooklyn; of Dr. Williams, of Boston; and in hospitals in New York, St. Louis and Chicago, seem to show that the two greatest scourges of the present age, cancer and consumption, can be eradicated by the simple action of intense light, while other minor diseases succumb to it.
To Prof. Finsen belongs the credit of photo-therapy. Experiments satisfied him that certain germs could not live in sunlight. He then set about devising a light of great power which could be directed upon the human flesh without harm or pain. The problem was to eliminate the great heat which accompanies powerful rays of light. After years of labor he devised a tube containing a quartz crystal lens, which decomposes an electric light of great diverting the heat rays to a jacket of cold water, and directing the heatless, actinic rays, blue, ultra-violet and violet, down through the tube upon the subject. This apparatus has been mechanically improved by Dr. Hopkins so that, by means of a hanging bracket, the ray may be readily directed upon any part of the body of the patient, stretched on a cot beneath it. The operating room of a photo-therapeutic laboratory is strangely unlike any other operating room in its simplicity. There is the ray-apparatus and the cot for the patient; that is all. Besides the operator, one nurse is in attendance.
Picture to yourself a huge hanging basket of ornamental iron, swung from the ceiling and incongruously sprouting on one side into a length of shiny brass telescope. This is the apparatus by which it is proposed to conquer the most dreadful of human maladies, cancer. Inside the three-foot circle of the black iron is an electric light carbon so arranged that when the electric current is turned on, the light glows through the telescope tube. The current strength is eighty amperes. and the light produced is so dazzling that the eye cannot bear it; and the attending surgeon must go hooded like a falcon.
Against the wall its 22,000 candle power shows like the brightest of sunlight. This radiance, poured down through the tube, would quickly roast the flesh upon which it falls, were not the heat rays diverted by the quartz lens. This lens is the difficult part of the instrument to obtain. Nothing serves the purpose so well as the quartz, but a piece of quartz from which a two and-three-quarter-inch lens can be cut, flawless and perfect, is rare and expensive. One operator in this country applied to a number of optical firms without success, and finally went to Tiffany & Co., who placed a ton of quartz at his disposal. Out of this, the largest perfect crystal he could get would cut into a lens a little less than two inches. He had finally to send to Copenhagen.
Now for the action of this merciful surgery of light. Suppose the patient to be suffering from lupus, that cancer which destroys the face, obliterating as dreadfully as leprosy itself every appearance of humanity. He is laid upon a cot under the apparatus. The tube is drawn down until it stops within an inch of the ulcerated surface. There is a sizzling sound as the operator turns on the current; the sun-bright radiance glitters on the wall and pours down through the quartz lens upon the gnawing cancer, and invisibly, the miracle is working. For an hour the patient must lie there. The light covers a spot about an inch in diameter. When the hour is up that spot has paled a little from the angry red around it. Next day another spot is treated; on the next still another.
The treatment is daily; could be under gone half a dozen times a day if there were time, for the subject feels no sensation whatever. There is no physical or nervous strain. Presently a strange thing is seen to have happened. About the edge, where the sore has been most malignant, sound scar tissue begins to form. The cancer is being restricted and contracted. Now and again it makes a rally, pressing forward its angry sigmals, only to be beaten back by the de stroying and healing ray. The end of the battle is always the same. The lupus disappears and in its place is sound scar tissue.
Not infrequently skin-grafting is resorted to to restore that part of the face, provided no organs have been destroyed, to its original appearance. In the malignant cancers—sarcoma of the breast and others, the roots of which lie deep—the Finsen ray has done work quite as wonderful. It works slower in these cases than in lupus, where the disease is on the surface, for the rays have little penetrating power; nevertheless, there are complete cures to its credit in cases beyond hope of eradication by the knife. Before there is any apparent change in the condition, the offensive odor from the sore ceases, and the disappearance of pain soon follows. One recent case of malignant sarcoma of the breast was discharged from the laboratory in Brooklyn as cured, several months ago, where the disease was arrested after it had almost completely eaten away one breast. There has been since no sign of its return. In another case sarcoma of the tongue—“smoker's cancer”—was cured. There are so many instances where lupus, the surface facial cancer, has been totally wiped out that they are hardly regarded as being worthy of a place on the records.
By what process does the ray achieve such results? No body knows. If physicians knew this they would be near to the greatest medical discovery in history. All they can tell is that the abnormal cellular processes which produce cancer are in some mysterious manner corrected by the action of the light; the process is checked and the sore healed. When they have found out what cancer is, they may be able to determine why the Finsen ray acts upon it as it does. At present, they must be content with the knowledge that a simple ray of light has given results more wonderful than all the medicines; more radical than the knife.
It is by another form of the ray that tuberculosis is treated. To say that consumption is now being cured by a contrivance that looks like a brass mortar with a glass end may sound frivolous, but it is none the less true. This piece of artillery, eighteen inches in diameter and twenty inches long, is a condensing lamp, from the concave reflecting lens in the back of which is reflected an electric light of 17,000 candle power. This light is thrown upon a blue glass screen, which cuts out most of the heat rays. Behind this screen sits the consumptive, his breast bared to the rays. A fourteen-inch circle of his chest is covered by the light, and he is kept there for about an hour at a time. Like the Finsen ray, the light produces absolutely no sensation, but it has this peculiarity, lacking in the other ray, that the patient usually succumbs to drowsiness after a few moments, and falls asleep. Its effects are almost immediate; the consumptive's temperature falls; his cough improves; his nightsweats pass off; he gains weight, appetite and strength, and in the course of time the tuberculosis bacilli which have been present in great numbers in his lungs, disappear. Some very striking cases have been recorded in the medical journals. One man came for treatment when apparently almost gone; he was utterly exhausted after walking a block. He had a temperature of 104 degrees and a racking cough, and was little more than a skeleton. Furthermore he had not the slightest faith in the treatment. After he had taken four naps behind the blue glass screen his temperature went down to 100. In the first week he gained four pounds. In the second week he gained four more, and his cough had almost left him. A week later he was able to walk four miles without discomfort, and at the end of two months when he was discharged as cured, examinations of his expectorations failed to discover any bacilli.
The theory of this light cure is more definite than in the case of the Finsen ray; consumption is known to be a germ disease, whereas cancer is still a mystery. Sunlight kills tuberculosis bacilli; and it is supposed that the rays that penetrate the blue glass screen act in the same way. More than this, it is believed that they strengthen the phagocytes. These phagocytes are minute organisms in the blood which act as scavengers. It is their business, when any malevolent germ enters the system, to hasten to the spot and eat him up. Were it not for their ceaseless activity we should all die of consumption, as tuberculosis bacilli are present everywhere. The consumption cure ray, so the theory is, increases the phagocytic appetite to such an extent that no germs can stand before it.
In this age of swiftly-spread progress, the X-ray is already an old story. Many experimenters have tried it in many diseases with varying effect. Perhaps its most successful field is in conjunction with the Finsen ray, in cases of cancer where the center of the trouble is internal. The patient is put under the X-ray for fifteen minutes, and then subjected to the Finsen ray for an hour. The X-ray tends to disintegrate the tissue, and thus the Finsen ray is enabled to penetrate and extend the healing influences to the center of inflammation. But physicians are coming to fear this mysterious agency to which the discoverer gave the appropriate name of X, symbolizing the unknown. It passes through the skin and outer flesh only to destroy inner tissues, and often to start gangrene in the in terior. So it is not now much used as a healing agency, but rather as an auxiliary.
Commenting on the past and present success of electric light treatment, a writer in the Louisville Courier-Journal says:
“What the future of light-therapy is to be, he would be a bold man who should prophesy. It may fairly be regarded as having mastered cancer and consumption in many cases. It has been tried with success in smallpox and scarlet fever. It is being tried in leprosy cases. A celebrated Russian surgeon announces that he used it with success as an anesthetic for surface operations, and to assist healing of wounds, burns and sores. But it is as a germicide that it holds out the greatest hope to the race. Many eminent physicians believe that in time, when its principles of action are understood, it will be directed successfully to the destruction of all germs, and that not only tuberculosis, but pneumonia, cholera, typhoid fever, tetanus; indeed, most of the deadly ills that flesh is heir to, will disappear before it and be wiped off the list of the agents of death.”
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Twenty-five years of the telephone" (1901-04, Our Day newsmagazine, Vol. 20, N. 4, pg. 22) (.pdf) []:
T HE Bell telephone, or the telephone of commerce, is twenty-five years old. On its twenty-fifth anniversary Acting President Cochrane made an address before the American Tele phone and Telegraph Company in which he said: “Twenty years ago there were 47,880 telephone subscribers in the United States, and 29,714 miles of wire in use for telephone purposes.
At the end of last year there were 808,880 exchange stations equipped with our instruments, and 1,961,801 miles of wire employed for exchange and toll line service. The estimated number of daily exchange connections is 5,668,986, or about 1,825,000,000 per year. The average number of daily calls from each
station is 7 1-10, the cost to the subscriber varying in different places from 1 cent to 9 cents per connection. The investment in line construction, equipment and supplies for the long distance system up to December 31, 1900, was $16,152,020.72.”
While the Bell telephone is twenty-five years old, the invention of speaking over electric wires is much older. About fifty years ago a German professor invented a telephone and described it in a book. He really made the first invention. When the correspondent of the Philadelphia Public Ledger was a boy he was taken by his father to the house of an Italian in Staten Island. The Italian had wires running everywhere, and he was experimenting with the idea of the telephone. This was some time before the Bell telephone appeared. A little later, Professor A. K. Eaton of Brooklyn made an instrument by which speech could be transmitted long distances over a wire. The writer was at one end of the wire when the first sentence was spoken this way and remembers the thrill of wonder and delight which the discovery caused. This was several months before the Bell patent. But the Supreme Court of the United States, after a long litigation, awarded to Professor Bell the rights of the first patent.
Space News
* "
‘Work the night shift on Mars’: NASA unveils retro recruitment posters" (2016-06-15, []

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Through the wormhole: Spacecraft could survive black hole shortcut across the universe – study" (2016-06-10, []
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8.8 billion habitable Earth-size planets exist in Milky Way alone" (2013-11-04, []
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Life-forming molecule discovered in deep space may hold key to life on Earth" (2016-06-16, []

Ancient News
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‘Ancient Monuments’ advanced the knowledge of history" (2016-06-10, []
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Maize in Pre-Columbian China" (2005, by Masao Uchibayashi, Takeda Science Foundation, Japan) (.pdf) []
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An Ancient New Corn From China" (1910-06-25, The Milwaukee Sentinel) []: AN entirely new species of corn has been received from China and is being experimented with by the Department of Agriculture with a view to adapting it to the arid regions of the Southwest, where, without irrigation, the native American corn will not come to maturity. Besides its agricultural Interest, this new corn suggests some curious historical problems. There is no doubt that corn is a native of America, yet from descriptions in Chinese literature, corn is shown to have been established in China within less than a century after the first voyage of Columbus. This is entirely too short a period for the grain to have beep carried to China by way of Europe
and become widely known and used. Be-skies, this new corn from China is so totally different from that of the Western Hemisphere that it is impossible to think that its peculiar characteristics have been developed within live centuries, so there seems no other possible conclusion but that corn was carried from America to China many centuries before Columbus sailed Westward. The corn from China develops into a plant averaging less than six feet in height, with an average of twelve green leaves at the time of tasseling. The ears average five and one-half inches in length and 4 and one-third inches in greatest circumference, with sixteen to eighteen rows of small grains,
* "
Corn of a new kind" (1910-03, by Robert Franklin, The Technical World Magazine, pg. 88) [], full periodical (.pdf) []:
Photo caption: PIGMY CHINESE MAIZE. Two views of the same plant.

New kind of Indian corn has been brought to this country recently from China. It was sent by a missionary, from Shanghai, to the Department of Agriculture. It is so entirely unlike any variety of maize known in America as to suggest the notion that possibly botanists have been wrong in the belief they have so long entertained that Indian corn was originally a native to the American continent exclusively. In all likelihood, however, the early progenitors of this variety were carried by some means from America to China centuries before Columbus was born. So much is inferred from the fact that, by what is known about plant life, it must have required a very long period of time to develop into so distinct a type under cultivation. It has many peculiarities. In the first place, the plant is a dwarf, not growing higher ordinarily than about four feet. The ears average five and a half inches in length only, with sixteen to. eighteen rows of small grains. These grains are found, when cut in two, to have a curious waxlike consistency, and the starch they contain is very much different in character from any starch with which the Western nations have been acquainted hitherto. The new Chinese maize is likely to prove valuable for breeding purposes. Already it has been successfully crossed with big-grained varieties, with a view to increasing the size of the kernels. Some of the crosses are expected to "take after" the Oriental plant in at least one feature which will render them useful for cultivation in the dry regions of the Southwest. In that part of the country the "silks" of maize plants are liable, at the time of flowering, to be burned up by the hot desert winds before the grains have a chance to be pollinated. But in the Chinese corn an erect arrangement of the leaves, which are all on one side of the stalk, and the development of the silks in the angle where the leaf-blade joins the sheath, offer a protected place in which pollen can settle and accomplish fertilization before the silks are exposed to the air. The whole structure constitutes a most beautiful adaptation to prevent the drying out of the silks before pollination—the overlapping blades catching all pollen that is blown against the upper part of the plant, and allowing it to settle in the, channels at the base of the blades, where it accumulates. The silks are then pushed into this accumulation of pollen, and thus become fertilized.
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Primitive Maize with the Lepchas" (by J. K. Thapa) (.pdf) []
* “
The Corn of Egypt in America” (1902-01, Our Day newsmagazine, Vol. 21, N. 1, pg. 34) (.pdf) []: Such curiosity has often been aroused as to what was the character of the corn which Joseph stored away for the seven years of famine. This curiosity can now be satisfied for a Michigan farmer is now raising the corn of Egypt. The Michigan Christian Advocate has been investigating the matter and publishes the following interesting account of the experiments. -
“‘Samuel Wisson, a farmer of Sandwich West, Essex County, Ontario, is exhibiting ears of corn grown from seed foundin the covering of an Egyptian mummy, supposed to be at least 2,000 years old. The corn was brought from Egypt last year by Rev. Mr. Higgins, of Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. Wisson, husked four bushels from sixty hills. The corn is a bright red tint, plump, and weighs well, but is quite different from samples grown in Canada or the United States.”
“Finding the above item floating about in the daily press, a representative of the Advocate went over to Sandwich last week and hunted up the gentleman re ferred to. He found Mr. Samuel Wisson (not Wilson, as the papers erroneously printed it) living on a farm some two miles back of Sandwich, the county-seat of Essex County. Mr. Wisson says the item is, in the main, correct. The seed corn which he obtained from Mr. Higgins was black in color—possibly from age.
It was planted on a light, sandy soil, a little later than his other corn was planted. It matured quite as early as the other corn. It showed a very rank growth, the stalks reaching fifteen feet in height, and being so coarse as to be quite worthless for fodder. The stalks quite generally produced two good ears each, with often two smaller ones. Mr. Higgins reported getting as high as six good ears from one stalk. In Pharaoh’s dream, seven ears of corn came up on one stalk, rank and good' (Gen. 41:5), not at all improbable, judging from the experience above stated. Mr. Wisson says he obtained a bushel of ears from sixteen hills, while his other corn required thirty-two hills to yield a bushel. He obtained four and a half bushels from the handful of seed given him by Mr. Higgins, and is confident that on a strong, heavy soil the yield would be greater. He intends planting it quite extensively next year.
“The corn is of dent variety, showing from twelve to sixteen rows to the ear. The ears are plump and well filled, really “rank and good. Mr. Wisson noted one remarkable fact: While the corn generally was of a bright red color, some hills yielded a yellow corn, quite similar to the other except in color. The seed, so far as he could see, was all alike, and no other corn was planted near. The corn was of unusual weight—Mr. Wisson thinks a bushel would weigh as much as a bushel and a half of ordinary corn.
Mr. Wisson kindly gave the Advocate man specimens of the corn, which may be seen at his office. While differing somewhat from our ordinary corn, it is substantially the same as the ‘dent’ or gourd varieties grown in this region.
“It will, doubtless, puzzle many Bible students to learn that the ‘corn' grown in Egypt two and three thousand years ago was our own maize, or lndian corn. which we have been taught is strictly indigenous to America, and never heard of before this country was discovered. The word ‘corn in the Scriptures has been understood to be generic, and to mean wheat, barley, millet, or some similar small grain. Yet McClintock and Strong's Encyclopedia, in the article on “Corn” admits that maize was found in China before Columbus' day, and refers to instances where grains of Indian corn, and even the husks, have been found in mummy cases in Egypt—exactly where the specimens obtained by Mr. Wisson came from. The date of these specimens would carry us back to near the days of the Ptolemies; and if ‘corn” of our maize variety were grown in Egypt then, it might easily be the same sort which was stored up by Joseph in the days of the great famine thirty-six centuries ago.”
* "
Maize Diffused to India before Columbus Came to America" (by Carl L. Johannessen) (.pdf) []
* "
Pre-Columbian Maize North of the Old World Equator" (1969) intro [], pg.1 [], pg.2 [], pg.3 [], pg.4 []
The Olmec monuments show kings who resemble the kings of west Africa, head gear and all.

* "
Initial DNA Results For The Testing Of Peruvian Elongated Skulls: 2016" (2016-06-14, []:

It has been a long and tiring process to try to get ancient elongated skulls from Peru DNA tested, as many of you know. There are only 10 laboratories in the world that can do “next generation sequencing” which is the state of the art process of testing ancient DNA.
Your DNA, like the image above shows, is perfectly intact, thus is easy to test, and is cheap. Ancient DNA, like the 800 to 2000 plus year old Peruvian ones that we wish to test are literally shredded into tiny segments, thus only the most up to date equipment can test them, AT ALL. We are fortunate that 3 such labs have agreed to do the testing for us.
Frankly, it appears that virtually ALL academics believe that ALL of the Peruvian elongated skulls are the result of head binding, yet NONE as far as we can tell have ever DNA tested them. Such facilities as mentioned earlier DO NOT exist in Peru. As well, there are NO radiocarbon labs in Peru.

As well, no academics as far as we can tell can explain why some of the skulls that still have hair are red or even blonde; the idea that this is from time or bleaching has NOW been disproven by 2 hair experts. For the ancient Paracas people, at least, they had blonde to reddish hair that is 30% thinner than NATIVE American hair. It is GENETIC!

Of the two recent samples tested, one of small red hair fragments from a 2000 year old skull donated by Sr. Juan Navarro of the Paracas museum and sampled as well as packaged by a Peruvian archaeologist, and another from an 800 year old Peruvian skull that has been in the US for at least 75 years, the results were quite curious.
The baby hair only showed genotype U2e1, which is found in people from northern Europe and western Russia/Baltics and the 800 year old skull showed only ancestry from Syria/Mesopotamia. Clearly, if these results hold, the history of the migration of people to the Americas is far more complex than we have been told previously.
* "
The Mysterious White Indians of New Mexico" (1901-11, Our Day newsmagazine, Vol. 20, N. 11, pg. 13) (.pdf) []:

Down in the heart of the vast territory in the southwest which the United States acquired by conquest from Mexico more than half a century ago, and parts of which are still unknown, there abides an ethnological mystery, the subject of much speculation for fifty years. It is still an un solved problem, so far as definite knowledge is concerned— the white Indians of New Mexico.
Discovered by one of the numerous expeditions sent out in the early '50's in search of a feasible route for a railway to the Pacific Coast, these curious specimens of Indian were the theme of numerous dissertations by the learned pundits of the government survey. The consensus of their opinions seemed to be that the white Indians found in the native village of Zuni were the descendants of a Welsh expedition which is supposed to have landed on the New England coast some ten centuries ago, and to have worked its way across the continent almost to the Pacific.
Apparently it did not occur to any of these “wise men of the east” that there was anything incongruous in a sup posed journey afoot for more than 2,000 miles across an un known country, in the face of more or less opposition from half a hundred different Indian tribes. They produced a considerable number of words and phrases in the Zuni language which were almost identical with terms used in Wales as evidence of the relationship. Physicians might infer that the white Indians were albinos, but there is no definite evidence to support that inference any more than the other.
On account of the disinclination of the white Indians to expose themselves in the daylight few white men have seen them.
In every way, save in the color of their skin and hair, the white Indians are the same as their copper-hued brethren. Their skin is of a dirty white color—dirty, of course, because that is the one fixed characteristic of the Indian skin, no matter how much it may vary in color. Their hair is a tawny white, while that of the normal Indian is always very black. They cannot expose themselves to the sunlight without be coming badly sunburned, and they do not tan, as most white men do in that land of everlasting sunshine, but their skin becomes red and inflamed, like the arms of a man who has taken his first swim of the season in an abbreviated bathing costume.
The eyes of these abnormal Indians are even more sensitive to the light than their skins, and when out of their houses these unfortunates go squinting through their closed lids to the right and left. At night only are they comfortable in the open air, and in the daytime they haunt the semi-darkness of the interior rooms in the huge hive-like clusters of houses which form the village.
* "
Were the original Japanese Caucasians? American Scholar Discovers a Strange People in a Secluded Part of the Mikado's Empire" (1902-01, Our Day newsmagazine, Vol. 21, N. 1, pg. 4) (.pdf) []:

Benjamin Smith Lyman, a Philadelphia geologist in the employ of the Mikado of Japan, has made discoveries of universal interest. In an expedition lasting several years he made an exhaustive study of the northernmost possessions of the island empire of the East, which has been almost a sealed book for centuries.
Even the most learned of Japanese scholars have known little of its people or . their condition. According to Mr. Lyman, it is stated that the original inhabitants of Japan were Caucasians, who, like the American Indians, were gradually decimated by a race of another color, until today only a corporal's guard survives in the inaccessible wilds of Yesso.
The explorer essayed a virgin field; even the very-name of the Japanese Caucasians was not known to a certainty. Mr. Lyman, from his extensive knowledge of Japanese lore, believes in writing it Aino,

thus differing with the Rev. John Bachelor, who spells it Ainu. The name Aino is really an expression of contempt, dating back to the times of the Japanese conquest, when the conquering Mongolians bestowed the name Aino, son of a dog, on their adversaries, the original Caucasian lords of the soil.
The following absorbingly interesting account of the manners and customs of these Japanese aborigines is culled from Mr. Lyman's own record of his researches: The Ainos are now but a small
tribe, numbering about 17,000, living mainly in Yesso, and a smaller number in the southern end of Sagalin. Formerly they lived as far south as Tokio. Still existing names of places, evidently of Aino origin, show that the race formerly lived even in all the principal islands of Japan.
The result of many centuries of warfare between the Japanese and the Ainos has been the gradual exodus of the Ainos northward: the entire submission of their small remnant to the Japanese occurred several hundred years ago. So completely do the Japanese consider the Ainos united to them that the Japanese government, on relinquishing to Russia all claim upon Sagalin, about twenty seven years ago, stipulated that those Ainos in Sagalin who should desire might remove to Yesso; a considerable number were so brought southward and settled not far from Sapporo, the capital of Yesso.
Before going to Yesso the traveler is likely to hear some account of the Ainos from the Japanese; he will be told that the Aino is covered with fur and is a Caliban, “as disproportioned in his manners as in his shape.” This criticism is somewhat severe. It is true that his appearance inclines strongly toward the uncouth and wild. But it will be seen, on closer examination, that his conformity with European ideas of proportion in face and general form are greater than with most other Eastern natives. Their hairiness has been much exaggerated. The hairiest among them has only a beard to the breast, and a long mustache; he also has hair on his shoulders and down the upper arm; a strong line of hair down the middle of his breast and much on his legs.
The Aino women have a peculiar custom of tattooing their lips with a tattoo mark exactly like a huge moustache. This at tempt at aping natural masculine adornment is abandoned when the Aino belle catches a husband. The tattooing is often done on the backs of the hands and forearms, in the shape of large cross marks, always, however, before marriage. The men are not tattooed at all.
The houses of the Ainos are really huts, sometimes quite large, made of reeds fixed upon a framework of poles tied together. There are bunks for sleeping and a fireplace. The smoke escapes by a hole in the roof, but at one village chimneys were seen. These are a rarity, even among the Japanese.
As the Ainos live mainly by hunting and fishing, they are generally gathered in villages near the seashore. The vast interior wilderness of Yesso is but sparsely inhabited. They fish for salmon, herring and sardines, but do not hunt the whale, respecting it because it feeds on the herring, and therefore drives shoals of the latter fish into shallow water near land, where they can be easily caught by the Ainos. The Ainos do not cultivate the ground. The forest is their garden, and yields them not only meat, but vegetables; a kind of wild lily root, slightly bitter and mealy, makes a very good substitute for potatoes. They gather burdock roots and one or two other delicacies.
The chief weapons are the bow and arrow, a large cleaver and a small knife.
The dress of the Ainos is somewhat like that of the Japanese, though the sleeves are of somewhat scantier proportions. This tunic is held at the waist by a narrow girdle, from which hangs the sheathed cleaver, a knife and a wooden tobacco box and pipe. The feet are shod with a sandal made from the inner bark of a tree. As the snows are very heavy in Yesso, the inhabitants wear snowshoes
when necessary. Their garments are made of fibre from the inner bark of the ohiyo tree; it is taken off in strips twenty or thirty feet in length.
The Aino men have a curious implement known as a moustache lifter. It consists of a flat piece of tastefully carved wood, resembling a paper cutter. It is used to raise the moustache while drinking.
The Ainos are not an inactive or lazy race. They hunt for large fish in the streams, throwing stones in the water to make the fish move about; others on the lookout, often up to their middle in the water, spear or hook the fish in the side with a hook tied to the end of a long pole.
They are fond of music, and on their march through the wilderness produce with some kind of pipe very melodious flute-like notes. At home they have stringed musical instruments of three, five and six strings; the strings are made of the sinews of dead whales that have been cast up on the shore. Their most singular musical instrument is a sort of jews harp made of bamboo; the tongue of wood is set in motion by the vibration of the breath in singing. Singing is also a favorable amusement.
Their favorite indulgence is getting drunk on Japanese rice beer, or with inferior drinks of their own brewing.
The Ainos have been called stupid, but are rather uncultivated from living so remote and scattered in the wilderness. The Japanese government has undertaken the proper schooling of the children, with
every indication of a satisfactory result.
* "
‘Underground cities’: Game-changing study ‘rewrites history’ of Cambodia’s ancient Angkor Wat" (2016-06-14, []:
Laser technologies have uncovered a vast network of hidden cities surrounding Cambodia’s famous Angkor Wat temples that reveals the Khmer empire could have been the largest in the world at its time.
Australian archaeologist Damian Evans’ findings, which are due to be published in the Journal of Archaeological Science on Monday, detail the scale of the discovery surrounding the temples of Angkor Wat, the largest religious monument in the world.
Cutting-edge laser technology, known as Lidar, which is fired from a helicopter into the ground, penetrating through forests, was used to produce detailed imagery of the Earth’s surface. It revealed a network of ancient cities between 900 and 1,400 years old, with some as big as Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh, according to The Guardian.
The data, captured in 2015, suggests the Khmer empire would have been the largest in the world during the 12 century.
Evans first carried out a light detection and ranging study in 2012, and the project received funding from the European Research Council as a result.
The 2012 study revealed connections between Angkor Wat and other temple cities like Koh Ker. It also confirmed the presence of Mahendraparvata, a city beneath Mount Kulen, and the more recent survey revealed the scale of that city.
Water systems were also discovered, which shows the technology was used hundreds of years earlier than previously believed.
David Chandler, emeritus professor at Monash University in Melbourne and one of the leading experts on Cambodian history, described the findings as “game-changing,” saying it had succeeded in “putting hundreds of nameless, ordinary, Khmer-speaking people back into Cambodia’s past.”
The new discovery also debunks a previously held theory that suggested the Khmer had fled from the area when the Thais invaded in the 15th Century. “That didn’t happen, there are no cities [revealed by the aerial survey] that they fled to. It calls into question the whole notion of an Angkorian collapse,” Evans said.
South-East Asia’s leading archaeologist, Charles Higham, a professor at Dunedin’s University of Otago in New Zealand, summed up the discovery, “Personally, it is wonderful to be alive as these new discoveries are being made. Emotionally, I am stunned. Intellectually, I am stimulated.”
Although the collected data will take years to fully analyze, the discovery is sure to reveal more about the Khmer empire and provide a boost to Cambodian tourism. Angkor Wat is Cambodia’s main tourist attraction, but the vast archaeological park located in Siem Reap has experienced a stagnation in ticket sales in 2016, the Phnom Penh Post reports.
* "
A Cross-Section of Results from the 2015 Lidar Campaign" (2016-05-31, []. Image caption: Shaded relief map of the terrain around the central monuments of Sambor Prei Kuk
